

So, this is it, my debut fic..
Hi, everyone, i'm new here, so please spare me and take care of me ^^

I'm yewon's hardcore-shipper, but i'm reading other pairings' fics too..
Currently start to write to make my life easier since this is the only thing i love to do..

Just tell me if it's good, and i'll be pleased too if you give me advice since i'm more than happy to be a better author..

This one is dedicated for my beloved mate @SujuLoveNL, a super belated-birthday present.I know i can't properly congratulate her since i can't write this on time..Sincerely, wish her having a blast year ahead..
And for my dear friend @Cloudy_28, thanks for the precious encouragement, it means a lot ^^ guess i'll start writing again~

For other readers, i'm welcoming you all ^^


Title: Pretence

Author: niblonkklaud

Pairing: Yewonkyu

Genre: Angst

Rate: PG-13

Summary: It hurts to fake that I’m fine, to let you go.


“What are you thinking to date someone like him, huh? I have endured my ing dignity whatsoever to accept the fact that I have a gay brother? But what is this?”


I know you never can be stopped. And you’ll never understand how my heart ached to hear you insult him. At the same time, it flinched since you drag me awake to realize that everything you say is true.


“You don’t even meet Siwon yet.” I tried.


“Don’t you think you ask too much? It takes my whole pride to accept that you’re gay, so please, can you just bring me a decent boyfriend? What do you expect from a librarian like him?”


Painful. How can you weigh my love for him with something like, ‘how much money he can make’?


“You won’t understand, Hyung. He is finally the one who can make me feel this way. Can you just accept his sincerity without focusing on how much money he can make?”


I know it’s lame. But I don’t want to give him up easily.


“Tch. Are you lecturing me about how money isn’t that important for our lives, Yesung-ah?”


I know I won’t win. I know all lines that my brother will say. And I know I’ll lose.


“I understand what you are trying to say. There’s no one who can beat your struggle since you’re the one who works really hard, even sometime beyond your physical capacity. It always makes me sad to see you’re getting sick for over-working. You don’t know how much I’m grateful to you that the only reason you’re doing all of these is to keep us survive, to show them enough that we can still be alive.”


I spell the last sentence half-heartedly. I remembered how my brother shouted back to my parents who are much against me when they found out that I’m a gay. It always brings me to tears each time I recall the last sentence ever that my brother said to my parents, “If you two cannot accept his preference, I’m strong enough to accept him.” That way, we were leaving our house.


“I did that not because I want something in return, Yesung-ah. It was pure that I love you so much. And I know how hard it is to make a living. So please, I just want you to be happy. I can introduce you to some friends who is ‘strong’ enough to make you happy.”


Still, the answer of my happiness is only Siwon. I can’t talk back, though. I know beforehand that once my brother say ‘no’, so it’s really the end. Most importantly, I can’t abandon everything he said even if my heart’s against him after all he has done for me.


I do nothing but nod.


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401 streak #1
Chapter 2: I'm craving for the next chapter button!!! T^T
Chapter 2: We didn't even get to KyuSung... ugghhh WHY
Aren't you really continuing this author-nim? Huhu
I love YeChang btw. So rare. But lovely all the same
Chapter 1: Noo... Siwonnie T_T
My YeWon heart </3
Wasurenagusa #4
Chapter 2: Just found this fic. Such a beautiful and sad beginning. i can't wait for the next update. this is so exciting!!!!
aww,thank you so much for giving this fic so much love..i'll update it as soon as i'm reaching home,i'm currently out of town :)
next chapter please..^^
oh and i will support u with all my heart because i'm yewon biggest fans..,^^
@tifane oh hi, nice to meet a concerned and attentive reader like you, really~ i assure you there'll be no death character in the future, i'll just try to build the angsty atmosphere up, i don't know if it's sort of a good news for you, at least i hope it answer your question ^^
Let's see what i can do about the characters, and hope you'll still stick to this fic and let me know if i can do better about any of the progress~thanks for giving this so much love ^^

@yuyumunaw it really was a bittersweet, glad that you feel it~ T_T

@rayie_159 aww, forgive me, i just want to make sure that the readers of this will feel the irony of love can be..i know he's hurt, but there's nothing he can do about it, he can't choose between his brother and lover..

@cloudy_28 hey yeah, i'm the cruelest right since i'm the one who come up with the idea to separate a couple in love??hhihi, i'll make up to this *cough* can't promise anything, but please anticipate the next chapter~
cloudy_28 #8
*sobbing hard* What a loving boyfriend,siwon *hugs him* he'll never what might happend in their relationship next..Poor Yesung have to hold his tears n sobs while siwon call him,oh i cant imagine what it feels like. and i cant stand the way yesung feel that he's the one who'll hurt siwon. He love Siwon too much yet he have to leave him n hurt him at the same time. What hard decision..hope there's away for them to be together. Separating 2 people who in love each other is the cruelest thing but still yesung have to do it or he might lose his only one family.
Anyway..interesting yet heart breaking chap. Update soon *winks*
rayie_159 #9
Yaay you make me sobbing hard in 1st chapter....
I like how siwon treat yesungie...
i can't imagine if yesung will hurt him
I love angst but more more more love happy ending
Update soon ne^^
yuyumunaw #10
OMG is siwon real?? He's too sweet to be true! He love Yeye so much ;____;
Yesung bb be strong! Omg i wanna hug you so bad and comfort you right now! T^T
Good chapter! /sobs/