
Sleep Over

Jessica smiled as she finally finished painting her nails a bright pink color.  Yoona saw the color and it didn't surprise her.  She was always the girly type anyway.  Jessica blew on her nails softly to speed up the drying process.  Yoona put down her iPod as Tiffany grabbed a pizza slice from the pizza box.  Yoona's parents were out of town and allowed the three of them to have a sleepover.  It was their senior year, and Yoona wanted to spend as much as time as she could with them.  Yoona saw a mischievous smile appear Tiffany's face as she grabbed the home phone and squealed to herself showing off her defined eye smile.

"We should prank call the boys!  I'll even put the number on private," Tiffany proposed.

Yoona and Jessica quickly nodded at the idea.  By "boys", Tiffany meant Seunghyun, Changmin, and Hyun Joong.  The six did almost everything together.  The three boys were in basketball and football while the three girls were cheerleaders cheering them on.  Tiffany handed the phone to Jessica.  Jessica was the expert in prank calls.  She had mastered the art of imitating other females' voices.

"You should call Seunghyun oppa's cell phone.  He told me that the three of them were going out tonight," Yoona informed them.

"I swear that if I wasn't dating Changmin, and if Tiffany wasn't dating Hyun Joong, I bet that those three would have some kind of weird relationship with each other," Jessica joked.

"Yah, Yoona, why don't you just date Seunghyun oppa already?  You've been best friends with him since the first grade," Tiffany suggested.

"Aigo, let's not talk about that please!  It's just a sticky situation," Yoona replied.

"Hey be quiet!  I already started dialing!" Jessica shushed them.

The dial tone echoed through Yoona's bedroom as Jessica pressed the speaker button.  Jessica cleared as she practiced her "Yoobin" voice.  Yoona started to laugh as Jessica gave a thumbs up that she had perfected it.  Jessica quickly got into character as soon as she heard Seunghyun's voice.

"Hello," Seunghyun greeted.

"Yah, this is Yoobin," Jessica imitated.

"What?  How did you get my number?" he questioned.

"Well that's not very important!  Why did you fight with my brother, Taecyeon? You beat him up and made him have a bloody nose!  You two are in the football team, and that doesn't show much teamwork!" Jessica managed to say.

"He deserved it," Seunghyun finally spoke with confidence.

"That's not fair!  He's a nice boy!  I bet you only beat him up because he liked Yoona!" Jessica cried.

Jessica then covered the phone as she laughed out loud.  She saw Yoona giving her a stern look as he jaw dropped.  She was shocked that Jessica even said that.  She gave Jessica a gesture to stop, but Jessica didn't listen.  She shook her head in rejection of the idea of stopping.  Tiffany laughed so hard that she had to muffle her laughs with a pillow.

"I didn't beat him up because he liked Yoona," he stated before he hung up.

The dead dial tone filled the room as Yoona grabbed the pillow that Tiffany was laughing to and hit Jessica in the head with it playfully.  Seunghyun sounded really angry before he hung up and that worried Yoona a bit.

"Ow, don't hit me with that! It hurt!  I'm going to tell Changmin oppa on you," Jessica playfully teased.

"Changmin's scared of me," Yoona smiled cockily.

"Oh yeah, I forgot.  He doesn't like upsetting you," Jessica stuck her tongue out.

"Guys, why do you think that they fought?  Seunghyun oppa and Taecyeon oppa never really had any problems back then.  It's just so weird that Seunghyun oppa snapped at him," Tiffany observed, "I'm going to call my darling to find out why.  Seunghyun oppa didn't even tell Yoona why he fought."

Tiffany's phone suddenly rang alongside Jessica's phone.  The two received text messages from their boyfriends to go outside so they can take a walk around the houses under the moonlight.  Jessica and Tiffany looked out the window and saw that the two men were waving slowly at them.  Tiffany bit her lips.  She really didn't want to leave Yoona all alone.  Yoona gave them an assuring smile.

"Go on and go already!  You two act like you would rather hang out with me than your boyfriends!" Yoona yelled as Tiffany and Jessica gave her a hug.

Soon, Tiffany and Jessica left the house and began their walk.  Yoona waved at them through her window as the two waved back.  Yoona saw them disappear.  Yoona estimated them to come back in about twenty minutes or less.  She put on her house slippers as she cleaned up the nail polish that Jessica had left behind.  She then heard something hitting her window.  She shrugged.  It must be an insect or something.  She then got annoyed at it because it wouldn't stop.  She opened her window and saw that Seunghyun was inside another window from the house next to Yoona's throwing little pebbles at her window.  Seunghyun was her next door neighbor and her bedroom window was directly across his.  There was a tree in between the windows, and Yoona and Seunghyun would often use that tree to get to each others' rooms quickly.  They were best friends after all.  Yoona saw Seunghyun take out his whiteboard while Yoona took hers out as well.

She looked at Seunghyun's board.  It read:  Can I come over right now?

Yoona smiled as she replied:  IDK, can you?  And I thought you were out with Changmin and Hyun Joong?

He wrote:  I think I'm just going to go through your window now.

Yoona nodded in agreement.  She saw Seunghyun leap onto the tree and climb through Yoona's window.  Yoona smiled awkwardly as Seunghyun entered the room.  They done this plenty of times.  There was no ual activities happening, though.  There were only late night talks and laughs.  Yoona put her whiteboard away after she erased the writing on it.

"I was bored because Changmin and Hyun Joong decided to talk walks with their girlfriends," Seunghyun stated.

"Am I your backup friend then?" Yoona pouted.

"Nope, I lied.  I told them to take a walk with their girlfriends.  I just wanted to talk to you," Seunghyun grinned.

"You're such a jerk!" Yoona laughed.

"Hm, why did you have to tell them to leave?  You could have just texted me or called me if you wanted to say something to me.  Ah oppa, I forgot to tell you that the test in Calculus is going to be canceled because the professor said it was his year end "gift" to us.  Oh yeah, the science teacher told me to give you the homework in advanced because you can't go to school on Monday.  Someone had to get suspended for fighting!" Yoona pointed a finger at him.

Seunghyun just shrugged with a cocky smile.  He really didn't care if he got suspended.  Nothing ever happens on Mondays anyway.

"Oppa, you're not talking to me!  It's like I'm talking to myself!  You don't know how sad that sounded!" Yoona complained.

"Fine, Yoona!" Seunghyun threw his hands up, "Well, fights happen.  Guys lose their temper and sometimes violence breaks out.  It's as simple as that."

"Choi Seunghyun, how dare you lie to me?" Yoona blamed, "I know when you lie and I know that you're lying!  You're not a violent person!  You're actually a rather sweet man.  You have never hit me in our long friendship.  Whenever we fought, you would apologize right away even if it was my fault.  Tell me why you got into a fight with him."

"Nope, I don't want to talk.  It's none of your business anyway," he grunted.

Yoona stood up and put her hands on her hips.  She was taken aback from what he just said.  Of course it was her business!

"How can it not be my business?  Taecyeon was supposed to be my prom date!  Who am I going to go to prom with now?  He was really cute, too.  How can you hit him? He knows that we're best friends, and well, I doubt he would ever want to see me again.  He didn't answer my calls or reply to any of my texts.  It's like he's scared of me now!  It's like he's Yoona repellent!" Yoona complained.

"That's good! I'd rather have you go to prom all alone than go with a guy like him," Seunghyun chuckled.

"You're so cruel," Yoona glared.

"I'm just kidding," Seunghyun assured her.

"Oppa, please just tell me why you fought with him. It'll really help me sleep at night.  I was dying of curiosity last night," Yoona pleaded.

"Yoona, there are things that are better left a mystery, and this issue is one of them.  Just forget about it," Seunghyun ordered.

Yoona was a little disappointed as a matter of a fact.  She was kind of upset that her best friend rejected to tell her a personal issue.  She looked down at the floor as her arms fell to her sides. Her lips curved out in disappointment as she dragged her feet across the rug to sit on the bed.

"Yoona ah, don't do that to me!" he yelled.

"What am I doing?"

"You're doing that face again!  You know I hate it when you do that pouty face!  You know that I'm going to feel really bad and then do whatever you want me to do!" he shouted.

Yoona smiled innocently as she stood up.

"I'm your weakness, Choi Seunghyun; just admit it already!  Okay, so if you're not going to tell me why you fought with him, then I'm going to make assumptions!  My first guess will be that you beat him up because you know that I'm going to spend more time with him than I will with you!" Yoona sang.

Seunghyun stood up as he approached her slowly.

"Choi Seunghyun's angry!" she sang even louder, "He cares about me!  He cares about me!"

"Yoona, shut up!" he requested noisily.

"Then tell me why you fought with him then!" Yoona grinned.

"I fought with him because he was disrespecting you!" Seunghyun exploded.

Yoona's playful expression disappeared into a serious face.

"What?  He was disrespecting me?   How?!" Yoona interrogated.

"Aish, I didn't want you knowing about this!" he hollered, "but in the locker room, he was claiming that he was going to get lucky with you in prom. He said that you should be easy.  He said he already book a room in a hotel."

"Really?" Yoona choked.

"Yes, he really did say it.  I was surprised that he even said that out loud.  He must be really stupid!  He knows that you're my best friend and that I wouldn't accept anyone saying that about you!  I mean come on!"

"Why are you so frustrated?  Nothing happened between me and him," Yoona clarified.

"I know that nothing happened.  It's just that well, you're so hard to protect!  You're just so innocent, pretty, smart, and well, all the guys want you!  There's not one guy that I would approve of for you!" Seunghyun spat.

"Then what kind of guy would you want me to have?" Yoona asked slowly.

"I want a guy that will do small things for you.  I want him to say good night and good morning to you every morning and night. I want a guy for you that listens to your problems.  I want your boyfriend to be a guy that tolerates all those cartoons your watch because it makes you happy.  I want your boyfriend to be someone that doesn't always think about ual activities.  I want your boyfriend to praise you.  I want your boyfriend to be your friend first.  I want your boyfriend to get along with you parents. I want your boyfriend to be a person that love you with all your imperfections," Seunghyun announced, "So far I haven't seen or met a guy like that.  When you do meet a guy like that, please tell me so I can stop worrying about you falling for the wrong guy."

"Hm, oppa, I know a guy like that," Yoona whispered.

"What did you say?" he asked.

"I know a guy that fits your characteristics.  I know it's going to sound absurd but this person popped into my head right away," Yoona smiled.

"Who is it?" Seunghyun quickly asked.

"I know that it's going to sound weird, but I thought of you.  You say good night and good morning to me every single day. You check if I even ate.  You listen to my problems especially when my parents fight.  You watch the cartoons I watch even if it ignores you.  I know you want to kill someone whenever you hear the words 'Sponge Bob', but you still deal with it because you know I love Sponge Bob.  You never tried to do anything ual with me, so that's a good thing.  You praise me in school for being a hard working student.  You're my first male friend.  You get along with my parents and they seem to like you.  You're still my best friend through all my imperfections of laughing with my mouth wide open, eating like a boy, complaining about my weight, and so much more," Yoona finished, "I'm sorry if it makes you feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's true," Seunghyun answered.

"Hm, so I should date a guy that acts exactly like you then," Yoona joked.

"Yoona, can I tell you something?" he answered.

"What is it?" Yoona asked.

"I've liked you ever since the fourth grade," he confessed, "I never told you because I didn't want to ruin our friendship.

Yoona hit him on the head as she started to yell loudly.

"How can you just tell me now?  Gah, you know how long fourth grade to twelfth grade is?  You liked me for eight years and you never told me?  And if you liked me for eight years, how dare you date other girls!" Yoona ranted.

"I dated other girls to try to get over you!  And how dare you date other men!" Seunghyun fired back.

"I dated Nichkhun sshi just because of that auction.  He technically won the date!" Yoona defended.

"A date is still a date," Seunghyun shook his head.

"You never answered my question.  If you liked me, then why did you date so many girls?  You dated like ten girls, but none of them went past the first date!  I bet you're hitting it and quitting it!" Yoona shouted.


"You know!  You're using them, and then once you get what you want, you leave them!" Yoona glared.

"No!  I'm still a boy!" Seunghyun promised.

"Hmph, it took you long enough to tell me," Yoona cracked a smile.


"I was waiting for you to tell me since last semester.  Choi Seunghyun, I really like you too.  I really do like you," Yoona smirked.

"So, is this planned?" he asked.

"Yes, it is.  I told Taecyeon to insult me out loud in front of you.  I didn't know that you would beat him up though.  He said it was okay because I did get him a date with someone, so he said it was worth it," Yoona admitted.

"I feel stupid," he stated.

"Hm, you should be," Yoona agreed.

"So, Im Yoona, that only leaves one thing for the both of us.  Are you willing to risk our friendship to be together?" he asked.

"Yes, I am," Yoona blinked.

"Yoona, will you be my girlfriend?" he finally asked.

Yoona smiled brightly as she skipped over to him.  She grabbed the collars of his shirt and kissed him directly on the lips.  He started to blush ferociously as she pulled away.

"That means yes," Yoona clarified after seeing his confused look.

Yoona then stuck her head out the window as Seunghyun peeked through the small space left.  Seunghyun saw that Jessica, Changmin, Tiffany, and Hyun Joong were on the grass giving her their thumbs up.  They were part of her plan also. Seunghyun smiled to himself:  Yoona was pretty clever.

"Yoona, you're one smart best friend," he smiled as Yoona glared at him.

"Oh, I meant girlfriend," he corrected himself.

His arms encircled her waist as he pulled her in for a kiss while the four on the bottom cheered loudly.

That night, the star in Seoul weren't that bright nor were there a lot of them, but to Yoona and Seunghyun, the stars were shining and smiling down on them brightly.

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BubblesluvsBecky #1
Chapter 1: So cute!! Decided to read all your Topyoon stories today!!!
Restrictedmic #2
Chapter 1: Lovely one shot! Love Yoona's courage and shy seunghyun
authornim all of your fanfic is really really good!! please update!!! Fighting!! TOPYOON<3
musicloverk10 #4
Chapter 1: This is so cute and sweet ^^ Even though I like the responsible Yoona in your other fanfics, I still like the high school, cheerful Yoona the best!! ^^ Hehe
onewmintjongkey #5
TOPYOON forevaaa !
aghniahr #7
oohohoho seunghyun and yoona, it's pretty rare~ and your fic is so cute >.<
Awwww that was so cute! I love the Seunghyun and Yoona pairing, i love how they live next door and talking with each other with the white board it remind me of this mv. Hope you could write more for this pairing (: