Batteries And Morphine


A one-shot here. Yeah, it's pretty much a failure. But, heh, it's my imagination. Fantasy. Fictional.

This is what I precieve JeTi's relationship to be. Love-hate. Polar opposites. Enjoy. ~


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Chapter 1: This is nice author-nim
Chapter 1: update soon please
esteem #3
It took me quite some times to find an author like you.
Lovely, scarce one-shot. ♥
DAONE16 #4
I am entertained! thank you. i enjoyed reading this. the push and pull and the opposite attraction. very nice. :)
This is awesome~ like seriously.. ^^
You uses a lot of metaphors in your stories, not many writers do that nowadays. Glad that i found yours!
windyheartsnsd #6
This is soooooo cute and fluffy XD and it was very well written! I actually a lil bit dense so I juz figure the meaning by reading the note XP anw, ur fantasy, imagination was awesome, not failed at all so hope to read more JETI fic from u in the future!
19 streak #7
oh my gosh, i haven't read a very well written one-shot like these in days @__@ i've been quite deprived of anything jeti related these days, drowning on too much taeny, oh how i hate that. lol

i love how you used morphine and batteries in this story, those two aren't really related in anything but the way you used them as metaphors for jessica and tiffany, it's absolutely great. <33

i understood everything, i totally love the plot! i hope you post more because i'd love to read more one-shots from you. :)

keep me updated, alright author? thank you!! ^^