Talking To The Moon

The Lonely
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(A.n: All Photos Credits to Owners!)

People said that love can be beautiful yet it can also be painful, so painful that you wished it does not exist

Author's POV

After their firsf meeting, Amber and Ailee got closer. They send each other messages everyday, trying to console each others feelings because they're enduring the same pain through a harsh breakup they had. Amber started to open up a little bit more to Ailee, so does Ailee. It didn't goes unnoticed from the older Liu. Amber already start working at the Liu company with Jackie currently becoming her mentor, basically to catch up with everything and to help her to adjust with the whole situation. Amber parents already informed about the decision of Amber to be featured in Ailee's upcoming album and their parents gladly accept the news, they even offered if Amber is more interested in music, she can expand her career there although they asked her to still take architecture as her main career, but their parents never forbid either Jackie or Amber to explore themselves, trying new things as long as it is not life threatening or anything that involves crime or drugs. Amber just said she will always put that thought in her consideration but for now, she want to focus on preparing herself to inherit the gigantic company along with Jackie. Amber and Jackie are using the same car to go to the office, along with BoA and Nicole. "So let me listen to the new song, I'm curious." Jackie said as she put her phone down, not wanting to see the 30 unread emails notification on her phone for a while and just want to relaxed for a bit. Amber shuffling her phone and turn on her bluetooth to connect with the car's audio, she pressed the play button and they all turned into silent, enjoying the song and here comes Amber's part. BoA and Jackie's eyes widened to hear Amber's rap that is unexpectedly great. As the song comes to an end, Jackie and BoA claps their hands in excitement. "You really have to consider to expand your career in music industry Amber. You're good at it! This is going to be great! I can't wait till this song to be released and see you singing it live with Ailee. Her voice is also amazing! Anyways, any particular thing happened when you wrote the lyrics for yourself?" Jackie asked while smiling widely

"Well I basically wrote what I want to say to Krystal. So yeah, you have heard everything. I'm trying to move forward, Ailee too. She wrote that song based on her life experience. Two broken vase trying to fix themselves through a song." Amber let out a small chuckles as she changed the song into something else that is more soothing and cafe like to accompany them to go to the office. "Well I am glad to know that. Anyways, what do you think about Ailee? Aside from her amazing voice and appearance." Jackie asked, trying to dig information from her sister as she got curious about her sister's feelings."She is good. We can easily connected, she can understand my jokes and I can understand hers. She is funny and a fun person to talk with. She can also still be professional when it comes to work. It's amazing to really know her in person. I'm quite impressed with that." Amber explain in her professional tone. "Do you, maybe interested in her that way?" Jackie asked straight forwardly, earning a laughter from her sister.

"Not yet that far I guess. I don't even know if she swings both ways or just plainly straight like you or she is gay. For now, I'm just admiring her, more to professionally. But I guess I'm also happy to have her as one of my friend because she is a fun person to be friends with. Will just enjoy the flow for now" Amber said as she put her phone back inside her pocket. Jackie nodded in understanding and will not push Amber too hard or too fast on this matter because she is very sensitive about it so Jackie changed the topic back to work. They discussed a lot of things related to work, Jackie is updating Amber basically as much as she can that is related to the company so Amber can know more things faster. BoA also helped Jackie updating everything to Amber as they're talking along the way to their office.

Soon as they arrived at the office, there are still some people with camera taking pictures of them, Amber even saw a group of people with a small banner written 'Awesome Ms Jackie' that makes Amber laugh upon seeing the banner, earning a slap from her older sister as they walked inside the building.

"Hey Jack, seriously, you have a fan club? What did it called? That was hilarious though, 'Awesome Ms Jackie'" Amber said teasingly as she keep laughing her off inside the elevator along with Nicole and BoA soon can't hold her laughter anymore and laugh along with them. "No I didn't gave them name. They're just there without me asking them to be there. I didn't even do anything that might trigger them to be a fans of mine, I always wonder what did they really see from me." Jackie answered annoyedly

"Well you're beautiful, rich, first heir of Liu company, smartass, rank 3 on one of the most influencing woman of the year according to Forbes magazine, featuring in several entrepreneurship and architectural magazines, you're basically well known here and some people admire you for that." BoA explained "I am sure you'll have your own fandom after this Amber, especially after the song released" she continued with a wink, Amber rolled her eyes as she didn't like too much attention focueed on her. They continue bickering around until they arrived in front of their office room, they bid a goodbye to get inside their respective places. Jackie's space is the second biggest office space in the building, their parents own one floor for their office space, Amber got the third biggest office space in the building that they can decorate it according to their preferences to make them comfortable working at the office. Since Amber just arrived not so long ago, she haven't really got time to decorate her space properly, she leave it as neat and minimalist design. The space consist of one small living room that can also be use for discussion with a client because it filled with small coffee table and a couch and then Amber's real office room that is connected to the living room.

Amber was discussing her schedule with Nicole as she opened the door and greeted by a familiar figure that is sitting on the couch sipping her drink from the starbucks carton cup.

"Ailee...?" Amber called her name confusedly, earning an attention from the latter as she gave her smile. Amber approached her and shake her hand professionally, Nicole bowed a bit before excusing herself to sit on her seat nearby Amber's real office door. "What are you doing here? Why you didn't tell me you're coming?" Amber smiled as she still confused with the whole situation.

"I know I must've not doing this but I was just passing by here, I am actually on my way to the recording studio. I was just thinking to drop by and give you this since we haven't really get a proper time to have a coffee like we always talked about due to our schedule." Ailee handed another starbucks cup to Amber "it's hot americano. I don't really know your favorite so I just bought the common one. I hope you enjoyed it." Ailee handed the warm cup to Amber with her bright smile, Amber just smiled back and said thank you before Ailee start talking again "And oh, one more thing, the release date will be announced soon to the public, it's Wednesday next week, I hope you can arrange your schedule to perform with me on that day, my manager will send you details about it. Looking forward to that day, see you later Amber!" Ailee stole another kiss on Amber's cheek before she ran outside the room to meet her manager and go to the recording studio leaving Amber a bit shocked on the sudden contact.

"She definitely likes you Amber, maybe a lot." Nicole said as she walked to the shocked Amber and grab the cup of coffee from her hand before Amber accidentally dropped it to the floor. "You might wanna close that mouth before you drolls." Nicole reminded Amber as she immediately close and rubs her cheek gently

"It's too fast though! She is really something, do you think she like me that way?" Amber asked

"Well if you asked me to judge from her behavior towards you, yeah she most probably like you that way" Nicole said nonchalantly "you're too good to be missed out though. To be honest, I think Krystal is at loss on breaking her relationship with you"

Amber let out a small chuckles upon hearing that name but this time, it doesn't really affect her as much as it used to be. "Well thank you for the compliment. Go Hara surely also at loss on breaking up with you, you're a great person to be with."

"Focus on flirting with Ailee, not me. I am not interested in you, we shared too much in common in terms of personality. I can't be in a relationship with 'myself'" Nicole chuckles as she handed Amber pile of documents for her to check on and also signed. "I'll clear your schedule on your performance day. I'll ask for the press conference date too. You'll have a meeting with Mr Andrew by 1pm, a new client, He wants to build a small office tower. Then continue with the exclusive interview with National Geograpic, they're currently making a documentary related to the Beijing Olympic Stadium so they want to interview the person behind the design, which is mostly you designed it."

"alright, please do remind me again an hour before the meeting so I can prepare myself. Thank you Cori" Amber went into her room with a pile of documents on her arm, she put the documents on her table, making a loud thud echoing all over her room, a tired sigh escaped as she saw the documents she had to read and sign as the new General Manager of Operation at their family company, while the COO position still being covered by her father, she will become the COO when she can manage to do everything on her own without Jackie has to tag along too much.

The press conference is scheduled right after the performance because they wanted to keep everything to a surprise for Ailee's fans and for the public. The Lius agreed with it and Jackie said she will clear her schedule on the time of the press conference, if possible, she will also watch the performance. Amber's schedule already being cleared up for that day, despite that she just start working at the company, her schedule already starting to going crazily packed with meetings and presentations also drawing sketches for clients, she started to get overwhelmed by it but she is thankful that there is this day when she doesn't have to touch those papers and just to attend everything well, including showing the world that she can rap. She is nervous for sure but she still grateful that this day can also be considered as her 'day off' from the office. Ailee already told Amber about her stage costume on how it will looks like so Amber can find a matching attire to do the performance with her. Nicole was appointed to become Amber's emergency stylist because they don't have time to find one and their fashion taste is kinda similar, Nicole choose Amber's stage costume for the performance day to matched with Ailee's. As soon as they arrived at the venue, the guards immediately ushered Amber's car to the other door that has no fans on the waiting line. Amber quickly

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I'm currently trying to re-edit this, so I'll re-upload it again later on if I've finished re-edit it :D keep supporting the girls~


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Welcome back!
Chapter 23: That was sad 😢 Choosing really is one of the hardest thing esp when u know there’s someone u gonna hurt along the way
Chapter 23: Oh poor Ailee
rmanalo #4
Chapter 23: Ur back!!
Chapter 22: God I know that feeling of despair. It hurts so much
amhar03 #6
Chapter 21: Yess you are back author nimm
Chapter 21: Oh my god I miss this story so much
Emjay03 #8
Chapter 20: Update author
Bratz88 #9
Chapter 20: Author, please continue this story..