A Secret to Tears

--Story Idea Shop! --

Title: A Secret to Tears



Angst, Fantasy, Romance



A girl and a guy in love. They know everything about each other except one they both keep from each other.

No big deal, right? Since it's only a secret...

...but it's a secret that could tear them apart.



Think of it like this: they're both supernatural creatures in disguise of human. The two creature types are forbidden to be together, by both tradition and law, but because they are disguised as human, the girl's side doesn't know the boy's that forbidden creature, and same goes for the boy's side. Yet they find each other's real identities one day and blah, blah, blah.


TAKEN BY: chocobella2
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ButtercupRainbowdanz #1
Chapter 39: Can I take the secrets of a secret agent >.<
Pxrklana #2
Chapter 8: I want to take Ch8-Animal!
Chapter 24: Do you mind if I take 'The Difference Between Us'? Though the plot is common, I would like to change it a bit. :3
AliceSkyeNightcore13 #5
Chapter 29: can i take "puppy love"? i liked the plot very much but can i change the plot a little bit? :D
Can I like change the plot, but keep it in the same type of genre?
May I have the erasers idea? You don't mind if I change the erases to something else though right?
Chapter 36 - My Eraser Collection
adriel1989 #8
Chapter 33: Hi, can i take sweetness overload? I hv some ideas i wanna try. You dnt mind if its boyxboy do you? If you do, i won't take it. Thanks.
Chapter 15: Can I have the Take It Or Leave It story idea? ^^