Daehyun 1 Part 2

B.A.P. Oneshots


You went to your locker and debated. He was just another boy, granted a very good looking one. You peered out the window. Students were exiting the school and you couldn’t see the mob that had been following Daehyun the entire day.

            A quick glance down the hallway told you that you were alone and soon the students would all be gone. You decided to hell with rationality, it was okay for you to take a risk.            What was the harm in that?

            You didn’t know how long you were waiting by the trees on the terrace but when the schoolyard emptied, you felt stupid. He must have forgotten or had never been serious in the first place. You turned to go.

            “Whoa! Ms. Feisty Lady with the Pretty Name!” It was the same husky voice that had whispered in your ear just an hour ago. You looked to your right and saw him standing there, classic smirk on his face. “Thought I wasn’t coming?”

            “You could be a bit more gracious about being late you know.”

            He bowed, all suave and charm. “My many apologies. I was, er, delayed by human traffic.”

            You laughed at the image. “Was it of the female, simpering and sighing variety?”

            He managed to look shy and his smile was endearing. “That obvious, huh?”

            “I’ve seen the mob. And I’m sure they don’t call you Busan Wonbin for nothing.”

            Daehyun covered his face with his hands and groaned. “Ugh, not that. Himchan-hyung loves calling me that.”

            You shrugged. “You’re a lot less cocky now that the crowd’s gone.” You observed.

            He flashed you a grin. “Well, that was to bait the girl. Once she’s hooked, it’s all about charm and keeping her. Is it working yet?”

            You scoffed. “Just because I came doesn’t mean I’m baited or hooked. Nope, I take it back. You’re still really cocky.”

            He pouted. “Guess I have to try harder. Okay. You have two choices.” He held up two fingers. “One, you can go on a normal date with me and let’s walk and have ice cream or two, I can potentially ruin all chances of being with you by showing you to my hyungs.”

            You thought a while. “As nice as those options sound, I’m afraid I have a problem with both.”

            He raised an eyebrow. “And they are?”

            “Well, I would like to get ice cream but you called it a date.” His mouth opened to protest. “And by meeting your hyungs, you’re insinuating that we are dating.”

            His eyes bulged. “Incredible. Freaking incredible. Are all girls this difficult or is it just you? Maybe I was too forward. Would you like to get ice cream with me? Just as a casual get-together.” He bowed in an exaggerated manner.

            “Well when you put it that way.”

He laughed at your consent and held out his elbow for you to hold. “At least allow me this common courtesy. You can’t refuse or my mother will freak about my lack of manners.”

You were a bit self-conscious as you walked off campus and into the city. It wasn’t every day you were being so graciously escorted by someone as hot as Daehyun. For someone who was supposedly new, he knew his way and led you straight to a cozy homemade ice cream shop.

            “One of my favorite haunts for after practice,” he opened the door for you. The sweet sugary scent mixed with the heavy succulent smell of homemade dairy and a warm atmosphere immediately engulfed the two of you.

            “Ahjumma!” He waved at the plump elderly lady behind the counter.

            “Daehyunnie! How was school? How are the others? Who’s this pretty lady?” she bustled out and clasped his face between her hands. “Aigoo, you’ve been coming here for months and you’re still so thin.” She tsked.

            You bowed and greeted her. Daehyun said your name and her eyes gleamed. “Girlfriend?”

            You didn’t expect this. Yes, this was a typical auntie reaction but he was gorgeous and you were… just you. You blushed and he smiled. Tossing a wink at you over his shoulder, he said, “Trying, ahjumma! I’m hoping one of your deluxe would do the trick.” He pulled you into a booth across from him.

            “My personal favorite is her chocolate cheesecake with a scoop of mint chocolate ice cream. Sounds good to you?” You nodded, absentmindedly. You were highly aware of his leg pressing against yours lightly beneath the table.

            When the food came, he dug in first, “to try it out,” and let out a satisfied moan. “Eat! Wait, no. Let me feed you.” Using the same spoon, he carefully cut a piece of the cake and scooped a bit of ice cream on top. “Say ah!”

            The mixture of warm and cool exploded in your mouth and you swallowed, savoring the flavor in your mouth. His hand still lingered in the air before you.

            “How is it?” You were still chewing so you gave him a hearty thumbs up and he broke into his heart seizing grin. Daehyun leaned forward and wiped at the corner of your mouth. “Ice cream,” he explained and you turned red. He chuckled. “So cute.”

            “So tell me more about your hyungs.” The two of you were walking down the streets, letting the autumn breeze hit you in the face.

            “Well, only two of them are older actually. I also have three dongsaengs. We’re practicing and getting ready for our debut in a few months.”

            “Ah, so the rumors were true. You are part of a boy band. Well, congratulations. More fan girls to boost your ego.”

            He looked at you. It was the same head tilted, eyes peering up, mouth forming into a smirk look he had given you in class. His eyes bore into yours. “I just need one though. I wonder if she can somehow be serenaded, seduced by my voice.”

            “Go for it. I’m sure she’ll be thrilled.” You were fairly new at the flirting business and acting coy wasn’t your strong suit so you were a bit nervous about being so upfront.

            He dropped on one knee in the middle of the street. “Amudo mollae saranghae, amudo mollae saengghakae, Without anyone knowing I love you, without anyone knowing, I think of you,” he sang.

            You turned red. Why was his voice so addictive? “Get up! Ya! Busan Wonbin!” You knew that would get him to stop.

            He stood up and scowled. “You’re a difficult one.” But then he smiled. “But if you prefer it, I can always be the Busan Wonbin to your Ms. Feisty if you’ll let me.” He gave you the same look again, this time with a mischievous air.

            You nudged him. “Is that like your patented come hither look? Because honestly, you look super greasy doing it.”

            He scoffed. “Psh, as if. You know you totally like it.” He glanced at you before picking up your hand. You stared at your entwined fingers and he waited for a reaction.

            “You know, we might as well go meet your other members.”

            He laughed out loud. “Yes ma’am. Anything for my beautiful princess.” This comment earned him a pinch in the palm but he only squeezed your hand tighter and tucked a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “By tomorrow, the mob may have dispersed,” he whispered as you walked.

            You snorted and leaned into him. “With your looks, you can be married and that still won’t happen. Besides, it would be amusing to watch.”

            Daehyun groaned. “I knew when I sat next to you I was in for it. You and Himchan-hyung will get along. You’re both ruthless.”

You giggled. He didn’t call you Ms. Feisty for nothing. 

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144 streak #1
Chapter 21: This was cute! Pretty unexpected but cute
144 streak #2
Chapter 6: So much emotion, it was good!
144 streak #3
Chapter 1: Ooh lovely start! Interested to see where this goes.
Chapter 297: The way he drew her got me dying out of laughter :,D

“Himchan da kimchi” I wheezed :D
Chapter 281: This made me cry :(
Chapter 227: This was so sad but so good
Chapter 30: This one is really cute, it also made me laugh :D
Chapter 278: asdfghjkll I cannot TT possesive and angry Yongguk is kind of so hot oml. I wish this was longer TT but thank you