In Hyungโ€™s place ๐Ÿฆ‹

The kind man ๐Ÿฆ‹
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In Jeonghan's apartment which has one room, kitchen, and toilet, the landlord was throwing things out without informing Jeonghan or anyone, " ing mental freak." She said throwing his clothes and everything, even his little worn-out shoes.

Seungcheol saw her when he went out for a smoke.

" Huh?! What are you doing ?!" He asked, feeling his heart hurt seeing Jeonghan's stuff thrown like that, there's a teddy bear and evening looked so old.

" I'm throwing his things, who are you to step in?!"

She said annoyingly and the tall man glared deadly at her.

" You're throwing his things like that without telling him?! I understand that he didn't pay you but how can you be so cruel?!"ย 
She kept throwing his things out.

" Who gives a ?! He's a mental freak and sobs like ing child ."ย 

Jeonghan woke up from his nap on the man's couch and limped out hearing noises, only to see the sight, even the only thing he got from his parents which was that teddy bear, she threw it.

" N-no a-ajumma." He limped over and held his teddy bear, tears rolled down seeing what she did.

" I'm giving it to someone else, I don't give a about you." She said ignoring the younger's pleading as he sobbed, Seungcheol helped Jeonghan up.

"Jeonghan, come live here for the time being," he said gently trying to calm the poor lad, he was sobbing as he hugged the teddy bear.




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Chapter 3: Oh my baby went through a lot
Seungcheol will take good care of him I’m sure