Torturing a Maknae


In which Yesung holds a dongsaengs hands and contemplates the strenght of his arms and Kangin wonders if he did enough to kill a certain snarky maknae.


Its 46. Like seriously.

Obviously this is about the 2woon handholding incident. A drabble. Only 7,600.

Its completed. I will post it if I think people want to read it. 

What am I doing with my life really?


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401 streak #1
Chapter 1: I was expecting 2woon, but then it's kyusung (well I love kyusung too LOL) great job author-nim!
Chapter 1: Wowwww this new POV is refreshing! I like Youngwoon's voice/POV.. It is so chill and cool. And funny too! I like the characterization. This is the first like fic of yours starring Kangin right (except that with YeMin storyline when the younger told Yeye about he having love for another guy too, but a hopeless one --- oh I defffffinitely saw what you did there *winkwink*)

I hope you can do more of these. You know, POV of people around KyuSung. Heechul would be the best choice though because he has seemingly playful and intereting thoughts and plain crazy! Plus I like Chullie being overprotective (in a subtle way?) over his only AB-line brother in the group
Chapter 1: "He's not my boyfriend!"..Mmmm Me thinks thou protests to much ^_^. I loved this story. The fact that it revolved around Kyu killing Kangin (or Yesung) for holding his hand is just hilarious, because it's so true XD. I love how Kyuhyun makes holding hands such an intimate act that only he's allowed to do with Yesung. Gosh their all immature children, but I love them for it <3. And this case Yesung physically looks like a child, cause that pink hair is just to cute. Very well written, so props to you!
p.s Great gif > : )
awwww sweet 2woon. I missed Kangin so much when he was in the army, but now he's back so is teuk and heechul, Yesung will be back in 7-8 months now :) Love the interaction between Yesung and Kangin. Kyuhyun being his possessive self. :D
ice420 #5
OMG that was fun. Sweet 2Woon. Well, Yeye is really really cute with his pink hair. He hasn't had any shows so I don't have any visual on how the pink would look once the coordi noonas styled it but as far as MoBit appearances goes, Pinky Yeye is cute and adorable. Like a KID!! and I thought he didn't like lookin young for his age o.o Oh well..

This was soo much fun. Kangin teasing Kyu was cute. Now Heechul can have a partner in torturing Kyu. At least they aren't as scared of him as EunHae *lol*

I want to squish his cheeks too!!! Sooo cute!!
fishyyy #6
Chapter 1: p.s. forgot to say please keep posting! also, i got into college today so an update would make everything even more fabulous :) i did this dance when i found out lol~
rhenny #7
Naz!!!! do you know that the world was crumbling when I saw that pic of Yesung and Kangin? I was almost brokenhearted! (and my friend told me that I should be threatened by 2Woon, she loves seeing me suffer!)

then I read this! :") thank you so much! I'm about to give up writing fics this holidays but seeing this really changed my mind :DD
thank you for the update!
I love you Naz!
off to write KyuSung^^

btw! this is the reason for the sudden I love you tweet in twitter XD
your story is amazing as always ;;~;;

of course we want more. hell, we always want more if it's you. lol
i hope you know that you have soooo many admires.......and stalker xD
they are just shy or don't have an account to give comment. like me, i just make this acc ^^;;

i hope you'll always write *and post it ofc* #kicked
your stories are one of my biggest kyusung's happiness. lol
fighting ^^