Origins: joohyun’s vendetta

the squirrel and the bunny
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Seungwan comes to work late again one morning to find Captain Kim out of her office and making a beeline to her and Sooyoung's desks. Well, that can't be good, Seungwan muses and eyes the tight-lipped scowl adorning Yeri's face.

"Sooyoung, why have your reports suddenly been filled out with blue pen and suspiciously in neat handwriting, hm?"

"What?" Sooyoung looks up, tossing her phone in her bag but she fails to have turned it off and cringes when she hears a TikTok sound play on repeat.

"Why are you making Seungwan do all your work?" Yeri asks, fishing the phone out of her bag and powering it off.

"Uh..." Sooyoung's gaze flicks to Seungwan behind her and crosses her arms, "Yah, Seungwanie, why have you been doing all my work, huh ? I take pride in doing my reports."

"What do you--" Seungwan scoffs, dropping her bag by her desk. "You haven't touched a single piece of paper unless you count the receipt at Twice."

"That's not true at all" Sooyoung waves her off. "I haven't paid for a single drink there in a month. Momo's putting everything on the house." Her gaze then drifts back to Yeri and she smirks. "Hey, Yerim. Since you're my favourite Captain and I'm your favourite detective--"

"Bae's my favourite detective."

"Second favourite?"

"Not when Seungwan's bringing in baked goods once a week. What do you--my least favourite detective--have to offer this precinct, hm? Especially since it seems like you don't do any work. You're sitting around making TikToks or you're attending unauthorised parties where a stripper has a bomb strapped to them."

"Okay, that was one time," Sooyoung scoffs.

"A different instance of Detective Wang's events ended with you and Detective Kang breaking the coffee machine. A week after she broke the old one!"

"That was entirely her fault as well."

Seulgi scoffs at her desk and speaks up, "You put alcohol in it!"

"It was clear, how was I supposed to know? And you poured the bottle into a mug. I thought it was water!"

"I wasn't watching when I was dumping it down the sink!"

"Well, why the hell not?"

"Maybe don't bring alcohol to the station, Sooyoung?" Joohyun pipes in, not looking up from her own reports.

Yeri huffs and stretches a palm behind her, gesturing towards the detective. "See, why can't you just be like Joohyun unnie and be productive, hm?"

"Oh Captain, my Captain," she sighs dramatically. "You seem a little worked up. Why don't I take you over to Twice and get you hammered over some top-shelf vodka?"

"Why don't you stop wasting all of their alcohol and go bring some law-breakers in?" Yeri snarks back, flicking her forehead. "Oh, and you might wanna go to a meeting or something, unnie. I don't need an alcoholic stinking up my precinct." 

The others in the bullpen fail to hide a snort or a laugh at that as the Captain goes back into her office 

"Do I really stink?" Sooyoung asks Seungwan who shrugs at her.

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

"I hate you," Sooyoung says and decides to torture her in revenge. "Hey, Joohyun unnie!"

"What," the older drones back uninterestedly, absorbed in her work.

"Joohyun still hasn't asked you to call her, 'unnie', right?" Sooyoung whispers to Seungwan who doesn't say anything in response, just sitting down on her chair with a groan.

"Unnie, unnie," Sooyoung calls out again and spins around in her seat.

"What do you want, Sooyoung?" Joohyun grumbles back.

"Let's have a drink later, unnie."

"Yerim literally just told you off for that," Joohyun sighs.

"One more won't hurt," the taller quips, and leans forward to send her a quip. "Let's discuss your little crush on you know who." She's not even trying to be discrete about it, knowing Seungwan still has no idea who Joohyun's pining over.


Sooyoung gives Seungwan a pointed look and says, "Aw, c'mon...Unnie."

"Leave her alone, Soo," Seungwan grumbles and reaches over to whack her in the face with a file. 

"Hey, that's mine!" Sooyoung whines, snatching it back.

"Why did you leave it on my desk then, like the rest of the reports you've made me do?"

Sighing at the disturbance, Joohyun rubs her temple and struts over to them. "Sooyoung if I agree to have a drink with you later, will you shut the hell up and get some work done?"

"Yes! Two beers and some shots?"

"One beer. One round of shots."

"Two shots and a cocktail?"


Joohyun walks back to her desk with a content smile, she gets halfway through her stack of paperwork before her phone buzzes. Repetitively. 

Grumbling a bit in annoyance, Joohyun pulls out her phone and has to stop herself from groaning out loud. 

that stupid rat:

hey bunny boooooo

bun bun


whatcha doin

you know, you're eggstremely cute

you really are some-bunny special, you know?

i mean, that car chase last night was like fast and furriest, bun bun

never knew you could drive like that

actually, i wouldn't be surprised if you knew how to fly a hareplane

Joohyun rolls her eyes as she sees the bubble pop up and before she receives another message, she quickly replies:


Shut up. I'm at work.

aw don't be mad... be hoppy!

I will mute you and if this happens again, I will block you.

what if there's an emergency and i need your help? :(

Try not to die then.

Actually, I don't really care if you do.

liar. YOU asked ME to be partners, bun bun

face it, you can't live without me

Seeing your face makes me wish I do.


Don't you have a day job?

Or do you just spend your time searching up bad puns to use on patrol?

hey what do you call a happy bunny?

an hop-timist!

get it?

like.. optimist?



ahhhh i'm getting run over by a truck helppp bunny i'm gonna die!!!!




See you on patrol if you're still alive. I'm blocking you until then.

wait hold on

Joohyun rolls her eyes and drops her phone into her bag, resuming her work. Across the bullpen, Seungwan pouts and furiously spams her partner:








"And what are you doing?" Sooyoung's face appears above her phone and Seungwan quickly puts it in her drawer. "You haven't touched a single one of your reports. What a hypocrite!"

"Just my dad," Seungwan says. "The time difference is crazy, okay?"

Sooyoung gives her a sympathetic smile and replies, "You must miss them a lot huh? Are you going back to Canada for the holidays?"

Joohyun blinks at Seungwan's words, glancing over to listen in for her response.

"I don't know, Christmas always has a bunch of robberies..."

The senior detective feels a little guilty for smiling to herself at that. Sure, she doesn't want the girl to go for too long, but she doesn't want her to never see her family either. They're not even together, she's not allowed to feel that way!

"Yeah and now we have two heroes on our street, we'll manage fine without you, Wannie."

"Did you just call them 'heroes', Sooyoung?" Joohyun butts into the conversation.

"Huh? What? Uh--maybe? I guess I did."

Seungwan watches Joohyun nervously, everyone in the precinct knows of Joohyun's persistent hatred for the vigilantes. She's also pretty sure she once saw a photo of the Blue Squirrel with her eyes crossed out and some drawn-on horns and a pitchfork. Yeah, she found that photo walking by Joohyun's desk bin.

"Don't. That Squirrel's a criminal, remember?"

"And the Bunny," Seungwan adds with a little wiggle of her finger. 

"Right. Bad...A bad person she is too."

"Well, she's not bad..." Seungwan trails off, itching the back of her neck.

"You don't think she is?"

Suddenly, Sooyoung excuses herself to go annoy Seulgi down in the evidence room.

"Um... Okay, look," Seungwan sighs and goes over to sit on Joohyun's desk. The latter in a breath at the sudden proximity and instinctively wheels a bit further on her chair. "I might have talked to her the other day. After Keeho."

"Did you, now?"

"I'm sorry, I should've told you. Especially because you're leading the investigation against the vigilantes, but..."

"But what?" Joohyun feels a bit sour at the idea that Seungwan doesn't seem to trust her at all to confide this earlier. That whole bomb fiasco was over a week ago.

"I don't know," Seungwan admits and looks away guiltily. "I... I didn't want you to worry."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, the Pink Bunny cornered me afterwards in one of the storage rooms and she threatened to kill me if I didn't tell her what we got against them. I told her about the pen. But that's it."

"You told her everything we know."

"No... I told her everything I know. I'm sure you have something new, don't you sunbae-nim?"

"I do, actually," Joohyun says and Seungwan raises her brows to her hairline. 

"You do?" Well, this is news to her and Seungwan instantly feels a bit worried.


"Well, what is it? Anything good?"

Joohyun shrugs and goes back to her report. "Maybe. I need to go get a witness statement. There's someone refusing to go to the station 'cause he's too lazy."

"Agh," Seungwan grimaces sympathetically. "Want me to tag along?"

"That's okay. You should probably get started on your own work before you get into any trouble. I heard Sooyoung pissed off the DA for messing up her last report."

"Yeah, she spilt coffee all over it. If you ask me, I think she did it on purpose because the stains are perfectly placed to not cover any information--it's just got sticky edges."

"Well, they're exes," Joohyun snorts. "It's a bit petty though."

Seungwan shrugs, stepping off her desk as Joohyun grabs her phone and blazer. "He cheated on her. I totally get where she's coming from."

"Oh," Joohyun utters a little surprised. What insane person would cheat on Park Sooyoung? "H-Have you ever been cheated on..? Or--Done something like that to an ex?" Joohyun asks a little timidly.

"Once or twice."


"Eh, it's nothing," Seungwan waves off nonchalantly but Joohyun offers a blank stare and she adds, "Really. That was like many, many people ago."

"Oh," Joohyun replies quietly. "You've had... many of those? Relationships? Or uh--flings?"

"That depends. How many is 'many'?"

"I don't know," Joohyun mumbles avoiding her gaze. 

"Well, I had a boyfriend la

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ch 24 might take a while because its mostly going to be and I'm still working on that in general. i rlly wanna get this chapter done right, so apologises bc i will be taking my sweet time to perfect it


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Favebolous 0 points #1
Chapter 23: More
Favebolous 0 points #2
Chapter 15: Don't touch Bae Joohyun 😡🐷
Favebolous 0 points #3
Chapter 12: Like iy
Favebolous 0 points #4
Chapter 2: Akhhhh cute
Favebolous 0 points #5
Chapter 1: Ohhhhh
jmjslrn #6
Chapter 19: damn it's not even a love square its a ing hexagon lmao
orangebearies #7
Chapter 1: detective bae joohyun and detective son seungwan, very awesome! i’m enjoying reading your stories, i like the way you’re writing the dialogues; the humor you injected, their banters, so fun to read :)))
mklarisse_ #8
Chapter 3: omg wan likes the bunny and joohyun likes real wan 😭 goin complicated i cant believe they still dont feel that they are one person sksksk
mklarisse_ #9
chchcn #10
Chapter 23: I love you both toooo heheheeheh