Sick Day

Sick Day

A couple of months after the debut of the group Dream High, they became a sensation in the Korean Entertainment Industry. They made guest appearances here and there while balancing their studies at the same time.

Their talent and dedication became their drive to success; but soon, the 6-member group became 5 when Song Sam Dong won the EMG contest and had to leave Korea to be a solo performer under that label.

But Dream High never stopped climbing the charts. Even Hayan Entertainment gained some popularity because of them, which led to more projects that caused more training and rehearsals.

CEO Ma Doo Shik doesn't advise it, but he couldn't stop the stubborn kids from doing what they want.

Pil Suk, the once overweight sweetheart with the voice of an angel was not the strongest dancer of the group, she even admits it herself — luckily, her namchin is the best dancer. After all, he was number 1 in the Kirin Arts High School audition.

Inside the school's dance studio, Jason is helping Pil Suk with the choreography of their latest song. She doesn't want to fall behind the rest of her friends.

"Let's go again" she told Jason right after a full run-through of the choreography.

"Pil Sukie, it's getting late, and you live in Bogwang-dong" Jason told her. It's not like he didn't want to help her, he does, but it is pretty late for her to still be out.

"Please? One last time, then we'll go home" she pleaded clutching her hands together tightly.

His biggest mistake at that moment was taking a glance at her. He knew that looking at her big doe eyes that he was done for. All his ego and assertiveness go out the window.

He sighed.

"Araso" he gave in, which made her do a cute little jump in cheer as he tried to hide the smile creeping on his face.

"But only one more time, and then we'll go home, okay?" Jason told her firmly.

"Okay" Pil Suk nodded raising her right hand to make an 'okay' gesture and they ran the choreography one more time.

The next morning during dance rehearsals, Hye Mi, Baek Hee, and Jin Guk were already stretching before they started rehearsing the choreography they learned for their new song the day before.

Jason entered the studio instantly noticing that someone was missing.

"Has Pil Suk come in yet?" he asked curiously, and they shrugged 'No'. Ms. Shi came after him and started rehearsals right away. Jason raised his hand for his teacher to notice him.

"Aren't we going to wait for Kim Pil Suk?" he asked.

"Her mother called earlier, she has a fever when she woke up this morning" she replied.

"Mwo?!" Jason asked in alarm which made the rest of his group members jolt in shock. Ms. Shi didn't mind him though and started rehearsing the choreography they learned anyway.

Jason on the other hand can't help thinking about his yeochin. She was fine when he took her home last night, but he did notice her sniffing.

He felt guilty, he should have figured that she was coming up with a cold and stopped her from overexerting herself during rehearsals and going home late.

While thinking about all of these, he was subtly messing up the choreography, which doesn't usually happen to him because he practically picked up the steps the moment it was taught.

Out of focus, he bumped into Hye Mi.

"Yah!" she exclaimed at him.

"Mian" he told her while she blew her bangs in irritated that he messed up and walked away from him.

"Let's take five" Ms. Shi told the students to give them a break before fighting ensues.

Jason then went straight to his bag at the corner of the room where his phone was and called Pil Suk. After three times of her not answering, he became agitated.

"Aish! Why are you not picking up your phone!" he said in annoyance while the rest of the group just looked and observed him.

"What's got him so worked up about?" Jin Guk asked the two ladies with him.

"Romeo's worried about Juliet" Hye Mi replied smirking which confused the other two. Jin Guk and Baek Hee thought about it for a second before they realized that she was talking about Pil Suk.

"Ease up Jason, she's probably just tired, hence the fever. She'll be back in no time" Baek Hee assured him giving him an encouraging smile.

"You don't know that!" Jason replied irritated which made Beak Hee dumbfounded. She hadn't seen him in that state before, she was used to him being cool and nonchalant about everything.

"Don't mind him, he's usually all worked up when Pil Suk is sick" Hye Mi nudged Baek Hee's shoulder as she grinned mysteriously.

"Why are you so amused?" Jin Guk asked curiously at Hye Mi's expression.

"I once made him go from Nagoya to Seoul because I told him that Pil Suk has Hepatitis B and that she's going to stay longer in the hospital" Hye Mi told them chuckling at the memory.

"Was it the Japan field trip we went to last year? When we shot that music video?" Baek Hee asked and Hye Mi nodded in confirmation.

"Ahh, so that's the reason why he was so stressed in our room. He kept me up all night with his typing and he kept mumbling to his computer" Jin Guk told them as they laughed at Jason as they finally found out what his weakness was.

"Yah! Go Hye Mi, you owe me for that flight" Jason told her from the other side of the room when he realized that they were talking about him and his impulsiveness.

"I only want to make you admit you like Pil Sukie as more than a friend, and maybe to tease you a little bit, but I did not expect you to go straight to Korea." Hye Mi replied in defense.

Jason was about to curse her when Ms. Shi came back to the room to resume rehearsals. This time, however, he tried to screw his head on straight and focus as much as he can so they could finish early and he could visit his sick yeochin.

About an hour and a half later, Ms. Shi dismissed the students.

"That's enough for today, I'll see you all tomorrow" She told them as they ended the rehearsal for that day, and before she could add another word, Jason dashed to his things at the corner of the room.

"Kamsahamidaaaa…" Jason yelled to them as he ran out of the studio and hauled a cab to take him to Bogwang-dong.

The cab he rode stopped at the front of Kim's family restaurant. Jason was agitated when we reached the door but calmed himself before entering to greet her parents.

"Annyeonghashimnikka" he greeted Pil Suk's parents with a low bow.

"I heard Pil Suk is unwell, I came to visit her" he added with his best charming smile.

"Go ahead, she's resting upstairs in her room" Pil-Suk's mother told him, but before he moved a muscle, her father butted in.

"You're just going to let him inside our only daughter's room?" Pil Suk's father asked worriedly to his wife in a hushed voice but it was loud enough for Jason to hear and he was frozen at where he stood.

"We've known him for some time, and Pil Suk did say that he is well-mannered" her mother replied and her father hesitantly gave in with a sigh.

"I'm watching you" her dad threatened looking at him straight in the eye.

"Just leave the door open" her mother smiled at him trying to ease the tension.

"Arasseo" Jason replied awkwardly giving them another low bow before climbing up the stairs to their apartment.

It was easy for him to locate her room. He had been to her apartment before, they usually invited him to dinner when he took Pil Suk home late after rehearsals or a show.

Jason stood at her door and knocked. He waited for a while. When she didn't answer, he knocked again. When he didn't hear from the other side of the door, he decided to try to turn the knob and it opened.

He cautiously opened the door. Inside Pil Suk is sound asleep oblivious to her surroundings. He entered quietly leaving the door wide open as per her parents' request; even though he had visited her home before, he had never been inside her room.

Her room is full of decorations and stuffed animals. The room is bright, colorful, and very her. Even if she wasn't present in the room and he stumbled upon it, he would know that it was hers. She is as bright, colorful, and romantic.

As he scans the room, he sees the doll that she was carrying on their first kiss. The big orange monkey gave him a lot of nostalgia.

"Thanks for the kiss wonsungi, but I prefer her lips more than yours" he whispered to the doll playfully. It hasn't been long since he and Pil Suk's first kiss but due to their hectic schedules and lots of school requirements and rehearsals, they barely had any time to be together where they just get to enjoy themselves and not think about school or work.

"What do you think wonsungi, should I ask Pil Sukie on a date when she gets better?" he asked the doll and moved his head as if nodding 'yes' to his question. As he did that, the frame on the toy's lap moved, and he caught it before it fell.

The picture frame he caught from Pil Suk's bedside table was a picture of him during his freshman year in Kirin before he debuted. He was much more arrogant and vain then, but it's a good thing he met her.

It was sweet that she has a photo of him in her room; he wouldn't admit it to her, but he also has a picture of her on his bedside table, his wallet, and she was also his lock screen on his phone.

You may think that he's obsessive, but he likes to be reminded to work hard for what he's got and be inspired to have and achieve his goals. She was such a good influence on him.

He returned the frame from its original place and stopped snooping, he somehow felt like it was an invasion of her privacy.

Jason finally looked at what he came to her room for. He looked at Pil Suk sleeping peacefully on her bed clutching the crochet doll that she always used to bring to school that resembles so much like him.

He smiled. She is the purest and most adorable person he met, he couldn't help to admire her. He gently smoothed her hair and gave her forehead a sweet kiss as a greeting before he sat down on her bed and held her hand, it was warmer than usual.

"You work too hard Miss Sushi" he told her as she slept off her fever while he caressed her hand in his.

Pil Suk woke up from her deep slumber. Once consciousness came back to her, she instantly felt someone sitting on her bed and turned in its direction.

"Jason?" she wondered, she thought that she might still be dreaming, after all, it wasn't a rare occurrence for him to pop up in her dreams.

"How'd you sleep Pil Sukie?" he asked smiling warmly at her which made her confirm that he is real.

"How long have you been here?" she asked still in a state of shock from his surprise visit and a little embarrassed at the state of her room.

Insecure, she scanned every mess that she noticed but what caught her attention the most was the picture of him on her bedside table. She sat up and subtly tried to hide the photo which didn't go unnoticed by him.

"I've already seen it" he told her with a smug smile.

"Omo!" she buried her face in her hands in embarrassment shaking her head.

"Babo. Babo. Babo. Kim Pil Suk, stop embarrassing yourself" she told herself while hitting her head. It was adorably funny for Jason to watch but at the same time. He doesn't want her to hurt herself.

"Hey, it's not a big deal" he told her grabbing both of her hands to stop her from hitting herself and holding on to it.

"You don't have to be embarrassed, you already know that I have you on my phone, so it's a tie" he chuckled pulling out his phone from his pocket and showing her the screen to remind her.

It was a photo of her on their first official date. He loved her old self as well, but he wanted a current memory of them to remind him how lucky he was that he is with the most amazing girl who inspired him to be the best version of himself.

"Anyway, you must be hungry. Your Eomma bought up some soup and meat for you before you woke up. You better eat it before it gets cold." Jason placed the bed tray above her lap.

"I'm gonna be fat again" she mumbled whining.

"Yah! Stop that! You're making yourself sicker if you don't eat. You don't have to starve yourself to please other people. You have an amazing talent and if they hate you because you gained a little weight, then they are just jealous because you achieved something that they never had" he scolded, but also reminded her. He grabbed the chopsticks on the tray and prepared her food.

"What are you doing?" she wondered.

"Making sure you eat properly" he replied picking up a piece of meat and urging her to take a bite.

"I can feed myself you know. I have two capable hands" she told him raising both of her arms to show him.

"I know that, but you're still sick, they need to rest. Let me take care of you." he told her. She smiled shyly before she ate the meat from the chopsticks that he was holding. He then picked up the spoon and blew on the soup before feeding it to her.

"Careful, it's still hot" he warned. She smiled, the redness on her cheek darkened, but it wasn't caused by the fever. She became bashful due to the sweet gesture.

He kept feeding her until she finished the food her mother prepared and he stayed to keep her company and spend time with each other. He only decided to go home earlier than he intended to so she could rest some more and be back on her feet sooner.

Let's just say that Kim Pil Suk got better after Jason's visit that day…

AN: First-ever Drean High fanfic!

I never got to watch this show when it started because it premiered while I was still in grade school and the timeslot for this program was pretty late, but I do remember the Dance of the Year episode being promoted on TV and it captivated me (coz I like musicals and I just think it was so cool).

Anyway, recently I saw that it was on Netflix so I binged it and I love the story and ship Jason and Pil Suk so much it hurts! I couldn't find much fanfics centered on them, it's usually WooU but I vowed to stop shipping real people romantically after being brokenhearted over Feltson, but I still wish that IU and Wooyoung have a proper duet (I'm putting that out in the universe in hopes of it coming true soon).

I hope you enjoyed this cute drabble which was inspired by Jason being frantic when Pil Suk was in the hospital in Episode 10.

J. Jackal


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Chapter 1: I love this story