chapter 3

Part 3: Summer Feels Like Winter

Yo Seob’s POV

I went back to the old apartment that I used to live with the guys and the memories just hit me in the face as I open the door. The quietness filled my ears, but in the back of my head the sounds of happy laughter and chatter played like an old record.

I enter the room that used to be mine and memories of ________ and I in that bedroom made me cried silently as I sat on the edge of the bed. Minutes became hours and when I finally wake up from my daydream Jessica was already standing by the door with tears.

“when did you get here?” I asked standing up.

“2 hours ago.” She said wiping her tears. I couldn’t face her because I have caused her so much pain, but she didn’t show any hatred for me at all for all this pain I caused her. She wrap her arm around me, pressing her face against my chest.

“Mian, Yo Seob… Mian” She cried

“The one apologizing should be me” I said as I gently hugged her back. This was the most I could give back to her.

“You know I love you, right?” She asked as I stood silently listening to her every word. “I love you Yo Seob, I never love any man this much before… but I’m going to have to let you go” she said sobbing as she held me tighter. “I’m going to let you go because I’m not the one you want to spend your life with”

“Jessica…” I tried to pull her off of me so I can face her, but she wouldn’t let go. She tightens her arms around me as she continued.

“Yo Seob-ah, you cried all day long and I haven’t seen you smile since we found out _________ was pregnant. I feel so bad just being with you knowing that tears are steaming down your eyes at night as I lay beside you…. Your tears are drowning me, Yo Seob, if I had a bucket with me every time you cried, people would drown in your tears.”

“Mian… Jessica… give me more time..”

“No….” She shook her head as she released her tight grip on me. “No… You cannot force yourself to love me and I can’t force someone to love me when they don’t.” She said wiping her tears. “I’m just happy I got a chance to be your wife for months and even though things could’ve been much better, I wouldn’t trade it for the world. I’m sorry Yo Seob to have to leave you like this… It would be better if we both go our own way” She cried and it broke my heart as I watch her cry in so much pain. Without another word I embraced her as I cried along with her. I knew I could never love anyone else beside ______________. I know it’s best for us to go our separate ways because if I keep her with me she will only be in more pain.

“Mian, my wife… you were an amazing wife, and Mian for being such a terrible husband.” I said kissing her forehead. “You will find someone who will cherish and love you as much as you love me… Mian, I cannot give you that love.” I said admitting my true feeling and she smiled nodding like an obedient child. “

 “May you and _____________ get to be together” Jessica said kissing my cheek for one last time. “May you be happy with her.” She cried harder. “Let’s meet again in our next life, Yo Seob” She said and I nodded as tears stream down my eyes. “Don’t cry” She said wiping my tears. “Be happy. When I see you again next time I want to see you the same old Yo Seob, the happy smiling guy who I fell in love with in middle school.” She said and it broke both of our heart as we cried silently.

“Yo Seob-ah… Hug me?”She said weeping and I pull her into my arms and embraced her as she cried so hard that her body started shaking.

“Don’t forgive me for this pain.” I said as she cried harder.

End of Yo Seob’s POV


OST: G.NA- I’ll back off so you can live better

Jessica’s POV

I walked out of the apartment leaving the one person who I loved so dearly. It hurts knowing that the one you love will never show the same affection. No matter how much I do, or how much time I give him, his heart will always belong to ___________. I may have his body, but I will never have his heart.  

Yo Seob-ah you were my reason to live. You were everything to me and it was me who stood by your side wiping your fallen tears at night. But I guess we weren’t meant for each other. I don’t hate you for not loving me, I’m just angry not being the one who you adore and love.

Do you remember the first time we met? It was in middle school and I still remember it like it was yesterday.

There was no ______________. There was no pain in our heart and at that time you loved me as much as you love __________, but I didn’t cherish you and I ruin our relationship. It’s my fault for not holding onto you when I had the chance. Although the tears are filling up in my eyes I’ll leave so you can have a good life with ________________.

Please be happy without me Yo Seob. Please smile Yo Seob, because your smiled makes so many people smile.

I’ll leave you alone, so you can have a great life. That’s all I can say.

End of Jessica’s POV

“Uhmma, what brings you here?” _____________ said letting her mother enter her apartment.

“How are you?” Her mother asked worried as she looked at her pale daughter. “Are you happy?”

“Uhmma, I’m happy… what makes you think I’m unhappy.”  ___________ asked placing a glass of water on the table and placing a plate of fruit for her mother. “What brings you here today? How’s dad?” 

“My babo (stupid) daughter” _______’s mother hugged her in her arms as tears fall from her eyes like a waterfall. How could she not have seen it all along?

“Uhmma-ah, what is going on?” _____________ asked as her mother hugged her and pat her back like how she did to _____________ when ______________ was young.

“_________-ah” she said letting go of ________ and taking a deep breath.

“Uhmma-ah, what is wrong with you?” ____________ asked wiping her mother’s tears.

“Nothing.” She fake a smiled as she stare at her daughter. “Do you remember when you were 10 years old and you promise me that you will tell me anything I ask you?”

“Of course I remember. Before I made you that promise you had ask me why I was crying every day after school and I told you that I was being bully.” ________________ smiled and she held her mother’s winkle hand in hers. “Uhmma, remember after that you took me to the ice cream store and let me eat as much ice cream as I could?” She laughed, but her smiled broke her mothers heart.

“My poor baby…” Her mother cupped her face as she cried harder. The more she tried to keep it in the harder it is. “Uhmma is sorry… Uhmma should’ve seen it, but uhmma was too happy with her own life that you have to go through so much pain.” _________ look at her mother confused as her mother cried once again.

“Uhmma-ah? Why are you crying?” Tears begin to fill her eyes as her mother continues to cry. “Uhmma, I may be 7 month pregnant, but I’ll always be your baby girl.”

“Mian…” Her mother cried. “____________-ah, don’t pretend anymore.”


“If you love Yo Seob, why not just tell me?”

“Uhmma?” _________’s eyes widen as tears continue to cascade down her eyes. “Uhmma, you…”

“Why didn’t you tell me that it was Yo Seob… Why did you hide it from your own mother?”

“Uhmma….” ________________ sob as her mother yell at her “Mian…Mian…” She cried louder and harder. “Mian, Uhmma I didn’t want to hurt you. I didn’t want you to cry like this… I tried my best to let him go. We both did. We just wanted you guys to be happy. Uhmma, Mian” She cried.

“A mother is supposed to make her child happy, but why do my baby have to make me happy? Why was I the reason for her pain and tears?” _________’s mother cried wiping her tears. “How much pain and suffering did you go through just for me?”  

“Uhmma, please don’t tell Doo Joon. It will break his heart. I have already moved on and soon Doo Joon and I will have our baby and be a family. Please don’t leave dad because of this… He makes you so happy, Uhmma.” _____________ cried touching her seven month stomach. “I love Yo Seob and I will always love him, but now I love Doo Joon. He is the father of my child and we will live together as a happy family… Please don’t tell Doo Joon.”

“Why didn’t you tell me this?”

Both ______________ and her Uhmma turn to face Doo Joon who was standing in the hallway listening to their conversation.  Doo Joon stood there, his eyes fill with tears as he held her favorite flower in one hand.

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seobcoups #1
Chapter 9: Never expected it to be so sad TT
seobcoups #2
Chapter 6: Im actually crying sobs
shuft08 #3
Chapter 9: hwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. so sad
why they can't be together?
this is a long story.
thanks author!
make a good ff okay!
good nite
Hye-Yong #4
shazelo99 #5
Chapter 9: im crying like hell... it was so sad TT_TT
wow..... this is.... wow *-* a good wow, but.... Y U NO STAY ALIVE, YOSEOB-IE!?
QueenDee #7
I think it's a bit too late isn't...but i love your story although from the minute i start to read it i just knew it wouldn't be a happy ending story...anyway thank you for such a wonderful closure...
OHMYGODDD! *crying* T^T<br />
<br />
T_T<br />
urghhh~<br />
seriously!? i blame you for my swelling and puffy red eyes.. T_T<br />
<br />
why? yoseob.. why? T_T<br />
uhuhuhuhuhuhuhu....<br />
<br />
my brother was like giving me a what-the-hell-did-happened look and then i burst out crying.. "yoseob died!!!!!!!!!!". and he was like who-the-hell-is-yoseob look and went back watching tv.. great.. just great..<br />
gaaahd!<br />
<br />
anyways, thanks for sharing this story..<br />
T_T<br />