Once Upon An Idiot


Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, there once was a King and Queen.


OTL this is one heck of a bad story, i can sense. i think i was high on kpop while i was writing this. OTL

a big thank you to the EXOtic review shop for not only a review, but a poster! click here to see the review!


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174 streak #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha...this is cute πŸ₯°
Demitria_Teague #2
Chapter 1: I'd like you to know - Once upon a time, a weirdo who goes by Demitria_Teague read this story, and giggled like a hyena through the whole thing. And did it unashamed. Thank you. I needed that.
Chapter 1: This is so funny oh my god. The roach rejecting baek!!
Judges #4
Chapter 1: Stupid yeol
dennyl #5
Chapter 1: HOMYGODD BAEKHYUN. You just escaped a big cockroach crisis and all you can think is it rejected you? HAHAHAHAHA. Diva Baek and Stupid Yeol never failed to make me rlab. HAHAHAHAHA.
sayuri_aenli #6
Chapter 1: This is so stupid but at the same time funny and gosh, I just can't stop laughing :'D
Chapter 1: rkjht,f /stabs my fail hearts/ ; n ;
Chapter 1: omggg xDDD this killed me OTL <#
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