a/n - Story ideas

Love in all Forms
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Soooo, I have a couple one shot ideas in mind but don't know which one actually sounds good to start writing. They are just some ideas that sprung up. I wrote some prologues for each, so check them out and let me know what sounds interesting😊🥺 Probably not going to write all the prompts but I'll choose the one which has the most comments. If you want something else, I wouldn't mind writing it. Just let me know and I'll add it to the list

Also, exam in 2 weeks, so won't be writing anything till then. See you guys in April sometime. I'll check out the poll and write a story on the highest vote :)


Fateful Encounters (wenseul)

The rain came out of nowhere, a sudden torrent that sent everyone scrambling for cover. Wendy cursed under her breath, clutching her purse tightly to her chest as she darted beneath the awning of a cafe. So much for walking home.

She peeked out from her makeshift shelter, the downpour already puddling on the sidewalk. It showed no signs of letting up anytime soon. Wendy figured she might as well wait it out inside the cozy-looking shop rather than risk getting drenched.

As she pushed through the door, shaking the droplets of water from her hair, Wendy instantly smelled the pleasant aroma of the freshly brewed coffee and baked goods making her feel better after the turn of events. However, her brief sense of relief was replaced by dismay as she surveyed the crowded cafe interior.

The small space was packed full of other rain-soaked stragglers who had also sought refuge from the downpour. Every table, counter space, and cozy nook was occupied - some patrons even stood huddled together, cradling their warm drinks as they waited for seats to open up

Her heart sank a little as she realized finding a free spot to settle in and wait out the storm would probably not happen. Everyone had clearly had the same idea, beating her to the punch. Might as well get a coffee. She was already soaked and it will help ward off the chill.

Weaving her way around everyone, she tried her best to squeeze through the tiny spaces between the occupied tables and chairs. She was so focused on not bumping anyone while getting to the counter that she failed to notice a women rushing in the the opposite direction.

One second she was angling to slip past a group of students, the next there was a jarring impact as a solid body collided squarely into her own.

"Oof!" The air left Wendy's lungs in a forceful exhale as her purse fell to the floor. She stumbled back a step, temporarily thrown off balance by the sudden impact.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" The soft voice sounded genuinely apologetic as a pair of hands quickly steadied Wendy by the shoulders.

She looked up with a wince, groaning from the impact, to find an apologetic smile greeting her. For a moment, her breath caught in as she took in the woman before her - soft, expressive eyes, a sharp jawline, full lips curved in a sheepish grin. There was something inexplicably warm and inviting about her, like a ray of sunshine peeking through the rain-soaked afternoon.

"No, that was totally my fault," Wendy managed to get out. She bent down to retrieve her purse she'd dropped in the collision. "I wasn't watching where I was going at all."

The stranger stooped to help, passing Wendy her fallen belongings with another polite smile. "Here, let me give you a hand. This place is an absolute madhouse right now."

"Thanks, I really appreciate it," Wendy replied, quickly tucking her items back into her purse. She stepped back to allow the other woman to pass. "I came in to escape the downpour, but I might be better off just braving the rain at this point."

The other woman laughed. "Tell me about it! I was just trying to get back to my seat after using the restroom."

"Oh, you actually managed to snag a spot already?" Wendy asked, a tinge of envy in her voice.

"Yeah, thankfully I claimed one of the couches before this mad rush," the woman confirmed with a sympathetic look. "I'm Seulgi, by the way."

"Wendy. Nice to meet you, however briefly!" She couldn't help a small laugh at her predicament.

Seulgi gave her an apologetic shrug. "Well, good luck finding somewhere to camp out, Wendy. Doesn't look like this downpour will be letting up anytime soon."



Loneliness (don't know the pairing yet)

The dorm felt eerily quiet as Wendy closed the door behind her. These days, the walls seemed to echo with a deafening silence, a harsh contrast to the lively chaos that used to constantly fill their home.

She wandered into the vacant living room, sinking into the couch as her eyes landed on the scattered reminders that she was alone yet again. A jacket carelessly flung over a chair. A forgotten water bottle on the coffee table. Little traces of life that Wendy no longer felt part of.

It hadn't always been this way. Just a year ago, the Red Velvet dorm buzzed with activity at all hours. They were a team, a family, going between practice, appearances, meetings, and events. No matter how hectic their schedules were, they made sure to come together for meals, movies, game nights - anything to stop and bring a normalcy to their world.

But slowly, almost unnoticeably at first, their paths started to change. As music show wins and hit songs piled up, the offers started rolling in - CFs, acting roles, reality shows. Irene's visuals made her an instant it-girl, seemingly booked solid these days. Seulgi's dancing landed gig after gig and Joy got her first role in acting. Even the maknae Yeri was in high demand as an MC

At first, Wendy had been overjoyed seeing her friends' hard work paying off in such big ways. She celebrated each new job with them, delighting that they are making a name for themselves outside of Redvelvet. But with few solo opportunities coming her way, she started feeling like an accessory, just along for the ride as her members leveled up.

These days, Wendy rarely saw any of them, even when they were off from group schedules. She would return to the dorm, hopes temporarily raised at the thought of quality time together, only to find discarded belongings and a silence.

The others were always out with their individual careers and new found friends, leaving Wendy behind. She had slipped out of their world, a lingering memory of who they used to be rather than who they were becoming. Some nights, she would lie awake for hours straining to hear the sounds of one of them coming home.

As the loneliness stretched on, insecurity and doubt began creeping in. Was she not good enough? Did the company not see her individual value?

Wendy knew she should feel proud of her friends, grateful for the group's ever-increasing popularity. But she couldn't chase away the feeling of being left behind, unworthy, replaceable. Her confidence fell with each day spent holed up in the empty dorm by herself.

Some days, the sadness felt like a crushing weight on her chest. The loneliness settled in like a heavy fog, wrapping around her and obscuring the light that used to fill her world. Wendy stopped answering texts, skipped calls, holing up in her room even when the others were around. It was easier than dragging herself out to pretend everything was fine. She told herself the solitude was a choice, that she needed time for herself. But deep down, she feared her absence went unnoticed.

Wendy didn't know how to share her pain with girls who seemed too busy to see the changes that were happening with Wendy. She felt ungrateful and burdensome in the face of their hard-earned successes. So she suffered in silence, watching from the sidelines as her supposed dream drifted further out of reach.



A Hufflepuff & Slytherin (wenrene)

The corridors of Hogwarts were crowded as students hurried to their next lessons. Among the sea of black robes, a

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It's hard writing 2 stories at once 😅I'm going to focus on my main story but I'll come back to this once it's finished!

Which story idea do you like the most?



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Chapter 11: Wow I'm loving this new story 😍
Riscark #2
Chapter 11: Out of your comfort zone and yet you already nails it from the first chap, can't wait for more hehe
Xhoxlgyit #3
Chapter 11: Wow love this! Can't wait for the next Part🥰
1703 streak #4
Chapter 8: Wow that's very bold of Irene lol
Riscark #5
Chapter 8: Damnnnnn, talk about being bold 🫣
Riscark #6
Chapter 7: Their chemistry tho, got me blushing like I'm the one being pursued hehe 🫣
Jfludjzekze #7
Chapter 9: A Hufflepuff & Slytherin is already my FAVOURITE 😍💙🩷
Chapter 9: i really like the idea for loneliness, it’s realistic and i’m also a er for angst or hurt/comfort i think any pairing would fit really well with it too because of her bond with all of them
Riscark #9
Chapter 9: I like wenseul, although when it comes to wenseul, I always love them as a soulmate platonic type, but still, I'm a er for meet cute