10 Songs, 10 Drabbles


10 different songs, 10 different stories. 

Each song has its own story, to be interpreted and told.  Let's see what these 10 have to tell?


10 Songs, 10 Drabbles.

1. Pick a character or pairing you like for each drabble.
2. Turn on your music player and put it on random/shuffle.
3. Write a drabble related to each song that plays. You only have the time frame of the song to finish the drabble; you start when the song starts, and stop when it's over. No lingering afterwards!
4. Do ten of these, then post them!
5. Since I cheated a little, you can too. If you need to, play a song twice, and no longer than that! And if you need a moment to think of who you're going to write about, feel free to pause :D (all fics that I replayed will be marked.  I wasn’t intending to do so but the rules said I could so the ones I was rushed for I edited a bit)

Pairings [In order]: KyuSung, YeHan, HenSung, YeTeuk, KiSung, 2Woon, YeHae, YeWon, RyeoSung, YeHyuk, KyuSung (again cuz I'm biased)

A/N: I went on a random Super Junior Pairing generator and just picked the people and paired them with Yesung (in the order presented below).  KyuSung is number 1 and 10 cuz I love them so much and I’m biased that way (very, very surprised there was no YeWon.  Sorry YeWon shippers, maybe next time). 

All are Yesung based and are Yesung pairs cuz I'm biased like that.

Originally posted on LJ because my AFF account is for my het, so if you want more KyuSung then go here: http://miss2l.livejournal.com/ it is not for the young or innocent though ;P 

But personally, I thought these were all like really awkward o.O I mean number 2 is just a random spill of my imagination because I really had no idea what to write.  The only thing from that song I remembered was the constant use of ‘baby girl’ so I was like WTF let’s just go with this >.> And number 10 was just awkward.  The song is based on the bit of them breaking up but I wanted a happy KyuSung so I was like… Let’s just say they got back together :P I'm just wondering why like almost every one is so sad... 

Maybe when I do this again I'll include all the pairs that weren't in this one (YeMin, YeChul, YeWon - I'm sure there's a few of you that would really like this one, ZhouSung).  And before anyone says it, yes, I ship RyeoSung.  Not YeWook.  RyeoSung.  It's my fifth fave Sungie pairing after YeWon.  And I call YeRy, HenSung.  Sue me and my biasness :P

Personal favourites: 1, 3, 4, 5

Surprised I got a lot of B2ST.  Wasn’t expecting that.  Surprised I didn’t get more Suju (I have like 80 of their songs >.>) and no Bieber (love that guy, don’t judge) or GG (I have like ALL their songs!)

Well, enjoy.


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Chapter 4: 😭😭😭😭😭
401 streak #2
Chapter 10: with his ex - now a boyfriend LOL XDD I love kyusung~
401 streak #3
Chapter 6: oooh... oh... .____. So, yesung and kangin, but then yesung and kyuhyun, ok...
401 streak #4
Chapter 5: I need KiSung moreeeeeeeeeeee
401 streak #5
Chapter 4: #sigh

I always dislike when someone is dead, it feels, I don't know, too much to bear (?) my heart... T^T
401 streak #6
Chapter 3: May I spam your comments section? XD Henry and Yesung being together just... really damn sweet XD~
401 streak #7
Chapter 2: oooowwww... so sweeeet >_____<
401 streak #8
Chapter 1: heeeeee. donghae with yesung? I need to search this pairing soon, it sounds promising XD
Chapter 10: Now that you get your 2nd chance, and easily at that, Kyu, DO NOT MAKE ANY MISTAKE OF BREAKING UP ANYMORE. Damn. This kid. Behaaaaveee! And just, just yeah just be and cuddle with Ye.. Lol
Chapter 8: You are such a kyusung warrior! Yeeeessssssss