An Umma away from home?

A Double Duo with Double Lives

Minho kept running until he was certain they were in the clear. There were less people on these streets as most of them were still at market. 

He turned, somewhat nervously to the boy he had never gotten the name of and blushed involuntarily at the memory the boys lips... 
It wasn't that he'd never kissed someone before but it was the feeling that had come with it; a nervousness that was still making him shaky. 
"Are you alright?"
The boy looked dazed, understandably... 
"Y-yes... um..."
"Sorry..." Minho said quickly. "About back there... I was... I..." Minho mentally hit himself... he wasn't making any sense. "I thought it was better if...." Minho sighed in defeat and the boy giggled. 
Minho's eyes snapped up at the sound and blushed. 
"Sorry..." he said again. "I wanted to turn you into someone the noble wasn't looking for... and the first thing I thought of was a girl..."
Taemin couldn't help but giggle at the awkwardness of the other. In retrospect he understood why the boy had... taken that course of action... even if it had been a bit extreme. 
"It's okay..." Taemin was still a bit jittery from the kiss but he put it down to the kiss being completely unexpected. 
"I'm Minho" the other said with a smile. He'd obviously calmed down now, holding out the hand which he had previously been holding. 
"Ta- Tom" Taemin blurted out thinking it best not to give his actual name, taking Minho's hand nervously. 
He could tell the older boy was suspicious by the way his eyes narrowed into a soft frown but thankfully he said nothing about it. 
"Okay... Tom... Where are you headed?"
Taemin frown at this and decided to tell him something close to the truth. "I'm just exploring, so nowhere really... until I have to go home..."
Minho smiled at this. "Well if you want-"
Another boy came round the corner, Taemin recognized him as the other egg seller. 
"Hey I was wondering where you'd run off to..."
"So who's the new friend?" he asked with a smile that Taemin couldn't help but return. 
"Tom" Minho answered and Taemin shook his hand.
"Nice to meet you" Taemin said with a smile. He felt really comfortable with these boys. So much more than when he was with noble's children. These two seemed genuinely happy, not only in meeting him but in general. 
"You too. My name's Jinki but everyone calls me Onew" He said happily before turning to Minho. "We heading home?"
Onew looked to the the basket still full of eggs and grimaced. 
Taemin mistook this for a look of disappointment and panicked. "I'm sorry" he said in a rush "If it weren't for me you could have sold more eggs..." he knew that these people didn't make much money and he'd just sabotaged their opportunity to make any. 
"It's okay" Onew chuckled. Little did Taemin know Onew was just dreading what Key would say when they got home... Uh... he could hear him already.
Taemin still wasn't certain but the carefree attitude of the other two calmed him a bit... a little bit.
"We may as well head home, in case there's people still snooping around, besides we got what we came for" Minho said with a shrug.
Taemin raised an eyebrow at the sentence but said nothing. 
"Okay then" Onew said with a matching shrug. "Tom, you wanna come with us?" It took a moment for Taemin to realize that Onew was talking to him.
"I-I don't want to intrude..." out of the corner of his eye he could see Minho looking at him suspiciously again but ignored it. 
`"Don't be silly... besides, Key will probably die when he sees you" Onew said with a chuckle. Minho laughed in agreement and Taemin just frowned completely clueless at to what the others meant.
"Yeah, you wont be intruding at all. Besides I don't see how your presence in the house could make it any more chaotic than it already is..."
"Okay then..." Taemin said with a smile.
Taemin was quite unsure as to what was going on...
Minho, Onew and himself had entered the small house...
And then the screaming had started...
"What are you two doing home!?"
"We were-"
"Why are there so many eggs left?!"
"What are we going to doing with so many eggs left over!?"
"I should have gone myself!"
Taemin had decided to stay hidden behind the two boys. 
"I bet you didn't even find out anything either!"
"KEY!" Minho yelled. Key's eyes narrowed and any other time Minho would be terrified of the death glare Key was giving him, rightly so, but he gave Key a pointed look that clearly said "shut up" and gestured behind him. 
The next thing Taemin knew he was being squeezed ridiculously tight and someone was squealing.
Yep... Taemin had no idea what was going on. 
"You're so cute-" Key whined. 
Minho and Onew took this opportunity to actually enter the house. 
"...and you're so skinny..." immediately Key began fussing over the poor boy. "You should eat something" he said quickly before dragging Taemin to the table. 
"Um... I'm okay... I mean I'm not hungry" Taemin said quickly. 
"Nonsense" Key said batting his hand like he was swatting away the very notion of Taemin not eating. "You should never deny offered food. So what's you're name sweetie?"
Sweetie? What was is this guy? 
"Tom..." Taemin said slowly. 
"We're eating?" Taemin heard from the other side of the room. The voice came from a fourth person he hadn't noticed was there. 
"Why are you eating anything Dino?" Key was now holding a wooden spoon. 
"Aw but he's eating" the other said pointing at Taemin which earned him a hit. "Ow! What was that for?" He yelled. 
"It's rude to point!"
"What are you, my mother?!" Taemin was thinking something similar. 
"Lord knows you need one" Key huffed. He rounded on Minho and Onew again who were also at the table. "And why are you two home!?"
"We were helping out Tom" Onew said with a shrug. 
Minho sighed. "He pick pocketed from a noble and when the noble figured out we helped him escape" Minho said off handedly ignoring the way Taemin began to panic. 
"Sorry. I didn't mean..." Taemin tried to say in a rush. 
"Don't worry about it Tom" Key said with a soft smile. "It's not your fault. You two were there for hours!" he said brandishing the wooden spoon at the two. "You should have sold more..."
"Key calm down!" The "Dino" boy said from across the room. 
"Don't you tell me to calm down! What are we gonna do come Friday!?"
Taemin began to feel guilty. 
"It'll be fine. We got what we needed" Onew told the overactive boy. 
Key seemed to instantly calm down and that confused Taemin. This was the third time they had mentioned that Minho and Onew had gone to market with ulterior motives other than selling eggs... Taemin was lost... but he brushed it aside. Whatever they went to market for, wasn't anything to do with Taemin and it wasn't his place to pry.
"Do you want this?" he perked up handing out the purse to Key, seeing as they hadn't sold many eggs and Taemin hadn't gotten round to buying anything, the money would go to better use in their hands, it would go to waste if Taemin kept it, . 
"What's that?"
"It's the purse he stole off the noble" Onew told Key and he immediately shook his head.
"I cant take that after you worked so hard to get it" Key said with a smile. "Keep it. Besides we all need all the money we can get."
"But I don't need the money" Taemin blurted out without thinking and he immediately felt the entire room stare at him. 
"Why did you steal it then?" Minho asked after a moment of silence. 
"I... The noble was annoying me..." Taemin said softly. "I was going to distribute the money throughout the sellers but then the nobles came back..." he said with his head down. He'd not been out of the castle even a day and he was already failing at concealing who he was. He didn't need the money...? No peasant would say that... especially here. 
The eyes in the room seemed to have several silent conversations. 
"But surely you'd be better off with the money?" All of them watched Taemin as he tried to fabricate something to say. The fact that he was hiding something was so obvious to the four but they said nothing. 
"Would you feel better if we just took the money?" Key said softly. Taemin looked up at Key with relief in his eyes before nodding. "Okay then" he said with a gentle smile extending his hand which Taemin placed the leather purse in. 
"Does mean we don't have to work this week?" 
The boy Taemin hadn't gotten the name of received another hit from Key. "What did I say?!" he whined and Key ignored him. 
Taemin smiled. Minho had been right when he said the house was chaotic. 
"Right, I was gonna make food for Tom" Key said with his hands on his hips...
After a lot of arguing Key had ended up making food for all of them, which included quite a few boiled eggs. Well if they weren't going to sell he wasn't going to let them go to waste. They were all currently around the small table eating and laughing. 
Taemin felt so unbelievably happy. Meals were never this lively back at the castle nor did he feel this relaxed. 
The previous tension from Taemin trying to hand over the purse seemed to evaporate instantly once the money had been handed over. In the moment he could feel the four pairs of eyes as they bore into him but once the matter had been settled, the serious air disappeared, much to Taemin's relief. Even Taemin could tell how suspicious he had come across so he couldn't blame them, but he was grateful it wasn't mentioned again.
"So Tom, where do you live?" Taemin had learned that the "Dino" boy was called Jonghyun. 
"Yah! Don't talk with your mouth full!" Jonghyun ignored Key. 
"My family works in the castle..." Taemin said slowly watching the surprised faces around the table. "I live in the servant quarters..." he continued. 
"Well no wonder you didn't need the money" Jonghyun chuckled... Key hit him again. 
Ignoring the bickering of Key and Jonghyun Minho turned to Taemin. "So why are you out of the castle?" Minho said with a frown. "I heard Alec really overworks his staff..."
Taemin frowned as well. "He does..." there was a hint of sadness in Taemin's voice. He really did dislike the way the servants were treated. "The noble I look after is away so I have a few days off" he lied. 
He could tell Minho didn't truly believe him but thankfully he didn't question him any further. 
As soon as they were finished eating Onew, Minho and Jonghyun stood up in sync and started cleaning the table. "Trained them well haven't I?" Key asked smugly and Taemin laughed, nodding. Within minutes the table was cleared and Key pointed at Minho. 
"Take him home before it gets dark" Key ordered. Minho shrugged but otherwise didn't complain. 
Taemin on the other hand looked to the window, his jaw slacking when he realized the sky was stained pink. How long had he been gone? Better yet, how was he going to explain where he'd been?
"Aw! He's leaving already!" Jonghyun whined making Taemin blush, had he made that much of an impression? 
"Make sure to come back!" Onew added with a laugh. 
Key quickly wrapped Taemin in a hug, squeezing him tightly. "Don't be a stranger" he said softly before pulling back with a smile. 
"I wont" Taemin said with a smile. He couldn't remember the last time he had been hugged, or been in such a comfortable atmosphere, he didn't really want to leave. Reluctantly Taemin moved over to the door where Minho was waiting and waved at the occupants who smiled and waved back. 
"Bye" he called as he left feeling on high spirits. 
"You come into town often?"
"No... I'm usually stuck in the castle... It's rather boring" Taemin said with a smile. He was on such a high it was taking all his restraint not to skip down the street. Despite his minor scare in the square today had been the best day he'd had ever since he'd come here. 
Their speed was slow, unrushed. It wasn't like Taemin was in any rush to get back despite the hour and the pace gave him time to look around the town again. "It must be nice inside though?"
"It is at first... but then it just becomes dull..." Taemin said with a soft sigh. There was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "Is Key... always so..." he struggled to find the right word... motherly? over the top? flamboyant...?
"Oh yes" Minho laughed making Taemin smile. "He means well but he's annoying sometimes... and those hits can be painful..."
Taemin chuckled but became quiet after a moment "Are you all... related?"
Minho chuckled again. "No, we just live together."
"But where are your parents?" There was another moment of silence before Minho spoke. 
"They're dead..." he said softly. Taemin felt his stomach drop.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you..."
"It's okay. We were all on the streets when we met. Key and Jonghyun already knew each other, but we were all orphans with no where to go so we saved up some money to live together... I guess you can say we became a family" Minho said with a fond smile. 
"I'm sorry..." Taemin said again and Minho put a hand on his shoulder. The two of the them looked at each other for a moment, Minho smiling softly at the other. 
"Don't be. We're happy enough. Sure sometimes it's hard, but we're together. We support each other."
Taemin watched the other, feeling his cheeks heat up. Minho was smiling, so genuinely happy and sincere. He couldn't imagine anyone ever wanting to hurt him. He was so gentle. The way he spoke, the way he smiled, the way he had kis... 
Taemin dropped his head as he felt his cheeks flared but looked up again. "I lost my mother as well" he said as they walked, the streets getting darker. "My sister really helped me through that, and my dad... So I guess I can relate a little" a sad smile gracing his lips. He had never expected the village to be in a state like this. Of course all towns had their thieves, orphans and the starving... but nothing like this... Taemin had never even heard of a town such as this outside of cases of blight and famine... all the townsfolk were suffering and try as he might, Taemin couldn't help but feel the stabs of sympathy in his chest as they passed by the many homeless on the way back to the castle.
Minho continued to smile as they walked in comfortable silence, the day had been surprisingly more pleasant then he had anticipated. There might be a few secrets behind their new friend but that just made him intriguing.
Soon they began to turn out of the town so they could go up the path to the castle. 
"Wait!" Taemin half yelled making Minho jump. "I... You don't have to go with me any further. I mean, I'll be fine from here." He couldn't go through the usual entrances to the castle. He had to get back to the secret entrance, but that meant leaving Minho and heading into the forest. 
"Are you sure?" Minho asked with a raised eyebrow I don't mind. 
"Yeah. I don't want you getting back late" Taemin said with smile, he would have like to stick with Minho a little longer to be honest but it wasn't like he could never see him again. Well, at least he hoped he would see the boy again. 
"Okay then" Minho wrapped his arms around Taemin and pulled the shorter to his chest. "Take care and stay out of trouble. Don't go nicking purses when we're not around" he said with a deep chuckle. Taemin's cheeks flared again but he hugged the other back soaking up the warmth of Minho's chest. 
"I wont" His smile was so happy and innocent Minho couldn't help but grin back, moving away from the other. 
"Key's right you know. You can come back any time."
"I'll take you up on it" Taemin said happily and started up the path. "See you soon" Taemin waved to the other as Minho also started to head back. 
Minho smiled and waved back before sticking his hands in his pockets and walking back the way they'd come. 
When Taemin had walked a little further he turned around he scanned the area for people and when he was sure he was alone he left the path and lightly ran for the trees that surrounded the base of the cliff. 
Unbeknownst to him, Minho hadn't actually left yet and watched Taemin head off with an amused face, hidden behind a large tree a bit off the path. Yep, Minho was defiantly interested in this boy. He stuck his hands back into his pockets as Taemin disappeared between the trees and began to head home. 
"Tell me where you were!?" Alec's face was purple and was shaking with anger. It seemed he wasn't happy that his "spies" had completely lost track of him .
"I told you. I was wandering around the castle."
"But no one has seen you" He was trying so hard to keep the fact that he was having Taemin tailed hidden but he wasn't doing a good job. Alec hadn't even bothered to play the concerned guardian card. 
"Well, I didn't want to be seen". Taemin had managed to make it back easily enough. He'd gotten changed, hair up and glasses in place and he was quickly found by Alec's guards as he headed through the castle. 
Dee Dee was watching them quietly as Alec got more and more angry. She knew her brother wouldn't tell Alec anything more but she was also curious as to where her brother had been. 
"Send my dinner up to my room" Taemin half growled before walking out. Alec always made him so angry and seeing the town today just increased his hatred for him. He was severely mistreating the people he was meant to be looking after. Anything Taemin could do to help people, Taemin was willing to do.
Taemin turned around to see Dee Dee running up to him. "I don't care where you were today, but were you okay, safe I mean..."
Taemin smiled at her. "Sorry I made you worry, but I was fine. I was having fun actually."
Dee Dee smiled at him before balling up her fist and hitting him a top the head. "What was that for?"
"Making me worry, and leaving me with Simon!"
"I already said sorry" Taemin complained rubbing his head. 
"I know..." Dee Dee said softly, lowering her voice. "Are you planning to disappear again?"
"... Yes..." 
"Okay then... enjoy your dinner" she said with a smile and pecked his cheek lightly before heading to her room. 
When he reached his own room, Tom, the real one, was there with his dinner. 
"Good evening Sir" 
Taemin just looked at him and Tom's shoulder's relaxed as he sighed. 
"Good. Have you already eaten dinner?"
Tom shook his head. "Even better. Have mine..."
Minho could already hear the bickering before he got in the door. 
"But why isn't Onew helping!?"
"Because he helped me earlier"
"But I don't want to dry everything!"
"Be happy I'm not making you wash them!"
"Onew help!"
"Leave Onew out of this!"
"Yeah leave me alone."
"You stay out of it!"
"But he...."
Minho shook his head, a fond smile on his lips and walked in, the bickering dying down a bit... before it started again. 
"Minho can help!" Key hit Jonghyun on the head and went back to cleaning.
"Hey" Onew greeted him as he sat down. "Tom get back alright?" 
"No problems?" Key asked from across the room. 
Minho shook his head. "I don't think his name is Tom though..."
"Really, why?" Jonghyun was still drying albeit slowly. 
"Well when I first asked his name, he stumbled over it..."
"Yeah and when I called him by it earlier, he didn't react straight away... like he'd forgotten that was meant to be his name..." Onew injected. 
"Well there's defiantly something he wasn't telling us today..." Key said slowly. 
"Like where he lives..." Minho said softly, eyes wandering to no where in particular. It was only when he realized everyone was staring at him confused that he continued. "Well he asked me not to go with him all the way to the castle. Then when he thought I was gone, he ran off into the forest..."
Everyone seemed lost in thought. "You know..." said Jonghyun slowly. "I don't think he's from a serving family either... His hair was too well kept and perfectly clean... it was almost like his clothes weren't his..."
"What are you saying?" Key's eyes narrowed slightly.
"I think he's a noble... No one really denies money... think about it... the castle staff cant be that well off they would just deny money."
"But why would a noble be running around dressed as a peasant boy?" Onew asked from across the room. 
"Well I wouldn't want to be associated with the nobles of the area" Minho said with a sigh. 
"If he is a noble he's nothing like them" Key said crossing his arms. "He's too nice..." there was silence agreement around the room until Key sighed. 
"He's probably got his own reasons for hiding whatever it is he's hiding.... Did you two find out anything today or what..?"
I had fun writing this chapter. 
Also fair warning... this story will probably be teeming with historical inaccuracies (like the fact Key calls Jonghyun "Dino" when they would have had no clue what a dinosaur was at the time) so I'm just going to ignore them....
Also I'm going to ignore the fact that I've randomly plopped Koreans in England... but oh well...
Let me know what you think ^^
To my subscribers (and I know there's not many) thanks for supporting me ^^ you make me want to write o(^0^)o
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Thank you for all the support after my last update, hope you enjoy this new chapter, the next one isn't too far off


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Chapter 17: This is soooo good! It's only been five years, I'm sure it will be finished!!! *sits in corner and sobs*
Chapter 7: "Where's Flame?"
"I think you'll find you're still clinging to him."

I've started reading and I can't stop!!!
merdpire #3
Chapter 17: The story is so interesting so far! I hope you continuing writing this story one day!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 3: I have a feeling that Taemin may not get away as cleanly as he thought he would...
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 2: Secret tunnel! I feel like an outlaw rendezvous is about to happen!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 1: Dee Dee needs to hit the road - but I definitely like the start!!
Chapter 19: I really hope you can continue this story... as for jonghyun, i always feel that by including him in fanfics is somehow a way of us remembering him and keeping his memories alive...
Cheese-kun #8
Chapter 19: Omg yes please continue this story it’s soooo good
Chapter 3: This is actually my first Shinee fic, I'm glad there's so many chapters to this so I won't have to wait lol.
Cheese-kun #10
Chapter 16: I love this story so much! I've read it like 4 times o(^▽^)o