A Mad World


Chan Yeol wanted to care and Baek Hyun was lost in the dark and Kai just wanted to be selfish for once. 


Title: A Mad World

Pairing: BaekYeol, KrisYeol, KaiBaek

Rating: NC-17 (Only for language, suggestions)

Length: 8969 Words (1/1)

Genre: Romance, Drama, verymild Angst

Note (22/7/2014): I wrote this 2 years ago and I didn't like the way I portrayed the characters in here. So I made major changes. edited almost all of the part, the construction of words especially, with my humble grammatical knowledge, and made this into something decent. I've realised that I made a certain character *cough*baekhyun*cough* here seemed to be too meek, which is something that I nowadays hate so much in any stories, series or movies and blegh and I hated it very much. What was I thinking...... TT~TT

This is for a self-satisfactory thingy actually, so anyways. To all of the old subscribers, you guys are welcomed to read this again if you wished so XD




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Chapter 2: I've actually been reading a really long fic, but in the middle I had a need for something different so I binge read all your fics that I've already read before and now found some that I haven't yet. And omg what is this?? I definitely wasn't expecting that!! This is full on angst wow! Baekhyun's letter in the end broke my heart :((( I seriously didn't expect this kind of outcome and "I'm not mad, I'm just sad" :(((
I love this so much, such a good story, perfectly written and portrayed. There's just something about your stories and the way you write, it's just so good. And fml I love Baekhyun's character, he's so strong, I wish things would turn out differently TT
Thank you so much for writing this and pulling on my heartstrings :') I loved it ❤❤❤
Mad_jk #2
Chapter 2: Fck it, you deceived me :(
You said it is very mild angst, but it is a fckng angst
Its so sad, i cried over this,
Dont lose the point tho, i love this story
Jaeheee #3
Chapter 2: Will you ever write a sequel or idk a little something? Would like to see Chanyeols reaction! This was just too good!
Chapter 2: This made me sad. I wish there's a part where we can see how Chanyeol took the news of Baek's demise. Thank you for this :)
Chapter 2: I'm crying..
Chapter 2: Why is this so beautiful!!???? NOOO!! MY HEARTT
T________________________T You deserve a big hug from me. Come here!!!
thereason #7
Chapter 2: I've reread this for a few times and you never failed to make me teared up. :'(
I'm mad cause Chanyeol didn't take Baekhyun seriously when he drunkenly told him he was dying, and all the forgotten habits and ugh the dying relationship. Also... the same bruise on his hand... turning from yellow to black... why did he never noticed that it was the same one? :((
I really wish that Baekhyun met Kai sooner... and oh by the way, what is Kai? I know you described him as the watcher, but the way he talked about human, it's like he is not one?

Ahhh and thank you for adding the letter (although it makes me sad too) ;;;; this story means a lot to me. This is like the first baekyeol story I read on tumblr and I've been your fan since.. :)
Chapter 2: Oh my god...why are you doing this to me?...*sniff*
Chapter 2: I knew it was gonna end this way, but I'm prolly a bit of a maso myself so I just kept reading and felt the tears afterwards. That letter tho, wow... That showed how big-hearted Baekhyun is. And you, chanyeol! Fu chanyeollie fu!!!!!! I wish you wrote an epilogue on how much of a mess channie was when he read that letter from baek and realised what a he actually was. Grah. Even I noticed from the way you described baek to be weak and easily bruised and all that, that there must be something wrong with him, that he must be sick or so... How could you not notice huh!!