Rear Window

Rear Window



He sat by the large picture window, keeping to the shadows as he watched the world around him.


People were fascinating.


It was like watching an ant struggling across a picnic table, carrying a breadcrumb three times its size.  The insect completely focused on its own life, its own problems, so much so that it never noticed the giant thumb hovering above its head, moments from snuffing out its already short life.


He shifted restlessly in his seat, grabbing a long ruler from the table to try to reach the itch on his leg.


His eyes scanned across the courtyard, silently observing.  He watched the woman tending to her garden with loving care, ignorant to the puppy digging happily in her tulips just behind her.


He noticed a yoga class going on, women in tight spandex contouring their bodies into unbelievable ways, but he kept his eyes moving, finally landing on his real target: third window from the right.


He stared intently as the man sat quietly, watching television alone. 

It was fishy. 


Who wore their good khakis to lounge at home anyway?

He could feel it in his bones; this man was up to no good. 

He reached for his binoculars; fully intent on spending the day figuring just what this stranger was plotting when—

"Kim Jonghyun quit playing with Jinki hyung’s wheelchair!  And I swear to god if you wasted all the gauze pretending your leg is broken again I am going to seriously push you out that window!"


As I said, you really have to know the movie to understand this at all.  Because I slipped a lot of teeny-tiny references in so few words.  And I think that last line is hilarious.  But I am kind of an idiot sometimes so whatever. 

I honestly haven't seen this movie in ages so I have no idea where this little pointless thing came from.  *shrugs*

Hope you enjoyed!  <3

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ShawolVIP #1
Chapter 1: I haven't seen the movie but I could still follow the story and yes the last line is hilarious XDDDD I love it when a sentence starts with 'KIM JONGHYUN I SWEAR' and ends with some sort of threat XD all in all, awesome :D
Ooooh, I really loved this!!!! (I've also watched the movie couple of times and I feel I should watch it again! ^^) Thanks, this was entertaining! :DDDD <3
RunningWild #3
Please... can I just love you? Like, I want to come make you soup when you're sick and snuggle you every ing night.
This is brilliant. (and I totally agree with the 13 year old thing, they're spelling and grammar ! Though, I only just turned 17 OTL). I love Jimmy Stewart (My grampa always watched westerns, I got pretty used to them). As soon as I saw the name "Rear Window" I had my suspicions and then when I saw the picture I let out this little happy/hysterical giggle because of how excited I was. Somehow even though Jonghyun is being incredibly suave in this I still though "Oh my universe, dumbhyun really..." :3 I'm saving this drabble to my bookmarks because I want to marry it one day~
Sunrise_dream #4
Big Alfred Hitchcock fan! And Rear Window is my second favorite film of his. All time top one is The Birds!
Gonna read this later!! Although I love it already... ^^
OptimusFanGirl #6
LAWL omg why are you like this Brooke god I love you