Gifts and Sodas

Stuck between the God and Goddess of the East
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"Come here."

These simple words were enough to make Kyuntae, the manager of the mighty Kim Jaejoong, quake in fear.

It's not because of the meaning of those words. His boss says that quite a lot around the day. What separated this from the other times was the tone in which his boss said it. The way he said it with excitement. It only meant one thing.

He found his boss sitting on the floor of the living room. Small pieces of pink wrapping paper with white flower print were scattered all over the floor surrounding him. And in front of him laid a medium sized box wrapped flawlessly with the previously mentioned paper.

The gift would decide Kyuntae's doom for today.

This has been going on for about 7 months now.

Kim Jaejoong looked at him with a big smile and said, "Kyuntae take this to Dara. You know what to do."

Kyuntae sighed to himself, low enough to not have his boss hear it. He perfectly knows what to do with the gift.

Deliver it personally to Sandara Park.
Don't tell her who the sender is even if she asks.
Wish her a good day and leave.

Jaejoong hyung drilled it into my head on the first month since this nonsense started. I'm surprised that he didn't order me to tattoo the instructions on my skull. He turned this very room upside down when I naively told him that i missed the third step once.

Kyuntae silently picked the gift up and left the room with his head bent low. He needs to do what he is told or else he will be on the receiving end of the God of the East's wrath.

But now he needs to face the wrath of the Goddess of the East.

Kyuntae shuddered as he started the car engine. If it was in any other circumstance, he would be running bare foot to see the beautiful goddess Sandara Park. His blackjack heart would be bursting at the seams. It felt like that on the first day but it wasn't the same after that.

He reached her apartment faster than he would have liked. The guard of the apartment was used to this sight so he just gave Kyuntae a wary smile as he called Sandara noona's apartment up and informed her about a delivery.

Kyuntae took the lift to the seventh floor and stood in front of the door. It took him a good five minutes to ring the bell with his shaky fingers. The door opened and he came face to face with the Goddess of the East.

"You! Why are you here!? Is that for me? You won't even tell me who sent you here! I'm not taking it!" Sandara screeched at him while he tried his best not to cower. No wonder the God and Goddess of the East is perfect for each other.

"Noona... please accept the gift. Hyung will not spare me if you d

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