

Yesung decides to surprise Kangin. Who thinks it was a good idea?



"Yesungie, what is that?"

"What is what?"

"What do you mean, what is what? What's that box you're holding in your hands?"

"I'm not holding anything..."

"I'm not blind, I can see that you are holding something."

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure that I'm not blind. For god's sake I can see you standing there."

"Oh..But how do you know that it's really me?"


"Yes baby?"

"What is that?"

"What is what? Kangin-ah I really don't know what you're talking about.. Are you sure you're ok?"

Kangin was slowly starting to loose his nerves. There were these times when Yesung was weirder than usual and if you ask Kangin, that wasn't good for his health and when I say his I mean Kangin's.


"OK, it's a box! Happy now?"

"I think I realized a long time ago that it was a box, but what's in it?"

"Great, now you've ruined it! With your big mouth and too much questions. Thank you very much!"

Yesung practically screamed the last sentence and stormed out of the room in unknown direction, on his way out bumping into Heechul.

"Geez Yesung what the!"

He noticed Kangin standing in the middle of the room, confused look on his face.

"Great, what did you do this time?"

"What?! Why do you always think it's my fault?"

"Well aren't you his boyfriend?"

"Well yeah.. But.."

"Ok, stop it. I don't know why I even asked in the first place. It's not really like I want to deal with your problems,  I all ready have enough of mine."

"One being your bad hair today?"

He obviously teased the older man but seeing Heechul's slightly red cheeks he was surprised that he actually guessed right.

"Whatever. See you later."


It's been 4 hours and 43 minutes since Yesung left, but who's counting. 

"Kangin did you happen to see Yesung? I can't find him anywhere."
The leader asked as he entered Kangin's room.

"Why does everyone ask me where he is? How the hell should I know?" 

He tried his best to sound calm and angry but the older men knew better. He saw that he is actually really concerned about his boyfriend.

"Well as far as I remember you are his boyfriend so I thought it was only natural if I ask you."

"Whatever. And to answer your question I have no idea where he is or when is he comming back."

"Did something happend between you two? Wanna talk about it?"

And of course an unavoidable question escaped Leeteuk's mouth. After all he is the leader and he always takes care of his dongsengs.
"To tell you the truth I don't even know what's wrong. I have no idea as to what happend today. I just saw him going through the living room with some kind of box in his hands and I wanted to know what is it so I asked him about it."

"That didn't go well did it?"

"It didn't go at all! He freaked out saying I ruined something and just stormed off and that was the last time I saw him."

"When did all that happened?"

"It happened...wait..4 hours and 57 minutes ago, but then again, who's counting."

"Apearently you.."
 He said with low voice.


"Oh, nothing."
  He laughed at it slowly trying to restract Kangin away from what he just said. Last thing he needs now is an angry Kangin. Like Yesung all ready isn't enough.

"Did you try calling him?"

"Like I would! I should be the angry one here not him."

"He turned off his phone didn't he?"


"I guess than there isn't anything we can do besides waiting for him to come back."

"I guess not. Thanks hyung."

"It's not like I was of much help but no problem."


Later that day, after 9 hours and 27 minutes (if you ask Kangin), Yesung was finaly back.
Everyone all ready knew what happened between the two and everyone had their own ideas as to what Yesung had in the box and to where he went after the incident. Actually all most everyone. As Heechuld stated before he had no interest in this whole situation and he wasn't joking. But both of his lovers and by both I mean both Geng and Siwon had similar idea as to what happened. They said (or at least hope so) that it was probably some kind of a surprise since the last words were something like he ruined it. But they had no idea as to where he really went after that.
That was a pretty good idea though. Not all of them were like that. Especially not the one that Donghae stated not that long ago. Obviously he had a completely different idea. No one really knows how he got that idea but everyone is too afraid of the explanation so hence the outcome - no one asked. He thinks that Yesung was hiding a baby alien in the box which Kangin wasn't suppoused to see because he might wanna eat it and then he got afraid for his baby aliens life so he ran away and that was when that baby alien's parents kidnapped him.
No wonder no one asked for an explanation.

They all silenced as Yesung entered the room, still holding a box in his hands.
Everyone was confused and actually scared as to what will happen now. Deja vu anyone?

Yesung approached his boyfriend and as this one was about to say something he put a hand over his mouth.

"I'm not letting you ruin this one." 
 he said and handed him the box.

Kangin noticed that this box is different. It wasn't the one from before. Even though the one from before was a bit prettier than this one, he said nothing. How could he. Even though he is stronger and bigger than his lover, a few seconds ago he was afraid for his own life.

"What is this?"
"I told you you ask too many questions. Just open it all ready."

At this point on, everyone in the room turned all ears.

"Cookies..?  Cookies!" At first he was surprised. Cookies? But then he remembered he loves cookies. But still.-.. cookies?

"Ha! I told you he was gonna eat the insides of the box!" You could hear Donghae screaming from behind, Kibum hushing him to keep his voice down.
Yesung didn't notice that or at least he acted like he didn't and continued with his plan.

"Do you know what date is it today?"

"12th of August 2009?"

 he answered cheerfully.

"That means exactly 5 years ago you talked to me and told me something beautiful that I will never forget."



They were all looking from Yesung to Kangin, waiting as to what will happen next.

"You told me my hair is beautiful! I was so happy back then. So today I woke up and decided to give you a present in return. But you had to ruin it... But it's ok now. Now I found a different box." He smiled while talking.


"But baby I told you that like a million times by now.."Kangin was confused as everyone else in the room. Of course besides Yesung.

"But that was the first good thing that you ever said to me..."

"Oh, ok.. Thank's for the cookies."

"No, thank you." 

It looks like the whole situation did get the attention of Heechul as he now decided to join the conversation.

"Wait, but where were you all this time?"

"Oh I thought that he didn't like the box I was going to give him, that's why I said he ruined it because I really liked that one so I went out to find another one."

"And here I was thinking that there is a better reason.." With that said he left the room as he did't see the point in staying there. After all, he wasn't the main actor of the story.

"This was all because of a box?" Kangin was slightly irritated at that fact.

"Well yeah..."

"And here I was, killing my mind over all the possible scenarios because I thought that something happened to you!"

"You were...?"

"Of course I was! I love you, you idiot!"

"Weee! I love you to."

Everyone was happy with the happy ending but they were kind of disappointed as they were expecting something more interesting.
They all got up one by one, with the thought of leaving the room but as Kangin spoke again, they quickly changed their mind because maybe it wasn't over after all.

"Oh and by the way, I liked the first box more."


Well, that's it! ^^
I just got this weird idea and had to write it down so this was the outcome.
It's rather stupid and plotless but I hope you liked it and enjoyed it like I did =)
As usual:
Comments are love <33


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390 streak #1
I can't believe it's been 3 years since the last I read this 2woon! I love this pairing that's why I reread it again 🥰
390 streak #2
Oh and by the way, I liked the first box more

Damn Kangin, you ruined it twice I guess XDDD
Visiting old fics!
KandyLand #4
OMG. Update? <3
Yesung is just so cute<3333333
Awwww Kangin is worried about Yesung, how cute~(*O*~)
Wasurenagusa #6
KcuLL22 #7
Lol. That's sweet!
I just found kangsung and loove it. I hope there will be other kangsung :)
its so cute and adorable and funny lol please update soon
Plmokn #9
Update soon