Saranghamnida (Songfic)


Have you ever been so deeply in love with someone? And because of one or another reason, you just can't be together with that person you love so much. It hurts, that's true. But sometimes, to love is also means to sacrifice, right?


When the evening comes and the silence surrounding me, I always say a little prayer. Praying that someday, you will open your heart for me and realize just how much I love you. I will never give up because I believe that one day, it will happen and I never lose my faith in you, Lee Sungmin.




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rizzorin #1
Chapter 1: love this~ heheeh~
loveSungmin #2
Chapter 1: omg i want a sequel
mitralisa #3
Chapter 1: I wish , i was sungmin . . . Thank u 4 sharing
bonchan #4
Chapter 1: Ahhh so sad TT__TT. Please make a sequel for this