Chapter: Becky

Arts and Sports
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Excitement bubbled within Becky as she joined her group of popular friends, eager to share the unexpected encounter with Freen.

"Guess what happened today, guys?" Becky exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

Her friends leaned in, intrigued. "Spill it, Becky! What's the gossip?"

"Well," Becky began, grinning, "I was playing soccer, and I accidentally kicked the ball at this artsy senior, Freen. Paint and water everywhere! I felt so bad, but I helped her clean up, and she showed me her amazing artwork. It was insane!"

Laughter erupted among her friends, and they exchanged amused glances. Tiffany, one of Becky's closest friends, chimed in, "Oh, Becky, falling for an artsy type? Never saw that coming!"

The teasing continued as Jake, another friend, playfully teased, "Becky, the soccer queen, making friends with the paintbrush princess. What's next, an art exhibition on the soccer field?"

Becky rolled her eyes but chuckled along with them. "Come on, guys, she's really cool. And her drawings are seriously impressive. I even got one for my room!"

Tiffany raised an eyebrow. "You got a painting from Miss Artsy? Are you sure you're feeling okay?"

Becky defended her decision, "Hey, she offered, and it's a drawing of a girl with a soccer ball. Perfect for my room!"

Just then, the school bell rang, signifying the end of the break. "We should get going," Tiffany suggested.

The group said their goodbyes, and Becky walked away with a skip in her step.

That night, after dinner, Becky sat on her bed and examined the framed drawing. She marveled at the beautiful lines and colors, still awed by Freen's artistic talent. Her thoughts wandered, and she found herself wondering what Freen was doing at that moment. Was she working on a new painting? Maybe she was hanging out with her friends or listening to music. The possibilities were endless.

As she laid down, ready for sleep, she whispered to herself, "Freen... I wonder what other surprises you have in store."

The following day, Becky was surprised to find Freen waiting for her outside the soccer field.

"Hey, Becky!" Freen greeted cheerfully, holding a small package in her hands.

"Freen, what are you doing here?" Becky asked, puzzled.

Tiffany and Jake saw Becky and Freen and went to greet becky with a teasing face. "Hey, Becky. Is this the artsy princess you were telling us about?" Tiffany asked.

Becky's face turned bright red as she answered, "shut up"

"Artsy princess?" Freen replied confused.

"Nothing!" Becky exclaimed quickly, trying to change the subject. "So, uh, why are you here?"

Freen hid the package she was holding behind her back, a hint of mischief and shy in her voice. "Well, I was thinking, if you like the drawing so much, why don't I make another one? But this time, you can be in it to!"

Becky was surprised and honored. "You want to draw me?"

"Sure!" Freen replied. "If you're okay with it, of course. You don't have to, I just thought- just maybe.. uhm yeah!"

Becky cut her off with an excited squeal, "Yes, I'd love to! What should we do?"

Freen looked relieved and happy. "I'm so glad you're okay with it! Okay, let's go over here..." She gestured to a grassy area away under the big tree

"Uhmm.. I'll borrow becky for a bit? Is that okay?" Freen said to Tiffany and Jake, who just nodded with a teasing face.

"Take your time! In fact you can have her!"

Becky looked at them both as if she was throwing daggers at them.


"You're welcome!" They replied.

"Shut up" Becky replied.

Freen took a seat on the grass and gestured for Becky to sit next to her. She took out the package she had been hiding, which contained a sketchbook and a set of pencils. She opened the sketchbook to a blank page and picked up a pencil. "Okay, just sit there and relax," Freen said with a smile.

Becky sat down, feeling a bit awkward and self-conscious. "So, how long is this going to take?"

"Oh, not too long," Freen assured her. "I'm a fast sketcher."

As Freen started sketching, the two girls made small talk, getting to know each other better. Becky told stories about her soccer matches, and Freen shared details about her art projects. It was a comfortable and enjoyable experience, and soon the sketch was complet

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1199 streak #1
Chapter 2: You added the same scene twice btw! It's cute however I wonder what cased Freen's hesitation
1199 streak #2
Chapter 1: Awww let this be cute pls lol