Chapter 10: Sealing Fate

Sailor Moon
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Sailor Saturn has woken up and said to Pluto " you must open the doors, Nemesis already lost control and sealing it's fate is just beyond those doors!" Pluto got on one knee and said " oh our heavenly Father chronos please open up those doors and seal Nemesis, dark dome open!" Pluto opens the doors and Nemesis into another dimension as Sailor Saturn went with it as Lisa said " SAILOR SATURN!" She turns and smiles as the doors close behind her when Baekhyun and Aishalynn were released as a baby cry was heard...

Jennie, Nicole, and Kai came and saw a baby and when her symbol appeared as Kai said " that's baby Saturn, she is reborn!" Nicole picked her up and said " we will take full custody of her and become her parents!" Sailor Moon asked " are you sure you want to take care of her?" Kai said " of course, she needs our protection!" The three of them left and the girls went to the park once again when Lisa said " I want to go see the eclipse, daddy, I wanna go!" Baekhyun said " of course only if your mother allows!" Aishalynn said " of course let's go!" They went and got glasses and put them on as the eclipse was happening...

Baekhyun and Aishalynn stopped as they saw something else rather than the eclipse, a circus boat? Baekhyun asked Aishalynn " what does a circus boat doing here?" Aishalynn said " I don't know but it doesn't seem friendly!" The girls said " I think we have to investigate this by ourselves!" The circus landed in the middle of the park as it opened it's curtains as posters were placed everywhere as Aishalynn said " a circus, sounds like trouble!" Baekhyun said " yes, look one of their animals escaped, RUN!!!!" Aishalynn and Lisa ran in circles around and bumped into each other as they disappeared while the tiger was searching for them...

Aishalynn and Lisa transformed into Sailor Moon and Sailor chibi Moon and tried to stop the tiger but then new enemies appeared and said " your nothing but trouble you too and our tiger will end your lives here!" Baekhyun came in between them and got hit as he layed on the floor as the tiger disappeared into the city as one of the girls heard their wishes as she said " a wish is a wish so without further a do, here's their wish, alacazam!" Sailor Moon and chibi Moon exchanged bodies as chibi Moon was Sailor Moon and Sailor Moon was chibi Moon...

Aishalynn was in Lisa's body and Lisa is in Aishalynn's body as Lisa said " this can't be happening, I can't be Sailor Moon!" Aishalynn said " I can't be Sailor chibi Moon, I'm not capable of being her!" Then Baekhyun woke up and asked " who's Sailor Moon I mean Aishalynn?" Lisa said " she's sitting by you!" Baekhyun looks and said " oh my baby, I'm so glad your safe and I hope our baby is too!" Lisa looks down and sees her pregnant stomach as she said " well there's a problem!" Baekhyun looks and asked " when did I have with you?" Lisa said " ewww daddy, let me explain, someone exchanged our bodies and we are trying to get in our actual bodies!" Baekhyun sighs...

The girls came inside and said " have you heard the circus girls, their

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1198 streak #1
Chapter 1: We love a good love triangle 👀