up on melancholy hill

made for me (i belong to you)

There is no silence in the living room as the soft melody sound of a song flowing out from the bluetooth speaker Joohyun has . In her phone, a work playlist appeared on the display.

Joohyun never had any trouble working with or without music as she worked on her design concept. She used to let silence accompany her like a best friend, as the only sound her ears will listen to is the scribbling of her pen against the sketch paper.

Ever since she knew Seungwan, silence has merely become her acquaintance.

Seungwan has a knack in making a playlist. Scratch that, Seungwan is obsessed in making a playlist out of every scenario she can ever think of. From a pilates playlist to a playlist for when she dips her toes on the beach. From a baking playlist to a playlist she will listen to while she is drunk. At one of the walls in her house, she installed a huge rack filled with a vast collection of LPs she bought during her trip around the world.

The song she is currently playing is coming from the work playlist perfectly curated by Seungwan for her. Inside the list that is filled with more than thirty songs, Joohyun has never listened to any one of them the moment Seungwan sent her the link.

But that doesn’t stop Joohyun as she chose to listen to every playlist Seungwan made for her. She is currently working right now, that’s why she played the work playlist to accompany her in making a design concept for a new resort in Jeju Island. Joohyun sometimes can’t help but to smile when she carefully listens to the lyrics in a love song Seungwan puts inside her playlist, allowing herself to stop before she continues in measuring the width of one of the rooms.

And the fair skin on her face will turn into such a deep red when the lyrics sound provocative and sensual. Especially when Seungwan sneakily added the song that she said was about an omega who wants their alpha. Joohyun doesn’t believe that, but she was too flustered with the advances Seungwan was giving her as she explained that.

Safe to say, Joohyun never met someone as feisty as Seungwan before.

Her omega is everything that Joohyun isn’t. Son Seungwan is one of the most famous and popular actresses in the world, if not the number one. Almost every store throughout the nation has a print of her face—the perks of Seungwan being their brand ambassador. Everybody loves her. They always wait for her new project with a huge excitement. The movies she acted in often break a box office record. The dramas she took part in always scored more than fifteen percent of the nationwide rating.

Son Seungwan is the national treasure of their country. It’s hard to believe that a simple architect like Bae Joohyun is her mate.

They met for the first time when the studio firm she worked at accepted an offer to build a house for a famous figure in the country. Joohyun has long wanted to have a project of her own, and the directors thought she is the right person to be tasked with this responsibility.

She will know later that the reason why she got this project is because apart from her, all the people at the firm know the bad reputation of Seungwan when it comes to this thing—make something for her. Seungwan infamously known for how picky she is, how weird her requests are, and how there are so many difficult rules that people need to follow whether they like it or not. 

That’s why they all refused to accept, and the only one who said yes was Joohyun.

Joohyun doesn’t recognize Seungwan the first time they met each other. She does not even realize that Seungwan was trying to hit on her every time they have a meeting to discuss the planning and the concept of her future house. She is too focused with her work to realize the advances Seungwan kept giving her until the actress finally gave up and confessed to her the moment she was finished building her house.

Everybody knows how much of an amateur Joohyun is in terms of relationships. Seungwan even finds out that she is a and keeps teasing her about it during the time they get to know each other because it’s such a rare occasion to meet an alpha who has never had before.

And like every relationship out there—maybe—they have their fair share of rough moments. But Joohyun learned throughout the way, to mend the rough patches that lead to where they are right now.

Her back leaned against the working chair as her eyes staring on the high ceiling above her, where a beautiful chandelier made of glass filled the emptiness of the space. A special request from Seungwan because she wants something grand in the place she called home.

The alpha has practically moved into the house she built the moment they have become more than just girlfriends—mates. Joohyun still has some of her stuff in her apartment, and occasionally goes back and forth to fetch certain things that are mostly related to work. Beside all of that, she lives together with Seungwan. And the small space in front of a huge window that overlooks the garden and the beach became a working space for Joohyun to work with her designs.

She took her phone that was on the edge of the table as a frown formed on her forehead when she noticed how late the night was as she saw the time displayed on the screen. 

Seungwan is currently away right now, having a schedule to attend the first screening of a movie as she was invited as one of the guests. Joohyun was just starting her work when she heard the sound of her high heels descending through the stairs. She can’t help but to feel curious, and Joohyun is glad she turned around.

There is Seungwan, standing on the staircase with light from the chandelier showering down upon her like a spotlight. She wears a cream-coloured dress that exposes her chest, along with a cut that will showcase her legs if she poses in a certain way. She added more volume for her wavy hair, allowing Seungwan to show off her elegance and cementing her reputation as the number one actress in the country. 

And the sight easily takes the breath away from her lungs.

“Close your mouth, love,” Seungwan breaks the silence with her signature smirk plastered on her face. “You don’t want a fly to come inside.”

Joohyun immediately shuts as her eyes follow the way Seungwan descends down her stairs. The pastel coloured stilettos worked so well together with the dress she chose for tonight’s schedule. Her red lips didn’t fail to point out more of her beautiful features. Her eyes continued to roam all over her appearance until they landed on the sight that has been quite a long time for Joohyun to see.

Her omega choker rested comfortably around her neck. The white choker symbolizes an omega who has yet to be mated within fifteen years after coming of age. The special choker that only an omega can take off under their own will.

“I wear this because I thought it will look good together with my dress for tonight,” explained Seungwan as she broke the silence once again. Her fingers carefully touched the white choker, as if she was prodding into a sensitive matter between the two of them. “I know we are mates, and everyone knows that I’m mated to someone. This is merely an accessory to compliment my outfit.”

When her gaze went up, she easily saw the concern inside Seungwan’s eyes underneath all the mirth. Joohyun can’t help but to give her a small smile as she took a step closer to Seungwan. She held her omega’s hand in her grasp, hoping that the physical contact is enough to convince Seungwan that she is more than okay with that.

“You look beautiful,” admitted Joohyun truthfully. “Very beautiful.”

Seungwan blinked from her whisper as her eyes sparkled like the milky way had moved their location into her orbs. Her smirk is back on her face, along with her fingers that are resting against her nape right now. She leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the corner of her lips.

“I’m not going to give you a proper kiss because there is no way I will let you ruin my lipstick in case you lose your control,” grinned Seungwan like a Cheshire cat, while Joohyun simply raised her eyebrow from the claim. 

They both know that the one who mostly loses their control while they share a random kiss is Seungwan, rarely Joohyun. Simply because she has a strong self-control, and no matter how long they have been together, Joohyun is still not used to displaying her affection. But Joohyun chooses to not fight her as she chuckles and gives her a kiss on the forehead, before she walks Seungwan to the front porch where her manager has waited for her to drive her to the event.

Suddenly, there is a sound of ruckus coming from outside and breaking Joohyun out from her own thoughts. Her bewildered eyes staring at the main door of the house, wondering if she heard it right or it was just her imagination. Once she heard a sound of legs walking through the gravel of the pavement, Joohyun found herself standing and walking towards the door.

The moment she opened the door, she was greeted with the sight of Seungwan in her completely drunk state, and her manager trying her best to help her walk straight. The actress is yelling a song Joohyun doesn’t recognize, the perks of her being completely wasted.

“ing hell, Seungwan. Shut the up for once,” gritted her manager as she practically pulled the drunk woman to walk.

Seungwan responded to her wish with a loud laugh as she waved her free arm in the air. She suddenly raised her head and Joohyun easily found her half-lidded eyes in-between the mess of her hair. The next thing she knew, Seungwan flashed her a grin as she ran towards her. “Hyunnie!”

Thank God Joohyun was quick enough to move and prevent her from falling face first when Seungwan stumbled on a stone and easily landed inside her embrace. “Seungwan, be careful.”

Her omega reeks of alcohol, she listened to the intoxicated sound of her giggle as she put her arms around her neck. She suddenly felt her lips drunkenly kiss the mating mark on her skin, and Joohyun can feel her face instantly heated up from the contact. “I miss you so much, my alpha!”

“I-I miss you too,” stammered Joohyun as she finds it hard to look at Seungwan’s manager who has been watching the two of them the moment her mate is running towards her. She tightly clutches on Seungwan’s body, to make sure that she is secure inside her embrace and to take her time in regaining her composure. “What happened, Sooyoung?”

“She drank too much at the after party,” grumbled Sooyoung, Seungwan’s manager, as she wiped her tired face in frustration. This is the first time Joohyun learned that there is a party after the first screening of a movie. “I practically need to drag her back into the car to force her to go home.”

“Oh,” Joohyun can only muster up a simple reply when she caught a smell of something horrendous coming from Seungwan. Her eyes moved everywhere until they stopped at the sight of a stain on Sooyoung’s sneakers. “Is she-”

“Yeah,” sighed Sooyoung tiredly. “She just threw up in the bush. Don’t worry, I think all of her dinner is already on the ground.”

Joohyun gave her a nod and made a mental note to call the cleaner tomorrow to handle her puke before her face burned in red again because she can feel Seungwan’s lips brushing against her mating mark this time. Why does she need to be super sensitive at that spot? “Thank you for b-bringing her home, Sooyoung.”

“It’s okay. It was my job as her manager,” dismissed Sooyoung lightly as she turned around to go back home now that her task is done for the night. “Good luck taking care of her drunk . Good night, Joohyun.”

“Good night, Sooyoung,” Joohyun bid the other alpha softly. She waited until Sooyoung drove away before she brought Seungwan inside. Turns out, it was a really hard task to take the stilettos off from a drunk person's feet, especially when Joohyun also needed to make sure that Seungwan would not be laying down recklessly on the floor. It will be much easier if Joohyun is a head taller than Seungwan. But being an inch taller than her really doesn’t make the work lighter.

The moment her feet are free, Seungwan immediately saunters her way inside her own house, leaving Joohyun behind to handle all the mess. She made sure that Seungwan would not do anything stupid before she put her stilettos beside her flat shoes and took her purse along with her.

Seungwan somehow made her way towards the pantry unscathed as she took a bottle of water from the refrigerator and chugged down the contents. Joohyun only watched her over as she placed her purse on the island.

“How’s the movie?” asked Joohyun as she tried to start a conversation, and to check if Seungwan had sobered enough.

“Not bad, although it was a bit boring,” shrugged Seungwan as she wiped the corner of her lips using the sleeve of her dress, causing a red smudge to exist on the expensive piece of clothing. Joohyun doesn’t want to think how hard it would be to clean it. Her eyes blinked when Seungwan turned around and flashed her signature wide grin. Joohyun wasn’t reacting fast enough when Seungwan came to her and threw her arms around her once again. “I miss you so much, Hyunnie, it was so boring without you. I want kissy kissy!”

Joohyun managed to stop Seungwan just right before her lips landed on top of her own. As much as Joohyun is completely okay with kissing Seungwan when she has a horrible morning breath, she really doesn’t like it if her kiss tasted too much like alcohol. “Let’s brush your teeth and bring you to bed.”

“Why don't you want to kiss me!” whined Seungwan as she pulled a little tantrum in front of Joohyun. The omega suddenly pauses, only for her to show the huge pout present on her face. “You don’t love me anymore?”

“I-I love you!” stammered Joohyun as she can feel the panic inside her starting to level up. So this is what Sooyoung meant when she said good luck in handling drunk Seungwan. It’s not like she has never seen Seungwan being tipsy before whenever they decided to drink together. But this one is another world, even for Joohyun. “It’s just very late right now and you just throw up. I think it’s better to brush your teeth first before you go to sleep.”

“Brush teeth,” repeated Seungwan softly as she seemed to be thinking about her offer right now. Seungwan looks up, and the milky way is back into her eyes. “And then kiss?”

She can’t help but to give her a small smile before she nods. “And then kiss. Come on, I will brush your teeth.”

Even brushing her teeth wasn’t an easy task because Seungwan kept laughing and Joohyun tried her best to not let any toothpaste get spilled on her haute couture dress. She cleaned meticulously after she was done brushing her teeth. Joohyun even found the chance to wipe the makeup off Seungwan’s face and she took it. The omega has calmed down from her high, to the point she almost fell asleep with a smile on her face. As much as Joohyun wants her to rest, she still needs Seungwan to be awake so she can walk her carefully towards her bedroom.

Once they arrived at her bedroom, Joohyun gently stripped her body off the uncomfortable dress she had been wearing for the entire night. If Seungwan was sober, she would have seduced her and prompted her to touch her body with that sly smirk on her face. But the drunk Seungwan can only laugh, and it really helps Joohyun to dress her in her pajamas as quickly as she can before she lays her down on the bed.

When she was about to turn off the light on the nightstand, Seungwan caught her wrist. Joohyun only stared at her as she waited for Seungwan to say something. “You don’t sleep with me?”

“I will,” assured Joohyun as she gave her a small smile. “I just need to finish up my work first and then I will join you later in bed.”

Seungwan answered with a nod before she let out a big yawn. There is a droopy smile on her face right now and Joohyun can’t believe how beautiful she is, even when she looks silly. “You promised me a kiss, Hyunnie.”

“I do,” chuckled Joohyun, remembering the deal they made to convince Seungwan to clean up and go to bed. Her body leans down and she perfectly captures her lips in a soft kiss. She can’t help but smile when she notices Seungwan trying to deepen the kiss, a habit that is perfectly ingrained in her system even when she is drunk. Joohyun allowed the kiss to stay longer before she broke the connection of their lips. “Good night, Seungwan.”

The actress simply giggled before she closed her eyes to fall asleep. The adorable sight brings a smile on Joohyun’s face while carefully fixing the blanket to cover her body properly. She turned off the light and left her bedroom to finish some part of her design before she decided to call off the night.


Joohyun parted her eyes as she slowly adjusted to the bright light surrounding her inside the bedroom, the perks of her forgetting to draw the curtains. She turned her head to see the digital clock on the nightstand, wanting to check the time only to find the number eight on the display.

No matter how late Joohyun goes to sleep, the system inside her body will be automatically at eight in the morning. Forcing her to be awake, even when she deserves some more sleep. The only time she will not wake up at eight will be when she falls sick. That’s why, whenever Joohyun was late to text Seungwan back for no more than thirty minutes after the time she was supposed to wake up, the omega would immediately call her and the alpha would assure her that she is perfectly healthy before apologizing for making her worried.

Speaking of Seungwan, she turned her head to the other side and found the actress still deep in her sleep. It’s always like this between the two of them—Joohyun will wake up first while Seungwan will leave the bed at a much later time. Her mate is facing her, and Joohyun can feel the sliver of her arms around her own. The sign that Seungwan is holding her in her sleep.

By being super careful with her movement to not wake her up, Joohyun gently pulls her arm away from Seungwan’s hold so she can leave the bed. It would be nice if she can stay longer beside her, preferably wasting her time by watching Seungwan in her sleep. But she has a lot of things to do as soon as she wakes up, and one of them is to cook a hangover breakfast for Seungwan.

A nice bowl of ramyeon is her choice for Seungwan’s breakfast. Joohyun makes sure to add a lot of vegetables and proteins because her mate is a health freak. She also added chili powder to make the ramyeon spicy, just the way Seungwan likes it. 

She decided to wait to add the noodles inside the cooked broth to prevent it from getting bloated. It will be much better to cook the noodles once Seungwan is awake and fresh. That’s why, after Joohyun is done cooking the broth, she prepares a glass filled with water along with a pill of painkillers to help Seungwan with the hangover.

Her legs carefully brought her back to her bedroom. Seungwan is still sleeping, just like what her hunch predicted. Joohyun practically tiptoed her way towards the nightstand by her side to put the glass and the pill that Seungwan needed as soon as she woke up on top of it. She paused for a second after putting them down when she noticed the odd position of her blanket. Joohyun gently reaches the duvet, and slowly fixes it to make sure that Seungwan is warm in her sleep.

But when she was done in doing so, Seungwan started to stir awake, surprising Joohyun as she froze midair and stopped breathing to not make the slightest sound. She can only watch her eyelids slowly fluttering open, adjusting to the morning light because Joohyun forgot to put on the curtains. Seungwan turned around and easily found Joohyun who was still standing awkwardly beside her bed. “Joohyun?”

“Hi,” whispered Joohyun awkwardly before she fixed her position to stand up properly. She cleared in the process. “Um, good morning. Did I wake you up?”

Seungwan shook her head. That's good news. “What time is it?”

“Almost nine,” answered Joohyun after she took a quick look at the digital clock. She heard Seungwan groan, a bit muffled because of the blanket. Joohyun assumed it was because of her hangover. “Why don’t you drink your med first? You can go back to sleep afterwards.”

It took Seungwan a minute to listen to her words. Joohyun helped her sit to make it easier for her to drink her medicine. Once Seungwan is done, she goes back to lie down on her bed. Joohyun thought that her job was done, that’s why she was about to leave when Seungwan stopped her by grabbing the hem of her t-shirt.

“Join me,” that’s the only thing Seungwan said to her, but it’s enough for Joohyun to give her a nod and round the bed to fill the empty space she left an hour ago.

The moment Joohyun is back on her bed, Seungwan quickly latches onto her body like a koala. She threw her arm over her torso and her leg over her own limbs, clutching her in a tight embrace. Joohyun is unable to escape from her hold without any force.

“Are you feeling better?” asked Joohyun while Seungwan snuggled into her face.

“Very,” answered Seungwan, and she could feel her smirk against her skin because the next thing that was coming was a kiss on her cheek. Joohyun can feel her ears starting to get warm, and Seungwan must have noticed her tinted-coloured earlobe. “You always make me feel better.”

Her body turned rigid when Seungwan slipped her hand inside her t-shirt and started palming her belly, painfully close to where her crotch was. Joohyun gulped her saliva when her lips touched the mating mark on her neck, kissing and on the ownership bite mark. No need for a genius to tell her how red Joohyun has become. “Seungwan? W-what are you doing?”

“Touching my alpha,” purred Seungwan against her ear before she stuck her tongue inside her earlobe. Her palm has moved up to touch the side of her . Joohyun knows there is no escaping this. “I thought you like it when I touch you like this, love?”

If someone is able to become much redder than a ripe tomato, then Joohyun is sure her face looks like she can blow up anytime by now. “I-I like it.”

“Great,” grinned Seungwan before the added weight on her side disappeared instantly, and moved towards her crotch because Seungwan is currently sitting on it right now. There is a cunning smile on her face, Joohyun can’t help but to swallow the ball of anxiety that is stuck in as she can feel her heart beating faster in preparation for what is going to come. “Then I can do this.”

Seungwan reached for the choker around her neck, easily snapped it open and placed it on top of the nightstand—she did all of that without breaking their eye contact even once. She reached for the hem of her pajama afterwards, easily pulling it over her head as the only thing that is covering her torso right now is her black bra. Joohyun watched every movement she did with wide eyes, and Seungwan widened her smirk when she noticed her gaze. 

“Like what you see, baby?”

Joohyun swallowed another lump formed inside . “I thought you got a hangover?”

“You make it better, love,” giggled Seungwan as she took her arms and guided Joohyun to place both of her palms on each side of her waist. She reached for the clip of her bra that was at the front, lightly snapped it open to expose two of her gorgeous s. Seungwan leans forward, and stops her movement to have a gap close enough with Joohyun’s face. To the point she can feel her warm breath fanning against her trembling lips. “Let me give you a reward for being so kind to me last night.”

“It’s nothing,” replied Joohyun fast, too quick for her liking. But how can she react well when a half Son Seungwan is currently sitting on top of her body. Her breath got stuck in when she picked up the scent of her sweet berry pheromone, sending electricity down to her crotch. And it seems like Seungwan noticed it because her grin just became much wider. “It’s really okay.”

Her mate gently shushed her as she placed her forefinger right above her chapped lips. The soft pads of her digits soon grazed against the sharp bone of her jaw, tilting her face to allow Seungwan to see her better. “Just enjoy this.”

Their lips soon met each other once Seungwan whispered the words. It was a bit awkward to kiss her back due to how anxious Joohyun currently feels. But when Seungwan bravely swiped her tongue against her lips, asking Joohyun to open and let her enter , she had no other option besides to grant her wish.

And things suddenly happened in a flash.

Joohyun doesn’t know how they changed their position, with the alpha being the one who is on top of her this time. But based on the satisfied expression currently adorning Seungwan’s beautiful face, Joohyun knows it was her who is the culprit behind this.

“If we are going to do this,” muttered Joohyun softly as her eyes looked down to stare at her full lips that were glistening underneath the morning light. Seungwan suddenly sticks her tongue out and makes her lips wetter before they turn into a sly grin, probably noticing the way her eyes darkened from the simple action. “Then I will be the one who takes the steering wheel from now on.”

“Gladly,” answered Seungwan in a flash as she circled her arms around her neck and pulled Joohyun closer for another kiss.


She is forced to change the breakfast she made for Seungwan into a brunch for the two of them. They just leave the bed at eleven, courtesy of Seungwan wanting to cuddle with her longer after their morning . Although a bunch of used condoms in the trash can also can be the reason why they stay in the bed for quite a long time. 

It took Joohyun a kiss and a promise for showering together to make Seungwan want to leave her bed.

The architect gently placed the bowl of ramyeon in front of Seungwan who had been waiting for her food at the dining table after Joohyun told her to sit down and let her be alone in the kitchen because she kept latching on her back and disturbing her cooking. She ignored the judging stare Seungwan gave her by kissing the top of her head before going towards her seat that was right in front of her mate.

There is a small sketch paper right beside her bowl, alongside her pen. It has been a habit of Joohyun to watch Seungwan after she was done eating her food, and memorizing the sight in front of her by drawing a sketch of the actress. 

Seungwan is only wearing her hoodie that looks big compared to her small frame. The loose collar of her hoodie allows Seungwan to showcase the fresh bite mark on her neck that has turned color into purple, the artwork that Joohyun did on her skin this morning. It wasn’t that much compared to the bunch of petals Seungwan scattered all over her body, but the sight is still mesmerizing for Joohyun to adore. That’s why it doesn’t take her a long time to start picking up her pen and drawing what her eyes just see.


Her simple question made Joohyun raise her head to look at Seungwan. She is holding a white mug of warm coffee and raising her legs to make it easier for Joohyun to adore the sight of her slender limbs. Joohyun simply raised her eyebrow as her reply, only for her to get a scoff.

“I look horrible right now,” grumbled Seungwan while pulling her mug closer to where her swollen lips are. “Stop drawing me.”

The statement brought a thick frown to bloom on Joohyun’s forehead. She really doesn’t understand why Seungwan said that. Her short hair is a mess, her face is void of any high quality makeup. But Seungwan is shining so brightly right now like there is a halo on top of her head. Joohyun really doesn't get it. “What do you mean? You look so beautiful right now.”

It was a round of silence before Seungwan gave her another scoff and took a sip of her coffee. Joohyun didn’t miss the way her blush slowly bloomed on her cheek, but she is still too confused with her odd statement. “Stupid.”

Joohyun decided to ignore her reply and continue focusing on her rough sketch on Seungwan. Once she was done with her artwork, Joohyun couldn't help but feel satisfied as a small smile gently appeared on her face. Her sketch doesn’t do justice to how ethereal Seungwan appeared right now based on her own eyes, but it was good enough for Joohyun to put inside the collection of rough sketches of Seungwan that she kept in a book.

There is sometimes a tease from Seungwan because it makes Joohyun look like she is beyond obsessed with her omega. But she doesn’t pay any mind with the tease, especially when she knows that Seungwan also likes to see the rough sketch of herself every time she thinks Joohyun isn’t looking. And it makes the habit worth it.

Someone suddenly pulled the paper away from her grasp when Joohyun was still in the middle of admiring it. Joohyun just blinked in surprise when the culprit decided to sit on her lap this time, and Seungwan forced her to have her gaze focused on her eyes by tilting her face.

“Do you have any plans for today?” asked Seungwan as she rested her arms on both of her shoulders, with her fingers playing with the baby hair on her nape because Joohyun did her long hair in a simple bun.

“Uh,” Joohyun changed her gaze to look at her working desk that had been left untouched for hours. She can feel Seungwan rolling her eyes from the action. “Work?”

“Boring,” groaned Seungwan loudly to tell Joohyun that she is very much against that. “I’m free today, babe, and I rarely have any free time. Don’t you think we should do something only for the two of us?”

Joohyun scratched her head when it didn't feel itchy in the slightest. The deadline of the design for the project she is currently handling right now is in two weeks, but Joohyun just barely scratches the surface right now. There is a lot that she still needs to do, yet she can’t do anything when Seungwan is against the idea of her working. “Do you want to do something?”

The question brought a cunning smile back on Seungwan’s face. “We can continue where we left behind this morning.”

And her answer easily brought a deadpan on Joohyun’s face. “No.”

“Fine,” Seungwan rolled her eyes in a dramatic way. They might be each other’s mate, and Seungwan might have a killer body that people would die for according to her, but another ? Joohyun’s back is in pain from even thinking about that. “We can watch movies, or stroll the beach. Or talking. What do you think?”

“But we are currently talking?” asked Joohyun in pure confusion.

Seungwan only stared at her in disbelief before she let out a groan and kissed her lips. “Thank God I love you, really.”

“Um,” Joohyun scratched her head again. “I love you too?”

Their eyes staring at each other in silence for a minute before Seungwan breaks into a chuckle. She melts into her embrace for a cuddle, and Joohyun’s face heats up when her lips kiss the purple hickey on her skin that is near her mating mark. Joohyun picks up the scent of her sweet pheromone, and it immediately calms her down. She likes how Seungwan has a really sweet smell as her pheromone, and it easily becomes her new favorite thing. “Let’s just do this.”

It still baffles Joohyun how much Seungwan loves cuddles, but she just lets the actress get what she wants without too much fight. “Can we take a shower after this? My body feels sticky.”

Her mate giggled against her shoulder as she buried her face inside her collarbone. “Of course, love. Whatever you want. Another round of too?”

Joohyun simply groaned from the question, and Seungwan’s laughter was enough of a reply.


and here it is. the first chapter. finally, after such a struggle to come up with it.

tbh, i rarely tackle aboverse because i find it kind of difficult to write somehow. but this story just fit the aboverse perfectly, and i just need to add this as one of the theme.

so to make things clear, joohyun is an awkward person socially and always think about things in a logical way. while seungwan is a complete opposite of her, thats why it will be very interesting for me in seeing how their relationship will develop as more chapters will be added. and this story will also be written by jumping around the timeline (aka writing whatever i want) bcs its much better for me to write it in that kind of formula ngl.

also, the house reference is actually the one in the drama full house

will there be in the future? obviously, because this is aboverse and is a must. but i dont think there will be lots of that kind of scene in the future considering joohyun's characterization, that's why this story will focus a lot more on fluff (and angst probably WHATTTTTTTTTT)

i will try my best to write this story, considering i have tons of ignored stories too so i will not promise anything like usual, but i hope you guys will like this as much as i do

anyway, please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this story so i can use it as my motivation to start writing for the next one! if you want to interact with me, you can find me on twitter (just follow, i will accept)! feel free to also buy me a coffee!

i think that's all from me. thank you for reading, i hope you enjoy and like this, and see you in the next chapter!

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Seungwanniepuppy 0 points #1
Chapter 8: Dude dont say this is a bad chapter coz this is a really good development in the story. I mean obly the part of revealing Joohyun's family. I thought it was too early. But you drop the bomb so i am excited for the next chapter.
menjadisaya #2
Chapter 8: Like usual, your story always good and heart warming 🥰🥰
Chapter 8: I hope everything goes well with your surgery. It's okay to laze around. You have life outside of this and i hope that you are not feeling obligated to write for us. Feel free to write whenever you feel like to. Thank you for the update.

I really enjoyed this update. The banter between seungwan and her mom is funny. I actually noticed the small similarity between joohyun and Seungwan's father but Mrs. Shon just confirmed it. I guess joohyun will get better in time just like Mr. Shon. I am really really excited about Seungwan meeting the Bae's, it's pretty obvious with my previous comments. I hope they're not snob like other rich people. Especially with Seungwan's line of work, rich people tend to think lowly of the people from the entertainment industry. But i bet some of them will be amused by joohyun getting that bag (seungwan a famous actress of her generation) given that joohyun statement about herself being a alpha if she didn't met seungwan lol
tttooo777 #4
Chapter 8: It's very funny that she plays the role of a third generation chaebol heiress man who marries the son of a farmer(in ep.2), yet she herself becomes the mate with the chaebol daughter.

I wish you good health, and I think Wendy does too. She always wishes for the health of all her fans :)
I'm not good at English so I'm sorry if I use rude expressions.
everydai #5
Chapter 8: Get well soon, stay healthy, i have the same experience (been trough surgery) recently, and i know is very stressful the days before the procedure. Dont worry, everything is gonna be okay (I hope so) pd: sorry for my bad grammar im not very good at english
Taitai84 1236 streak #6
Chapter 8: So surprised to be seeing Wendy’s parents first instead of joohyun’s, since everyone was curious about her mysterious rich family.

Am sure Wendy will have no problem charming her in laws!
mklarisse_ #7
Chapter 8: omg finally a reveal SHDDJDJ i love this chap! its so sweet sjxjsjd how they both see each other in that way
WenRene_77 15 streak #8
Chapter 8: I wonder what will be the reaction of joohyun's family
Chapter 8: It's nice to see Seungwan is really close to her family and he way her mum kept teasing her non-stop! 😂 It's cute that Seungwan is a menace exactly like her mum and both of them like the same type of people. 🤣

I'm kinda glad Seungwan did not jump into conclusion that Joohyun is definitely the one.. Afterall, they're still getting to know each other. For sure, they do like each other. But to determine someone as the one is a whole different story.

Awww, Joohyun is so sweet and sincere. The way she confessed to Seungwan's dad... and also reassured Seungwan that she meant what she said. How can anyone not fall in love with her?

Joohyun has finally drop the family bomb! I wonder what's her family dynamic are like.. Given that her parents allow her to do whatever she like, letting her live alone and only request for her to stayover during the weekends, they must be close too.

Tbh, I wasn't too sure whether you were referring yourself as the medical team side or the patient (sorry! 😅). Whichever it is, all the best and wish the surgery goes well!
Skye1234 #10
Chapter 8: Thank you for the update.