All Too Well

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Running along the shore in the early morning was Winter's favorite time. Training for nearly two months at Taito Beach, Japan, she found solace in the deserted stretch with only the ocean as her company. Just her, the surfboard, and the vast expanse of the sea—nothing could beat that.

After completing her three-mile run, she went through her usual stretches to cool down. Putting on her rash guard, she reached for her board. Looking up at the sky with a smile, she then shifted her gaze back to the vast, blue ocean.

She paddled out, enjoying the sound of the waves rolling over, the tide crashing into the shore and the burn in her arms as she went duck dived under the waves. When she was far enough out, she straddled her board waiting for a good set.

There was something about the play of the sun's rays on the water, transforming it into a sparkling tapestry, coupled with the tranquil anticipation of a good wave that triggered a familiar memory.

She taught Karina how to ride her first wave, "Not that hard, Rina. Practice popping up on the board consistently to build muscle memory and improve your balance."

The other girl harbored a strong dislike for any alterations to her name, particularly Rina. No one was allowed to call her that. However, she was perfectly fine when the surfer did it. Winter had a special way of making even the detested name sound just right.

She caught sight of a beautiful set heading in. She started paddling hard, not looking back before popping up on her feet with an ease born out of years of practice. She rode the surf line, dragging her hand through the wave with a big smile on her face. She executed a smooth bottom turn, tapped the lip, and smoothly transitioned into an aerial move before the wave transformed into white water.

That felt good. She wanted to feel like this every day. She wanted to forget about the competition results yesterday.

Noticing that familiar soreness in her ankle, she remembered the slight injury from the past two competitions that hadn't fully healed a week before the upcoming event. Despite the lingering discomfort, she brushed it off when Seulgi inquired and insisted she was fine. This would be her second loss ever in her entire surfing career, having faced defeat in the previous competition in Hawaii.

Keeping the injury to herself, she pushed through the pain, determined not to miss the Japan event. Her competitive spirit outweighed any reservations she might have had but now she might've just regretted this. Just a little, a tinge.

She paddled back to the shore, slightly limping and sat in a quiet corner. Absentmindedly, she let a fistful of wet sand slip through her fingers, letting it fall back to the beach while staring at the ocean. The bitter taste of defeat lingered in her thoughts—she had been defeated by Ryujin yesterday.

But it wasn't just the competition she lost; it was also Karina, who was now dating her friend.

A mind-blowing two years of Winter gracefully pirouetting through life, completely unbothered by whoever her ex was dating just went down the drain.

She has never heard about Karina officially seeing someone. All these years, it's just been a series of stories pairing her with an ensemble of actors and rumors of women.

There's one thread in that underground lesbian gossip forum circulating about Karina and her visits to the exclusive female-only bar known as The Monocle. This high-end establishment operates as a pop-up, with invitations being the golden ticket to gain entry. The catch is, you never quite know where the next event will be held, making it a haven for only the most VIP members.

Winter, in her infinite wisdom, dedicated an absurd amount of time combing through that site, only to find no concrete proof, mainly because phones were prohibited inside. Eventually, she decided she had better things to do. You know, like avoiding becoming a full-time stalker.

And the whole thing with Ryujin.

Images from Dispatch circulated, capturing those two inside a restaurant, appearing to cozy up to each other. One photo, the blurriest of them all, seemed to look like they were making out. Though Winter can't dismiss the possibility of it being a mere trick of the angle. Karina remains silent, offering no statement. While Ryujin faces a barrage of journalists attempting to reach her, primarily through Instagram. Despite the buzz, there's nothing but silence from both parties.

She believed she had moved on, but the realization that Karina had chosen to date someone so similar to her left a bitter taste in .

Both competitive surfers shared the same height, they had the same short hair, someone very smart who could most likely solve mathematical problems while balancing on a beam. Their common interests extended to a passion for trivia nights, a mutual belief that it might be the number one reason to visit a bar.

She promised herself she would stop mulling over this, but it kept popping up. The more she tried to push the thoughts away, the more they resurfaced, much like the relentless Krush beer posters around the hotel.

A deep sigh escaped her, a useless attempt to dismiss the overwhelming emotions swelling within her chest. She could still hear the sounds of congratulatory cheers, a chorus of admiration for Ryujin's incredible performance this morning. People and mostly the media gathered around her friend, capturing the moment like eager birds seeking the perfect shot. In contrast, Winter remained secluded, trying to distance herself from the triumphant crowd. Make no mistake, she doesn't care about any of that. She hated the limelight, and she had lost to Ryujin before. But this one right now seems so personal.

Now glancing to her right, she spotted a Krowd Krush beach flag fluttering in the wind, adorned with Karina's perfect face.

She quickly averted her gaze and stood up. She then realized that her loss meant that she was going back home, to her tiny little island.

Life in South Korea became overwhelming for her after college. With her mother pushing her for a showbiz career, constant media scrutiny following a drunken incident at a fashion week and her flipping off a photographer, trending on Twitter 24/7 as the "black sheep" of their family even though her cousins were way worse, it was a lot to handle. Oh, and Karina had sort of broken up with her. They weren't together together but you get the gist.

Seulgi, her surfing coach who had temporarily relocated to that island in the Philippines, Siargao, extended her an invitation three days after their graduation ceremony. It's where she had once spent a Christmas break with Karina. Seulgi can be quite compelling so she made a spontaneous decision to go and strung along her purposeless best friend, Ning Ning, who was as lost as a compass in the Bermuda Triangle. Lacking post-college plans and known for being a pushover, Ning Ning readily agreed to the impromptu adventure.

"It's just temporary," they assured themselves. Initially planning to stay for a month, they found reasons to extend – another month, and then another. Before they knew it, almost a year had passed. Then two years. The presence of a small Korean surf community on the island had turned their intended temporary stay into something permanent.

Then her phone dinged.

✉ 1 Message Received

Ning Ning:
You ing see this?
Another article about you.

Don't mind it.

Ning Ning:
Are you kidding me?
You haven't been
to South Korea
for almost two
years now!

Babe, these things
don't bother me.

Ning Ning:

She would see an article about her at least once every month: "Winter Kim, Prodigal Daughter; What is she up to now?" The content was essentially a global broadcast of her failures in alphabetical order.

But no one really knows where she is. Media speculations run wild, claiming she's in Hawaii one moment, Ibiza the next, and there's even a story floating around suggesting she's currently in Australia surfing with Chris Hemsworth.

According to her mom, it's undoubtedly the Yus stirring up trouble. If something negative about their family hits the media, her mother firmly believes it's always Karina's mom behind it. The rivalry between them has undeniably taken a toll on their sanity.

Winter shrugged off these stories; she didn't care. She was in a completely different headspace, uninterested in getting involved in such drama. Her sole desire was a simple, peaceful life – the very reason she left in the first place. She made a habit of leaving her mom's text messages on read unless there was something genuinely important.

✉ 1 Message Received

Sweetheart, whatever
you do today, do not check
social media. The Yus are
at it again.

Winter did not have Twitter or Facebook. She has one dump account on Instagram but she only follows cat video accounts. She avoided searching her name online as well, awar

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things happened!! i know but ive just been really really busy. comments and feedback are appreciated and motivate me to write more! hope everyone's well <3


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Winrina1st #1
Chapter 9: CAN WE PLEASE COME TOGETHER N MASS REPORT @.karinayudefender???
No_looksies #2
Chapter 10: I love this story so much you have no idea.. I am so glad that Rina and winter are getting closer... Please be more honest with your feelings guys
plutoooooo #3
so goooooood! I love this fic too much🥺🥺🥺🥺
cleofierayne 36 streak #4
Chapter 10: Myghadddd really those people so fast connecting things up with just photos. Hahaha 😂

I wonder how will Karina's mom do after knowing this. And now Ryu getting sus with what's going on with the two.

Pleasee I just want them to lay their honest feelings now after Karina blow Winter's phone with her drunken confession 🥺😭😆 I'm sure they're gonna talk after leaving that party.
jushshhh 13 streak #5
Chapter 10: karinayugf fighting for her life 😭
jushshhh 13 streak #6
Chapter 9: i'm feeling bad for ryu, i hope she's not an 😮‍💨
jushshhh 13 streak #7
Chapter 9: jenrina kinda 😜
jushshhh 13 streak #8
Chapter 7: the fans 😭😭😭😭😭 lol
Chapter 9: this fic makes me want to rip my hair out… but like in a good way…