To What We Were



The pieces were scattered.

He would do whatever he could to piece them back together.

It was for their promise.

They wished each other the best and prepared to be seperated; preparing themselves for unexpected plans, phone calls, and texts to each other. 

There was an accident.

Memories. Fragments.

But, that love remained whole...Right?

.:Ramblings from the Author:.

Soo, this is my first story here. Well, first multi-chaptered story. I don't know where this idea came from, I really don't. BUT I hope you enjoy it~. So, if you do read it, I hope you enjoy! And please comment?



Things became a blur as he pulled out the female, pieces of broken glass falling from her shoulders and onto the pavement. He ignored the blood that coated his fingers as he brushed her hair away to look at the damage. There was a large gash on near her temple, slicing back to above her ear.

A choked sob escaped the male as he looked at her injury.

“I think she’s dead.” A deep voice behind him said.

With a strained cry he brought Mikyung closer to him, not caring that his practice clothes were being stained with blood. He cried into the nape of her neck as the sound of the siren slowly faded into silence. He couldn’t hear anyone else, it was only him and Mikyung like it should be.

Like it could have been.


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SADDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD... This reminds me to update my story. Lol sorry, random... <br />
Hahaha~ No, just kidding. Sounds interesting~ Really ;) <br />
Update soon! <3