At The Mercy Of Cruel Fate (Winrina Version)
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Hello here the new update

sorry if there a mistake in my writing.




July 2007


Sunday is Jimin's favourite day; she gets to do things she likes the most, which is helping people in need.

This Sunday, just like any other Sunday, she will head to the local orphanage that has been operated by the church to tutor kids in primary school.

‘Unnie!!!’ was heard as soon as Jimin opened the classroom door at the Sunflower orphanage.

Kids are running towards her like an ant goes for sugar, with bright smiles fixed on their faces.

Kida is so delighted to see their favourite tutor.

Jimin make sure to ruffle each of the kids’ hairs while greeting them along with I miss you too and a chocolate flavoured candy.

There are twelve kids, range from seven years old to twelve years old.

They are Jimin's biggest inspiration to be a mother; every time her step feels so light to visit these kids, it feels really heavy when it’s time to leave.

Feel like those kids holding her by her ankle refused to let her go home.

This orphanage is the kids shelter, not their home.

She wanted to adopt them, and one day when she capable of adopting, Jimin make sure to save a child in need by giving them a loving home and family.

The main reason why her dream is to be a mother. Jimin thinks a mother is such a strong and caring person in the world.

She cannot wait for the day to come, to be called mother by her child.


‘noo, that’s not the answer, Min Hee ah’ Jimin affectionately scolds seven-year-old Min Hee for doing the math wrong; it is a simple plus and minus question.

Simple for a fifteen-year-old Jimin, but hard for a seven-year-old Min Hee, who is pouting because she never gets math right.

Explaining over and over until the kid finally gets the answer, and then she moves on to the next kid until she arrives at the empty desk.

Yuna is not here today. She realised that the moment she noticed, she had one candy left in her bag.


Knocking on the administrator office, ‘Mrs. Lee, may I come in?’

As she waits for her permission, the door unexpectedly opens, and Mrs. Lee appears to have been anticipating Jimin's coming to the office.

‘Oh, Jimin shi, come in dear.’ The lady with a round face, round glasses, and dark brown eyes, she's is big and has a figure that can handle all the kids under one command.

Those body fats jiggle inside those clothes as she walks towards the office chair and asks Jimin to sit down.

‘Thank you, Mrs. Lee,’ Jimin sat down politely with hands on her lap, eyes on Mrs. Lee.

‘You must come here to ask about Yuna, yes?’

Jimin nodded, her body leaning forward, indicating how curious she is about a girl named Yuna.

Mrs. Lee opens the drawer of her office desk and pulls out a purple envelope with a cute doodle on it. ‘Here, for you’ she hands it to Jimin.

Biting her bottom lips while her hand reached out to take the envelope, tears began to well behind her eyes.

On the envelope, it's written to my favourite Jimin unnie. Yuna's handwriting is so cute; the letters are so neat, but they are all crowded together.

At the right bottom of the envelope, there is a doodle of two figures, one with long hair and the other a bit shorter with double ponytails.

The figure is holding hands and has a smiling face on them.

Her hold on the envelope tightens, and it almost crumples the letter.

Jimin is fully aware of what has happened to cute little Yuna. Although the news was excellent, she can't help but feel melancholy because she can't see the girl anymore.

‘A family came this Monday; they want a child of the same age as their daughter.’ Mrs. Lee explained, Jimin deserves to know.

She is aware that Jimin adores all of the children here, but she has noticed that she and Yuna share a specific bond and that Jimin gives the girl additional attention all the time.

'They are a good family Jimin. You don’t have to worry.’ That was all she could say because the rest was confidential.




‘Jimin,’ Mr. Yoo called his only daughter, who didn’t eat much but poked the food with a chopstick.

He does not educate his child to play with food because it's such a bad habit given that millions of people worldwide are starving due to many circumstances.

He paused eating, let the chopstick hang midair, and the rest of the family followed. Mrs. Yoo and Jimin's older brother Jaehyun didn’t dare to move either.

Jaehyun exchanged a glance with his mother for not more than a second, and both knew what to do despite how short their eyes met.

Jaehyun used his right foot to lightly kick his sister under the table.

Jimin jolted up in her seat, almost losing her grasp on the chopstick from the unexpected kick.

She throws her brother a questionable glance, studying her brother face who is tight, eyes stern looking back at her.

‘Jimin’ Mr. Yoo called his daughter once again, and this time their eyes met.

Jimin instantly knew she had done something wrong, lowering her gaze and pressing her lips into a thin line.

‘What did I tell you about food?’

And just like an AI, Jimin says the long sentence that his father used to recite over and over before having breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

‘One of the things for which we should always be thankful and never take advantage of or disregard. God has blessed us with food. So, we must appreciate it with our hearts by enjoying it with gratitude.’

Yoo Junho, Jimin's father, has a big smile on his face now. He was so proud that his daughter didn’t miss a single word. Promptly brighten up his mood and decide not to scold his daughter tonight.

‘You never played with food before,’

‘I'm not playing with it’ she defended herself, sullenly shoving eggrolls into .

‘And what did I tell you about attitude at the dining table?’ He slightly pressed his tone, although it was still lighthearted.

Fifteen-year-old Jimin, poking her chopstick into the rice, ‘that we need to put our trouble away and enjoy this time with family,’

‘And??’ Mr. Yoo leans forward a bit, his lips forming a faint smile, and his eyebrows rise up.

‘And if there's something that truly worries us, we should voice our concerns to our family during dinner.’



His father tone made Jimin stop wondering inside her head, and slowly, she looked into her father's eyes.

Gone the light and playful father she just talks a moment ago. Now sitting in front of her is the head of their family, a father who always corrects their child's wrongdoing.

‘Never play with food again.’




August 2007


Its summer school break, the best month for students since they have a whole month of holidays.

Most students play around or go to a tuition during the summer, but for Jimin, she spent most of her time at the sunflower orphanage as a volunteer.

She volunteers to be a tutor there and help with other things too; she herself is still a kid, but the orphanage administrators trust Jimin.

They watch Jimin grow up in a very notable family in town. Most people who live in the neighbourhood know the Yoo family.

After all, Yoo Junho was a former mayor of Daegu.


Jimin is assisting staff in the kitchen as they prepare meals for everyone. She is in charge of chopping the veggies.

For fifteen-year-old Yoo Jimin, who constantly assists her mother in the kitchen, this work is a piece of cake.

‘Jimin shi, someone is looking for you’

Placing down the knife, Jimin turned to ask who it was, but the staff shrugged with a response that she had never seen that person.

‘Said she's your friend.’

Did Ryujin agree to be a tutor too?

Just the thought of having her friend come to her and volunteer, like her making Jimin make a little hop while heading to the front door.

Her little hop like a bunny stops.

It's not Ryujin; standing by the door is a very familiar person to Jimin.

The grey shade of the oversized round-neck t-shirt, the black jeans, and the hairstyled in a messy bun.

Holding two paperbags, fingers fiddling with the paperbags.

Jimin smile that faded when she realised it is not Ryujin now back on her face, wider than before.

Given how widely she is grinning, all of her teeth are visible now.

She run towards the girl, ‘yah Kim Minjeong!’

Minjeong turned to look at Jimin ‘oh Ji –

She didn’t manage to finish her words when Jimin ran towards her, and in a split of second the girl collides with her, giving Minjeong a bone crushing hug.

It makes Minjeong panic; she doesn’t know where to put her hand when Jimin clings to her.

She can feel Jimin's arms strengthen around her body, pulling her closer, and their bodies almost melt into one another.

Minjeong feels like time has stopped ticking at that time; she can feel her heart beating out loud, and for a moment, she thought she could feel Jimin's heartbeat against her chest too.

‘Minjeong you’re here!!’ Jimin started to twirl their bodies together, feeling joy coursing through her entire body.

She never thought Minjeong going to pay her a visit since Minjeong already told her about the three-part time job.

Witnessing Jimin's welcoming aura upon her being here and how Jimin laughs with happiness makes Minjeong slowly circle her arms around Jimin.

Twirling together, time really stands still now. Just the two of them lost themselves in the embrace that spoke more than words could possibly say—a wordless vow of friendship.

‘I can’t believe you here’ Jimin's voice cracks because of how excited she is right now.

The twirling stopped, and now they were both breathless, standing there with eyes on one another, their smiles glued to their lips.

‘I – I thought it’s good to stop by,’ now Minjeong lowers her gaze, her heart needs to stop beating this fast because her brain can’t catch up, and that makes her stutter and lose for word.

Jimin, who already knows Minjeong is a shy person, reached out to hold Minjeong's hand that free from paperbags.

‘Let's go; we're cooking lunch now’ She pulled Minjeong along with her. ‘Let’s have lunch together’

Minjeong became panicked even more, eye wide. ‘Wait Jimin, I – I think that's a bit inappropriate.’

‘It's fine; Mrs. Lee and other staff won’t mind’ Jimin reassured the round eye girl, she knew Minjeong is so nervous because the girl hand is clammy. ‘You can meet the kids after this’


Minjeong is welcomed like she is one of them here; all the staff treat her like family.

It reminds Minjeong of the way Jimin treated her when they first met. Minjeong can tell this place plays a big role in Jimin's life.

The sight of Kim Minjeong wearing a pink apron with a flower pattern on it makes Jimin giggle.

‘Come here’ she pulls the round eye girl and stops in front of the table, where there are a lot of veggies on top of it.

‘You know how to cut this?’ Jimin points at the potatoes. She already peels it with Ms. Yewon.

‘Uhm… I’ Minjeong is aware that she does a part-time job at a little restaurant and stall, but because she is underage and there is a law against it, she is not permitted in the kitchen, which is an unsafe environment for minors.

Still, she knew how to use a knife since she in charge of cooking at home when her father could not get up.

Seeing how the round eye girl was hesitant, Jimin decided to teach Minjeong.

‘here’ she gives Minjeong a knife, and the girl takes it. ‘I’ll show you how to cut it’

Grabbing a potato with one hand and grabbing Minjeong's hand that is holding a knife with her other hand.

‘You just need to cut it into a dice shape’ and she helped Minjeong cut the potato. 'We're making braised potatoes today, bean sprout soup, and stir-fried beef.’

Minjeong's brain almost malfunctions with the amount of data being inserted right now. Does she need to memorise today's menu too?

Since she is the one holding the knife, but its Jimin controlling her hand, which makes Minjeong sweat because she is afraid of Jimin getting hurt due to her clumsiness.

At the same time, she needs to note down how Jimin is holding the potato in place, where to slice the potato first, and –

‘It’s simple, right?’ Jimin asked after they were done cutting one potato. There are like a hundred more to go.

‘Uh – yes, I think I can do this.' She said that while stuttering.

Come on Minjeong, it’s just cutting potatoes. The round eye girl encourages herself. Fire blazing in her eyes.

Jimin is dancing in place while cutting the potato today; she is just all over the cloud nine with Minjeong by her side right now.


Minjeong also gave herself a pat on the back for coming today, saying she was thrilled to see Jimin happy.

Jimin has always been there for her, so as she is now returning the favour, Jimin's huge smile makes her heart feel so at ease.

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Aeri_chan #1
Chapter 10: Moreeee🥹 huhu
Aeri_chan #2
Chapter 8: Fk, this hurts.. it got me bawling my eyes out. But deym its so perfectly made, it all makes senseeee.. huhuhu i love ittttt
Chapter 10: Finally i've catch up all chapters, one word to describe this story is intense.. Too intense, I can feel anger, hurt, love, longing between minjeong and jimin..
I hope after this minjeong will open up to Jimin, they should talk about everything, about minjeong struggles, jimin's mind she was a burden to minjeong, and and their recent relationship..
It will be difficult, especially with ahn miyeon appear, i think she will knew what happen between minjeong and jimin, and the last about ryujin, ryujin has hatred to minjeong, if she knew about minjeong and jimin relationship, i think it will more dangerous for them..
Please give they time to resolve their problem first before you give the more intense drama
Chapter 10: let me handle judge ahn 😠😠😠👊🏻👊🏻👊🏻 i will fight for their love
kariselleheart 14 streak #5
Chapter 10: i need you to write me in so i can fight minjeong's mom 👊
monsalaimx #6
Chapter 10: finally they got back together im soo happy and let me handle miyeon i can fix her
Oh gosh she's had such a terrible life and she's told no one about it T_T
icantreact #8
Chapter 9: Poor Minjeong.. Everything that is happening is too suffocating for her..
Jinja_ninja #9
Chapter 9: Minjeongs mother is a disgusting woman.