Chapter 3

Whispers of the Unveiling


Kyuhyun's Pov:

As I was about to speak, he cut in smoothly, "Very nice to meet you AGAIN."

"What the heck are you doing here?" I retorted, my voice tinged with surprise.

"Calm down… no need to shout," he remarked, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Listen, if you ever try to harm Hae again, I swear…"

Before I could finish my sentence, he interrupted me with a chuckle. He began to approach me, his words laced with a sense of mystery.

" just so you know , I'm not back for him " he sounded 

I suddenly stopped moving , stuned by what he said , I turend my face to see him looking at me with his dark eyes  . 

"And from what I know, you are merely his friend, not his lover. Or do you harbor feelings for Hae that he's unaware of?"

A wave of panic washed over me. Siwon had a way of seeing through people with just a glance, which was probably why Hae had fallen for him in the first place.

"He means everything to me. You should leave and never show your face in front of him again, got it?" I asserted firmly.

 As I tried to walk away, Siwon's intense gaze held me in place,  unspoken words lingering on my lips. Before I could react, I he was ensnared in an embrace I didn't see coming. The touch of Siwon's arms around me sent a jolt of conflicting sensations through my body.

Frozen in disbelief, I felt the warmth of Siwon's breath on my ear, his husky voice resonating with a dangerous allure. "I don't want him; I want you," Siwon's words whispered like a forbidden promise.

The sensation of Siwon's lips grazing my earlobe, followed by a teasing nibble, ignited a flurry of sensations within me. A shiver ran down my spine, a mix of fear and an unsettling thrill washing over me.

Struggling to maintain my composure, I  managed to break free from Siwon's hold. With a racing heart and flushed cheeks betraying my inner turmoil, I hurried to the restroom , seeking refuge from the turmoil of emotions swirling inside him.

I leaned against the cool tiles, my mind a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. The memory of Siwon's unexpected intimacy replayed in my mind, stirring a tangled web of desire and apprehension. The lingering sensation of his touch lingered on my skin, a reminder of a moment that left me both shaken and strangely intrigued.

As I splashed cold water on my face, trying to calm the storm of emotions raging within me, I couldn't shake the memory of the  bold declaration. 

Upon entering the pharmacy , I found Hae still sound asleep.

"Hyung, I deeply apologize for not protecting you from him. I knew he didn't love you, but I couldn't find the words to say. You were happy with him, and for that, I am truly sorry. I blame myself for this," I confessed, tears welling up in my eyes.

I felt a worm hand on my head and i looked yp to see Donghae looking straight at me .

"You needn't blame yourself. It wasn't your fault; it was mine from the beginning. I was blinded by my love for him, failing to see the truth," Hae responded, his voice choked with emotion.

"Hae…" I moved closer to embrace him tightly, peppering his face with gentle kisses to soothe him. After a while, he calmed down. Feeling a rush of emotions, I leaned in to kiss him softly. Surprised by my actions, he remained still. I dared to take a step further, nibbling on his lower lip, eliciting a gasp from him. Seizing the moment, I gently on his lip before pulling back abruptly, realizing the gravity of my actions. As I looked at Hae, his expression mirrored my shock and confusion.

"I'm sorry, Hae… I don't know what came over me."

"I should head home… I feel exhausted."

"Hae…" I called out, but he had already left the room.

End of Ch 3

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Chapter 5: Hi! I just started reading this story and it's so good. I want to know what will become of their relations.
Sh_uuuuu #2
Chapter 3: OMG!it's so captivaing! I'm looking forward to the upcoming plot!🥺
I read this fic early bcs this was supposed to be KyuHae fic. But I stopped reading since this fic suddenly switch to WonKyu? And EunHae?? Not that I don't like EunHae or WonKyu.. But this changed seems weird >.< I'm sorry :(
lovelydonghae #4
Chapter 14: this is so sad for KyuHae,,,,
Chapter 14: you didnt say you will update!
anyway, very nice update, want to know whats going to happen next
hae had a point but kyu is hurting too
you already know that i want kyu with siwon,
so i guess this could be an opportunity to have kyuwon perhaps
waitting for the next update^^
Chapter 8: Eunhae is so cute!!...They are so romantic!!..Author-nim,please continue your good work and Fighting!!...Always support!!..^^
lovekyuhae4ever #7
Finally..tq for the update..:-)
kyuloveshae #8
Chapter 14: So angsty..But if I was hae, I would end up at the same conclusion..Kyu was hurting him and the way Kyu chose to leave him made it even worst for both of them..andd if Kyu will end up with Siwon, you will hurt me instead..:D anyway, its up to you author-nim..either way you think would make sense then just do it..
OnlySjELF #9
Chapter 14: Finally an update :"""""""""""
Why hae is alawys like this always hurt babkyu :"""
But truthly i want kyu to be with siwon more than hae :" but kyu will be suffer to much :( oh my babykyu :" don't do smothing stupid to ur self bcz hae plz :(
Update soon and wellcome back such a long time "̮
lovekyuhae4ever #10
Chapter 13: authornim update please..i want to know what will happen next..thanks