the way to a woman's heart

dumb her way out: the series
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Winter doesn't easily buy into the trendy “sayings” that people around her age throw around these days, but that doesn't mean she doesn't find them necessary at certain times. Thus, to compromise, she takes said “sayings” and gives them a whole new meaning that only she agrees with, merely because of her pride.


This time though, she comes up with something that isn't as special as her other ones, but it definitely meets her high standards.


The way to a woman's heart is through her nostrils with a burgundy-colored paint that smells like all the elements of the periodic table gathered in one container to plot humanity's demise.


It's quite a mouthful, but it works.


That's why she's here right now. Donning those overalls she promised she'd never wear, her face and most of her hands smudged with paint as she revamps (get it? re“vamps”?) Karina's old, worn-out, depressing kitchen wall. She can almost feel her nose burning because of the paint's chemically demonic scent.


“So I have been using the cellular device that you have given me weeks prior.”


Winter abruptly halts her paint-roller that's covered with burgundy, her eyebrows arching in surprise as she observes her girlfriend storm into the room with said ‘cellular device' in hand.


“That's great, babe.” Winter says noncommittally, and then she goes back to her work. 


“And I inaugurated this interesting app last night.” Karina stands a few inches behind her. “As per Giselle's request.”


Winter snorts childishly, “Inaugurated.”


Karina ignores her with an eyeroll, entirely disregarding her, seemingly engrossed in what she's saying, so she carries on. “I watched this certain video clip on the TikTok, and I figured we should try to do it for entertainment purposes.”


Upon hearing what just came out of her girlfriend's mouth, Winter can't help but hold back a laugh and completely abandons whatever she was doing. She doesn't even pay attention to the fact that Karina speaks like a walking Legal Disclaimer with all that “for entertainment purposes” thingy, as she diverts her attention to something even more hilarious.


“Did you just say the TikTok?”


“It is a noun.” Karina retorts.


Winter chuckles, crossing her arms together. “Yeah, but us mortals don't really use ‘the' with all the existing nouns out there,”


“I know that, darling. But the TikTok is a particular noun. It's one specific thing and–”


“Babe.” Winter tilts her head with a teasing smile. “You don't use ‘the' when referring to Instagram, do you? So why should you use it for TikTok?”


The vampire looks at the human cluelessly, “What's an Instagram?”


“Oh, you're old old.” Winter's mouth hangs open.


“I think we already have that established, my love.” Karina states as a matter of fact.


As the silence lingers in the air for a few more seconds, Winter concedes when she sees the look on Karina's face. She steals a final glimpse at her beloved paint roller and the unfinished supposed almost-burgundy wall, and then finally makes the bold choice to abandon her ‘work', all in an effort to fulfill her y vampire's request.


“Okay, fine. Let me see this video clip that you were talking about.”


Karina's face lights up with excitement as she eagerly starts fiddling with her phone or "cellular device" as she old-fashionedly mentioned before. Once done, she s the screen towards Winter, practically shoving it in her face.


The familiar layout of (the) TikTok greets the human. 


“Here,” says the vampire.



Everywhere I go I keep her picture in my wallet like here


Take a look at my girlfriend


She's the only one I got



The video showed an unfamiliar guy holding his phone up, displaying a picture of an equally unfamiliar girl. He then pressed the phone against the screen, the face of said unfamiliar girl filling the entire frame. With a swift motion, he moved the phone away and the very same girl appeared right in front of the video, very much alive and in motion.


“Alright, so. I'm the girlfriend?” Winter has no idea what the hell is going on, but she's amused.


“Realistically speaking, we are both a girlfriend. Because we're both women.” Karina corrects like the smartass she is.


“Right! I almost didn't notice!” Winter gasps sarcastically, placing a hand against her chest. “Must be all the haunted dust covering my lesbian-colore

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i already said this in ao3, but i decided to change the status to completed, but it's not!! each chapter is basically a stand-alone anyway. i'll keep updating when i can hehe


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