It's A Matter Of Time

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Ryeowook is a sickly young man with very little time to live. Kyuhyun is a young vampire that feels like he has already lived too long. Will their meeting change how they feel about how much time has been granted in their lives?

Title: It's A Matter Of Time 
Pairing: Kyuwook, Yemin, Kyusung, Minwook
Genre: Vampire AU
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I own nothing but the lame plot. Un-betad
A/N: Yeah, I started writing this 2 years ago because my friend requested it, but I lost momentum and I lost control of the storyline (and I hate what I've written so far) so I've had this fic on hold for months. I've decided to try and re-write it and condense it down to something more manageable. I probably won't take on anymore vampire AUs after this, it is such a pain, lol.



Ryeowook's lungs were burning, he stumbled forward in a panic, he wouldn't be able to last much longer. He tasted the coppery tinge of blood rising like bile in his throat and felt his legs give out from underneath him. He planted his palms against the cold ground and pushed himself up. Stand! Stand! Stand up, goddammit! His legs shook painfully as if he were a toddler learning to take his first steps – one foot up, then another, one wobbly step, then another. He surveyed the chaos around him, it was never supposed to be like this. Sungmin and Jongwoon and... Kyuhyun. Please Live!
Kyuhyun was outnumbered and Ryeowook could tell by the look in the young vampire's eyes that he didn't care, but Ryeowook cared – very much so. He never had much time to begin with, but if his short life was going to end he could at least choose when. Ryeowook lunged forward in order to shield Kyuhyun and it didn't hurt half as much as seeing Kyuhyun's grief-stricken expression. Ryeowook felt himself fall, his body floating as if suspended in slow motion. Kyuhyun caught him and screamed in agony.
Ryeowook brushed the back of his cold hand against Kyuhyun's pale cheek, “It's okay to live, Kyuhyun-ah. You should never feel guilty about that.”
Kyuhyun felt his soul shatter when Ryeowook went limp. Everything went eerily still and a sardonic laugh filled the air. Jongwooon looked on grimly while holding Sungmin back.
“What's happening, Jongwoon?” Sungmin asked quietly while a huge field of energy emanated from their lanky friend.
“The brat actually has powers,” Heechul interrupted with a sneer. “Powers that make him one of the strongest vampires in the world.”
I have 3 different storylines crowding my head right now which makes updating anything very difficult lol


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401 streak #1
not fond of kyuwook, but coz it has yemin, I'll give it a try~ <3
jesyuchiha #2
Chapter 12: Por favor tienes que continuar esta historia! ><
sonujks #3
Chapter 12: This story is so good....please update authornim
Keyv88 #4
Chapter 12: Aaaaaahhh why did u stop at the most interesting part of the story.. Criesssssss T.T
Keyv88 #5
Chapter 8: I hope theres more kyuwook moments
Keyv88 #6
Chapter 6: Wow.. Eunhae on this chap i like it..
Keyv88 #7
Chapter 3: Minwook is very sweet.. Kyu has to save wooke@.@.@.@@
Keyv88 #8
Chapter 2: Aaaww.. He got love at first sight
Chapter 12: haha..
this is awesome..
it's awesome i forgot to comment in every chapter..
but this story is in hiatus for nearly a year..
it's a pity if this will not continue...
i hope you will update this though..
wintertmm #10
Awsome story line !! Pls continue updating!!! It's such a ghost story:)