Week Seven

Memoirs of a Forgotten Love
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My Dearest Minjeong,

I hope this letter finds you in a moment of peace, where the weight of the past fades away, and you find yourself fully present in the beauty of the moment. It's been seven weeks since the accident, and as I sit by your bedside, watching over you with a heart full of love, I am reminded of the preciousness of each passing day.

Today, I want to talk to you about the importance of embracing the present, of finding joy in the small moments that make up the tapestry of our lives. Do you remember the times we would take long walks in the park, hand in hand, with no destination in mind? Those moments were some of the most precious memories we've shared.

There was a simplicity to those walks, a sense of freedom in letting go of the worries of the world and immersing ourselves in the beauty of nature. We would stroll along winding paths, stopping to admire the colors of the changing seasons, the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze, and the laughter of children playing nearby.

In those moments, time seemed to stand still as we found solace in each other's company, our conversations weaving through topics both mundane and profound. We talked about our hopes and dreams, our fears and insecurities, laying bare our souls in the safety of each other's embrace.

As we continue on this journey of rediscovery, Minjeong, I want to encourage you to embrace the present moment, to find joy in the simple pleasures that surround us. T

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Chapter 3: this is good but why does it lowkey sounds like it was made with chatgpt 🥲
Chapter 14: Simply beautiful I absolutely loved it
reveluv316 907 streak #3
Chapter 14: I'm glad we get to see Minjeong's POV
316 streak #4
Chapter 14: The mind might forget but not the heart 🥰🥰
oofiee 1182 streak #5
Chapter 14: 🥹
whykidleader_ #6
Chapter 13: Love how you used beautiful words throughout the chapters. Will we see a Minjeong pov in your special chapter? 👀
Chapter 13: This is beautifully written
reveluv316 907 streak #9
Chapter 13: I'm excited to see what will happen in the special chapter
lovesickame #10
Can't wait