Chapter 2

You Must Be New Here?

Charlese's POV 

School was finally over. I dreaded literally each class. They all bored me to tears, besides art. Art actually was fun.  I could express my frustration and outrage through use of a simple paint brush and a broad canvas. I usually drew paint brush blasting on the paper. Mr. Tagayachi always noticed and smiled. He was probably the only teacher who acknowledged my existence since moving here. Although he saw my paintings and frowned at the depression in each..he knew I had potential.

After school was over I'd normally walk with Hana, but on Thursday's she had I walked alone.

I sat on the grass for about 10 minutes waiting for the buses to roll out, then got up. 

I took out my Ipod and the first song. 

Ironically enough, it was Japanese. 

YES. Yes. I know.."BUT CHARLESE! I thought you hated JAPAN!"  The truth is, I hate Japan, but the music and food...are amazing. Other than that..ehh.

I turned up the volume so I could promptly hear the song playing. of my favorites! "Hikari Sasuhou e - ROCK'A'TRENCH"!

I walked slowly, but surely onto the sidewalk and began my 3 mile Journey towards my house.

I closed my eyes and drifted into my world. Char's world.

And I would have continued to be in CHAR'S world had I not been bumped into.

"UNF." It was a hard bump.

I opened my eyes and locked them with the stranger before me.

HE was CUTE..he had red hair, small, cute brown eyes, much taller than me, and a soft face. Practically perfect. But the aura he gave me said otherwise.

I waited for an apology, but he only stood in place and stared at me. Eyeing me slowly up and down. Finally he laughed.


I calmly apologized myself, turned my music back up, and walked around him.

"Sorry. Goodbye." I said, putting on my fakest smile.

"Eh..goodbye, Charlese." He said my name.........

I switched around to see he was staring at me and smiling.

A normal person would have backed away, but I was did he know my name?

"What?" I laughed.

"Charlese...bye." He smiled again.

I walked closer.

"Who are you?" I said, standing in front of him.

"'ll find out soon." He smiled, laughed, and turned around, walking towards my school.

"Wha-" I began to say. But once again, being the annoyingly curious chick I am, I followed him.

I followed him all the way inside, he walked fast. I mean what the hell. He could have been in the Olympics for speed-walking.

He walked into the Chorus room, by that time, chorus was over. I saw Hana jump off the stage, her eyes lighting up. 

I followed Hana's eyes all the way down to the source..the boy?

I watched as she ran as fast as she could to him, grabbed him by the collar, and planted a kiss right on his lips.

MY first thought...WHAT? HANA HAS A BOYFRIEND?

"HANA." I yelled.

She took her lips off the boy, and turned to see who was calling her name.

"HANA!" I yelled again.

This time she saw me, she grabbed the boy's hand and ran all the way up the steps.

"CHAR! OH MY GOSH, what are you doing here?!" She smiled nervously.

"I came to see you." I spit.

She laughed...nervously..then looked at the boy.

"Char, this is my friend..J.G" She smiled brightly and held out his hand so I could shake it.

I stared at his hand..then at him. He had his head turned to look at Hana..and I could see the love in his eyes..pssh.. They were more than friends.

"I'm Char." I held out my hand.

He held his out and I grabbed it.

"I'm..." He stared at my hand. then slowly looked up to me.

"What's wrong?" I said, looking confused.



If you're wondering who J.G is, he's my ULTIMATE Cross Gene Bias, then it's two babies..and TAKUUYAAA. They haven't debuted yet. But I'm already claiming the fan base name Genies, me and my friends already made an official international fan base on Twitter and we're the first Fan Club for Cross Gene on FB. :"D WE'VE accomplished a lot. <3 CROSS GENE HWATING!

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Check out my new story! You Must Be New HERE?


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Omg I love Cross Gene especially takuya and Casper well to be honest those are the only member I'm fimilliar with lol :) but still nice story :) update soon :)
WAHAHAHAHAH @Alpha_gamma :3 I'm glad I can make you laugh. <3
alpha_gamma #4
lol 'I thought she was pretty but she talked to much.' i laughed out loud and now my mom thinks i'm weird..I just thought that really funny for some reason. Update soon please.
AbriMathos #5
Lol Charlese was about to get pissed at JG XD Youngseok is QUITE the looker hehehe. Why is it that I've never heard of Cross Gene before though...?
I get overexcited. x3
AbriMathos #7
Another one huh? ^____^ teehee
bunnny_love #8
update plz