PERFECT MATCH : An Interactive Survival Show Applyfic - APPLY OPEN
PKD - lead vocal, lead dance, lead rap
She's the undisputed ace of the Pocketdoll Girls, favorite of the management, and she's had to fight hard for that position.

Now she has to fight for that position again and with even more girls as her competition this time.

Can she land on top a second time?
PKD - main vocal,
She's an idol main vocal through and through, chosen more for her ability to keep up with the choreo and visuals than her vocal ability. Better vocalists were dropped in favor of this girl who matched better visually.

But now Maroo have the powerhouse main vocal and she's going to have to defend her position against that.

!! a competent but not outstanding main vocalist. Ex. Liz, Lia, Nayoung
PKD - main rap,
lead vocal
She's an idol rapper through and through. If it was up to her she probably would never have chosen to rap but her voice was deeped suitable and so she became the rapper of the group.

Will she be able to stand up against the better rappers on the show?
PKD - main dancer,
lead vocal
Free Plotline!
PKD - lead rap,
lead vocal
She's a survival show veteran, though she doesn't have much to shw for it.

She barely got any screentime the last time she went on one of these, putting in countless of hours of hard work and stress for little reward.

Will this time be the same story for her?
PKD - lead dance,
Free plotline!
PKD - lead vocal
In reality this girl was cut from the prospective line-up.

With this being a survival show, the CEO thought it would be good to add one extra member as canon fodder for eliminations to give the actual girls he thinks have what it takes an extra chance.

The CEO assumes this girl will be the first of the Pocketdoll girls to be eliminated. Will she prove him wrong?
MR - main vocal
Upon first glance one might not guess that this girl is an idol trainee, her vibe isn't very idol-like. But then she opens and it all makes sense.

She's the undisputed best vocalist on the show, her voice is an absolute gem.

Will that voice make up for whatever makes her otherwise unsuitable for the idol gig?

!! powerhouse vocal twin
MR - main dance,
sub vocal, sub rap
She's a fantastic charismatic dancer, but she doesn't have the visual Koreans prefer and so Maroo's CEO doesn't trust her to be the right center for the group.

It hurts her pride that he's constantly saying that he needs to find someone with star power before he can debut them when she's right there! She feels like it should be her!

Maybe now she can prove that she's everything he doesn't see in her.
MR - lead vocal,
lead rap

In another group she might have been a main vocal but Maroo Girls' main vocalist is undisputably leagues ahead of her. She also doesn't have the charm of other lead vocal or the charisma of the main dancer or the visuals of the lead dancer.

She is surrounded by excellence but unable to add anything of her own. Or so she thinks, at least.

Will she finally find her shine?

!! twin can be a competent but not amazing main vocal (example: Liz or Lia or Danielle)
MR - lead vocal
Some people are idol material because they can command a stage or sing their hearts out. Some people are idol material because their personalities just make you want to support them. This girl is the second category.

Sure, on stage she might not be anything special, but she has a winning personality off-stage that makes you want to root for her.
MR - lead dance,
sub vocal, visual
She  has the visuals and she can follow a dance, but she sorely lacks in vocal skills.

She might have been the center the Maroo CEO so desperately needed, but he thinks her lack in vocals will be too obvious if she was front and center. Who wants a center who can't sing?

Still, plenty of kpop songs have some easy lines for a visual, don't they? Maybe her visuals and her dancing will be enough for her?
MNH - main rap
She's an excellent rapper, she really took to the skill during training and excelled at it.

As the only great rapper at MNH, she's always been quite confident of her position and her debut chances. All she had to do was sit tight until MNH was ready. Now she finds that there's much more competition and her skills might not be enough to get her to the debut lineup anymore.
MNH - main dance,
sub vocal, sub rap
She's got her specialty in something other than the usual dance styles ie. ballet, ballroom, gymnastics. It makes her less of a slick idol dancing, but it also gives her something unique.

She hasn't been a trainee for very long and is very unpolished, but there's something special about her.
MNH - main vocal
This girl comes from just enough priviledge to carve out a position for herself at a company like MNH, but not enough to find a better company. Be it from wealth or from her parents' industry connections, she's found herself with more leverage and power than the other girls she trains with.

And yet, does all of that priviledge matter now that she's into a survival show and suddenly it's the public who gets to decide if she debuts or not?
MNH - lead vocal,
lead rap
She used to be in the same  idol academy as S2 Girls' lead vocal, lead rap. They have similar skillsets and were constantly compared to each other, creating something of a rivalry.

And then she got into MNH through auditions and the other girl didn't, deepening the rivalry even more.

Does she even still remember the other girl?
MNH - lead vocal
Free plotline!
MNH - lead dance,
lead vocal
She used to be the team's foremost dancer until the other girl joined MNH and now that the show asks for positions, she's found herself demoted to lead.

Had they debuted with this MNH lineup, no doubt the fans would have debated endlessly over which is actually the best dancer. This girl specialises in idol dance, she might not have the artistic or unique flair that the main dancer has, but she makes up for it by excelling at what they're actually asked to do.

!! twin can be either a not amazing main dancer or a great lead dancer. Ex. Gaeul or Yujin, Winter
MNH - lead dance, sub vocal, visual
She's a foreigner, freshly come to Korea to try her luck as a kpop idol but in no way prepared to be into a show like this.

She knows very little Korean and has a lot of trouble keeping up with even the academy girls.

Will she be able to keep up?
MNH - sub vocal,
sub rap
She's one of the newest academy recruits, and one of the youngest besides. Truly, she is way too young to be a part of this, but she's cute and charming and MNH is banking on that winning her votes.

Will she hold the team back or will she be their unexpected trump card?

!! age range 14-16
S2 - main dance
lead vocal, lead rap
How S2 was able to recruit this girl is a mystery, she is so obviously a league above the others in her team.

Truthfully, this girl is on her last chance to debut. She was a rejected ace from a different debut team and most companies would find her too old to debut now. She was as lucky to find S2 as S2 was to find her and she has to make the most of this opportunity if she wants to make her dream come true.

she must be years old
S2 - main vocal
She's main vocal in name only, in reality she was simply the most convincing one out of the bunch. In any other group she wouldn't get more than lead, but she can croak out the high notes if she has to and so she is their 'main vocal'.
Of course, once the other team's main vocals start singing, it will be painfully obvious how much of an imposter she is, won't it?

!! vocal twin must be a lead vocal
S2 - lead dance,
sub vocal, sub rap
Free plotline!
S2 - lead vocal
She has never been a trainee in her life and she is both ecstatic to participate in this show as well as so over her head in what it means to be a trainee.

She's a huge idol fan, she knows all about the industry, may even have squeed at fansigns or written cringy fanfic on herself.

Now somehow the opportunity dropped into her lap to take her own chance to stand on stage. But is she ready?
S2 - lead vocal,
lead rap
She used to be in the same  idol academy as MNH Girls' lead vocal, lead rap. They have similar skillsets and were constantly compared to each other, creating something of a rivalry.

And then the other girl got into MNH through auditions and this girl didn't, deepening the rivalry even more.

Can this girl let go of her rivalry and learn to shine on her own? Or will her own comparisons be her downfall?
S2 - sub vocal,

She was streetcasted for her visuals just weeks before the show started recording.

She's not even an idol fan, the people around her seriously wonder why she's joining this show with no skills and no knowledge of idol culture but here she is, trying it out anyway.


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PERFECT MATCH: Not gonna lie, I thought there was no interest in this story so I was so happy when two apps came in! I am still committed to writing it if there is interest <3


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14 streak #1
Chapter 3: Is TRI.BE Jia suitable to be a visual?
hi, it looks like the app code is broken?
Chapter 3: rubs hands in slow motion like a cartoon villain
Chapter 4: a quick question, how many times are we allowed to apply?
just wondering, i don't know if i'll make more than one, but i just wanted to see if the option was available:3
Chapter 4: ive had a character completed for so long but with no where to go....and i think shes finally found her home!!! im super excited :D
Chapter 3: s2's sub vocal, visual is giving me flashbacks to poor lelush on produce camp 2021 💀💀
14 streak #7
Chapter 3: I might have an idea for the fangirl and last chance plotline!
Chapter 2: ooo those are some definitely interesting company, especially mnh with that being chungha's ex company after all

i can smell the competition sparking woohoo!!