Simple Unexpectancies

Phoenix Writing Request Shop


Main Characters: Jaejoong and Yunho

Song: Secret - I Want You Back

Author's Note: Hello dear readers! So, I've finally received a few requests here and there. A few are from my sisters and their friends, but I'm alright with that. A request is a request. Anyways, when I got on earlier today, I saw that I finally received subscribers and a couple of requests. I was so excited that I set to work right away. Although I had this one planned beforehand, I will do my best to get the next one up and ready for you to read. I'm pretty excited for the next one. Anyways, enjoy this YunJae short one shot. I rarely write such short stories. Actually, this is the first time I've written just a single page for any story at all. Normally, my stories stretch out to be ten pages long in my notebook before I type it up. *shakes head* Well, I hope I don't disappoint yet again. I got some good feedback from a couple of people, so I hope that I can get more feedback. Good luck reading and I hope that all is going well for you~ Take care my lovely readers! I love youuuu~ ^_____^

Ah, and I apologize in advance if the song doesn't fit the story. I decided the plot before I found the song >< Oops my bad. But that won't happen often! I promise you that :)





                In the past, Christmas time was always a time of joy. Carolers would bring about the holiday spirit as their songs filled the air for everyone to hear, lights around town and the large Christmas tree in the middle of the city’s major market would create a homey feeling in the base of most citizens’ hearts. But with the disappearance of the one man that lit up my entire world no matter what time of the year it was, such a time became the worst time of the year for me.  The one occasion where I agreed to wait for him, he disappeared before my eyes.

                A year and a month ago, the one I loved so dearly left on a plane for a month long excursion to different countries surrounding our own for work. He promised that he would be back just in time for Christmas, but he never returned. For days, I waited for him. A month passed and I fell into a state of being where I hid away from the world and never went a moment without being sober. I just couldn’t handle the thought of surviving without him. To me, he was the air I breathed, the world and everything in it. Due to the fact that I felt like I couldn’t survive without him, I decided to try and find him.

                After searching as long as I possibly could, Christmas was nearing and the amount of time he was gone had stretched far too long. If he wasn’t going to come back to me, then I would leave and try my best to learn how to live on my own. For weeks, I planned and packed. On this night—Christmas Eve—I was finally leaving the apartment which the two of us shared together ever since the beginning of our relationship. I was going to leave behind the memories we created together—the memories that cause me so much pain as they ruthlessly replay over and over in my mind. All I wanted was to take a step forward with my own life and not look back on such heartache.

                A tear slipping down my cheek, I let my eyes scan the empty apartment one last time. All of the boxes had already been moved out and scattered around a much smaller studio closer to the middle of Seoul. The only objects left in the apartment were the things that I couldn’t bear to touch in the duration of time he was gone—they belonged to him. Heart twisting painfully, I turned away and shut the door behind me, only to stop at the skin chilling click that indicated the finality of it all. Tears slipping down my cheeks, I clutched the keys that belonged to a place that I didn’t own any longer. Not daring to pocket them just yet, I stepped onto the elevator to begin my journey alone.

               The moment the elevator doors opened, I clanked up and linked eyes with the one person I never expected to see. The long, chiseled face caused my heart to flutter and my knees grew weak as I surveyed the perfectly slanted, half circle eyes, prominent nose, and luscious lips that were slightly tilted up at the ends.

                “Yunho,” I breathed. The pain that had been building up bit by bit as my heart was realizing that he was truly gone was finally released from my numbed heart and my heart broke in front of the man I missed for so long.

                “Merry Christmas Jaejoong-ah,” he whispered before taking his strong arms and pulling me into a hug that I had longed for. And at that moment, I realized that his appearance wasn’t a dream, a hallucination, or any of the sorts. He really was back.

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Train_girl #1
Chapter 1: Username-train_girl
Pairing- luhan & kang lina(oc)
Song- I really dont know any song going well with the plot. Really sorry!! I really hope u will still write my request!
Extra-about luhan being a bully & lina a quite girl & love blossoms.a happy ending.
May I ask where is the application form? ^ ^
1ll1ll9oo #3
Chapter 9: I don't think its bad :)

Seems more like a scene from a drama instead of a fanfic, but I don't know if it's for better or for worse.
Chapter 9: GO stand in a corner! Your was not horrible!! Shame on you for doubting yourself D:<
Chapter 8: Milly I love our boys sooooooo much!!!They are such dorks. OH SooJin why do you encourage Jinwoo? CheolKyoung you are also no help.
1ll1ll9oo #6
Chapter 7: Awww cute lol
Sweetness :3
Chapter 6: Ahhh, I loved it! You did a great job, Emmy! I thought it would be longer, but thats okay! I'm not complaining! I really really liked it! Good job! :)
Chapter 5: I really like Deceiving Eyes one-shot. OuO
It's really mysterious and it makes my mind went wild. You wrote it veeeeery well! Fei and Onew are both abusive i guess. OuO
I really love it! <3
greenarbovirus #9
Chapter 1: Username:greenarbovirus
Pairing:jia miss a & jinyoung b1a4
Main Char: jia miss a, jinyoung b1a4
Song: miss A or b1a4
Genre: Romantic (rated M)
Extra Details: Similar to their idols life. It's up to you if you have better idea.don't really mind