Here Comes The BRIBE

If I'm Not in Love with You
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The email that greeted Chanyeol when he came that Monday afternoon at the paper office was from the director of the play, Professor Hwang, asking for the draft of the poster. It was less than a month till opening night and Chanyeol understood its urgency.


No worries. He had done far more tedious work and was able to deliver in two hours. This should be a piece of cake.


Unfortunately, it was also the paper’s release on Wednesday.


Chanyeol was swamped.


It looked like another late night for him, or at least finish everything by 9 p.m. as the building would be really empty by then and he certainly didn’t want that.


He centered Kyungsoo’s image on the poster, made a snow-whitey embossment around her outline almost making her skin glow. Whenever he caught himself getting into a trance as he memorized the form of her heart-shaped lips, her chin, her nose, her eyes and the constellation of those entrancing moles, he would shake his head and work on the other cast members. He was instructed anyway to make Kyungsoo the nucleus of the poster. He reminded himself that the way he was treating this project was absolutely unbiased.


He didn’t realize that the office was nearly vacant when he finally accomplished the pictures in place and Baekhyun and Jongin went over to his station to say goodbye.


Chanyeol had to cover the full grin that automatically formed on his lips. Jongin and Baekhyun had been inseparable all day. If he had foreseen that they would be this sickening—and he meant that in a perfectly good-natured way—he wouldn’t have encouraged Jongin to go for it.


“We’ll go ahead, Chanyeol,” Jongin said, smiling at Baekhyun.


“Yeah,” Baekhyun agreed, smiling back at Jongin. “We would have liked to ask you to join us to dinner, but since you’re still busy and all...”


“And that this is our first real date...” Jongin added, so as not to overlook that very important detail.


Chanyeol’s shoulders shook with laughter as he tried to contain it. They looked so silly, because he’d never seen them like this before, but then again... he couldn’t deny the rush of envy that came over him as he observed them looking at each other in the way that they were. Something changed tremendously, like the tenderness that existed between them became more defined for everyone to see, and for once, they weren’t trying to hide it. He was proud of both of them for finally being true to themselves. “I’ll be fine. I’m a big boy. I can take care of myself.”


Jongin looked sincerely apologetic. “Don’t worry, bro. We’ll hang out some other time,” he promised, retreating to the door while Baekhyun pulled at his hand, which seemed to be literally attached to each other’s the whole day.


“Bye, Yeollie,” Baekhyun said, waving with her free hand.


Just then, they bumped at someone at the door.


“Oh,” Jongin said, his face brightening. “Hi, Kyungsoo!”


Baekhyun smiled and greeted her just the same.


Kyungsoo laughed. It wasn’t hard to notice their entwined hands. Jongin and Baekhyun must have reevaluated their relationship over the weekend. And she was glad for them, considering how upset Jongin was the last time she saw him. “Hi, you guys.”


Jongin and Baekhyun looked at each other as their cheeks reddened. They knew that what happened between them was pretty obvious, but they still felt embarrassed to explain it, especially when Jongin had just gone out with Kyungsoo three nights ago.


Kyungsoo’s smile was unwavered. “Is Chanyeol still there?”


Jongin sighed with relief. “Yeah, he’s still at his desk. The one at the far right?”


“Yes, I remember,” Kyungsoo answered, her smile broadening to a grin. “Okay, I won’t keep you. I just want to give this to Chanyeol.”           


That was when they noticed what she was carrying.


Baekhyun grinned. “Oh, he would love that!”


Kyungsoo laughed as she waved goodbye to them and headed for Chanyeol’s direction.


Chanyeol sighed, thinking of taking a break. He was tired and hungry. He went back to his draft and instantly he was looking into Kyungsoo’s eyes on the screen. What he would give to stare into them in person...


He heard soft, feminine laughter behind him. “I guess my face is a little smaller than the first scan...”


Chanyeol’s heart jumped to his throat as he turned around. His eyes widened as he realized it was her. He reflexively got another chair for her and motioned for her to take a seat.


Kyungsoo continued to smile as she sat down in front of him.


His eyes didn’t leave her face as he mindlessly took his seat again, wondering what remarkable deed he had

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59 streak #1
Chapter 2: Being invisible had its perks such as Chanyeol not having to embarass himself so badly. She is stunning but the boy forgot how to breath for a minute or two.

Now they have something connecting them. Chanyeol is visibke and he better use that to his advantage!
59 streak #2
Chapter 1: Kyungsoo is so pretty and kind, no surprise Chanyeol fell for her. All these years it must be hard to hide his feelings, especially simce they share the same class.

Maybe he can combine the task with something he loves and write a poem about Kyungsoo? Though his poems are a disasters maybe for her he would put in some effort.
ahzeeee #3
Already read it when its posted on A03, just wanna say thankyou for always bringing these wonderful stories for us at every fest!