Dead Bodies in the Library


The lights were dimly lit in the air conditioned room, and it was so hard to see that you could barely make out the shapes of computers, chairs and shelves. 

'They'll be scared. This time I'll get the pleasure of seeing their widened eyes and speechless, open mouths.' Lee Ji Eun smirked, thinking to herself as she crouched down.

Peeking through a tiny crack in the closet, next to the door, she awaited for the mean people who made her cry so hard by fooling her into thinking her mom had died. They thought she was over it, it had been a few months ago, but although she herself had forgiven them, there was a nagging feeling in her that would not rest until she gave them a good scare.

There she was, sitting in the dark room, when the door opened slowly. She saw the faint shadow of a head peeking into the Library.

'Wow, that was quick. I only texted them two minutes ago.' Ji Eun's eyes squinted. 

Rereading her text she realized then, that she didn't even send the message.


Dong Woo POV

Breathing heavily, he carried the large duffel bag over his shoulder and ran away from his broken house.

He always tried to protect her. But in the end she would never listen.

He always let her have her way, since that fateful day he knew he couldn't live without her.

Now, in his bag, were the results of him letting his actions get carried away. Another rotting corpse, dissected eye sockets and nerves. They were always dead, never alive during the torment. He was disgusted.

Where am I? Blindly searching for a hint of recognizable scenery he finally spat into the grass.

He was at the school he hated and had to attend everyday.

"HEY YOU! YOU KID!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING AT FIVE-" screamed the patrol officer who began running after Dong Woo.

Dong Woo easily dodged him, making him chase him around the school and leaving false trails.

Damn this officer is persistent. He began to panic for a moment. What if he found the body-?

No. Dong Woo would never let that his family's secrets become exposed because of his laziness.

Cautiously, he opened the door closest to him and was greeted with cold air.


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