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Taeyeon has been busy for the past few weeks acting as temporary CEO of their company. Ever since her father passed away and her older brother stepping down and refusing the position, the responsibility is pass on to her as the successor until the voting session of the Board Members the following week. On this meeting, it will be decided whether Taeyeon is fit to be the official Chairwoman.


The newly young CEO is currently at her office going over some paper works when her girlfriend Tiffany enters the room. Taeyeon looks up and is surprise to see Tiffany carrying a paper bag which she assumes contains food from the smell of it and a tray of cold beverages in other hand.


“How did you know?” Taeyeon asks the girl standing in front of her desk.


Tiffany tilts her head towards the clock on the wall. “It’s passed lunch time Babe. You usually text me when you’ve eaten lunch or about to but you didn’t. I put two and two together, so here I am.”


Tiffany is an entrepreneur/model of House of Hwang Fashion so with her flexible schedule, she always find time to check on her girlfriend especially when Taeyeon’s schedule becomes hectic.


Taeyeon grins with a guilty face. “I didn’t even notice the time. I’m sorry Fany, I’ve been swamp with all of these work stuff. I didn’t mean to worry you, I know you have an upcoming fashion show to manage.”


Tiffany places the food and drinks on the table where they usually eat and walks across the room towards the desk and hugs her girlfriend.


“No need to apologize, I know you have a lot to take care of and it’s not a big deal. I wanted to stop by and see you anyway because I miss you.”


The older pulls her girl to sit on her lap and kisses her. “I miss you too Baby. Thank you for thinking of me and for your patience and understanding.” She places another kiss on her cheeks and smiles at her lovingly.


The couple’s intimate moment gets interrupted by a few knocks on the door. Taeyeon pouts when Tiffany gets up from her, missing the close contact they just had and proceeds to sit down on the sofa close to the coffee table and starts taking out the food from the paper bag.


“We’re still at your office Tae, the CEO has to be professional.” She winks.


The said CEO whines and answers the door. “Come in.”


Her secretary Seohyun walks in and closes the door behind her. “Oh, Miss Hwang, hello! I didn’t see you walk in.” She bows.


“Hi Seohyun! Also, how many times do I have to tell you to stop being formal to me?” Tiffany teases.


Seohyun shyly smiles. “I apologize, I’m still not used to it especially here in office.”


“I understand, but please call me Unnie outside of work okay? It’s not fair you call Taeyeon that but not me.”


“Babe, Seohyun-ah still calls me Miss President within the company grounds.”


The youngest chuckles and promises the couple to call them both Unnie when no one is around.


Seohyun was an intern back then when Taeyeon’s father was still the Chairman. She worked closely with Taeyeon and learned from her while the newly CEO herself was beginning to learn the ropes of her family's company. And now that Taeyeon is in position, she asked her to be her secretary and Seohyun gladly accepted and has been close with the couple ever since.


“By the way, I apologize for interrupting your lunch time. Mr. Byun Baekhyun is outside and is wanting to meet with you. Should I tell him the same things as before and come back another time?”


Taeyeon rolls her eyes in annoyance when she hears his name. Baekhyun has been calling and texting her and she knows she can’t avoid him forever. Baekhyun’s father is one of their company’s longest business partners. There is a running joke back then that the two of them were to be married and run their businesses together when their fathers’ retire. Mostly everyone involve in the business and company thought it was going to happen when Taeyeon pretended to date Baekhyun to appease her father but when she met Tiffany in one of the fundraiser events, she immediately dropped the act. The late Chairman Kim wasn't happy at first but when he and the rest of the family met Tiffany, and they saw how genuinely happy Taeyeon is around her lover, he finally accepted and welcomed Tiffany to the family.


On the other side, Baekhyun is not a fan, hence here he is once again to pursue the Kim family's heir.


Taeyeon sighs and shakes her head. “It’s okay Seohyun-ah, let him in.”


Tiffany is surprise to hear this. She has only seen Baekhyun once, maybe twice and last time is at Taeyeon’s father’s funeral but she knows about him from her girlfriend’s stories. The beautiful model doesn’t see him as a threat but she doesn’t like him being around Taeyeon either.


Baekhyun walks in and sees Taeyeon is not alone. He recognizes the other girl and knows who Tiffany is in Taeyeon’s life but that doesn’t stop him from his intentions.


“It’s been a long time, Taeyeon.” He greets.


Taeyeon can smell the bull that’s about to come out of this man’s mouth. “What do you need Baekhyun?”


He laughs. “Is this how you greet your friend and ex?”


Taeyeon snorts in disgust. “First of all, we were never officially together and second, I don’t think friend is the right term to call you especially from the things I’ve been informed about what you’ve been dong behind my back.”


“Hey now, it’s why I’m here, to discuss about those things with you. I promise you will benefit from it, but only if we come to an agreement.”


“What are you on about?”


Baekhyun hesitates and looks at Tiffany. “It’s private company matters.”


Tiffany looks at Taeyeon, eyes asking if she should leave.


The young CEO shakes her head. “Anything you have to say to me, you can say it with Tiffany here, she’s my girlfriend and future wife after all.”


Baekhyun scoffs. “Alright, well she may not like what I’m about to say.” Without being invited, he sits on the chair closer to Taeyeon’s desks and continues.


“The Board Meeting Election is approaching and we both know how much you want your CEO/Chairwoman title to be official. To be honest, I don’t think it’s looking good on your favor, not base on the whispers I’m hearing anyway and I’m not going to lie, I do want the position for myself when you don’t get it.”


“So that’s why you’ve been going behind my back and talk about me to other board members huh?”


The business man laughs. “It’s not talking if it’s true Taeyeon. No offense but your knowledge and experience are not even half to what your father had. Not everyone in the committee has confidence that you can run the company and may I remind you that you need majority votes to be elected officially.”


Taeyeon wants to slap the arrogance out of this man’s face but she refuses to show him that he’s getting to her. Instead, she’ll play the same game.


“I’m very well aware. But may I also remind you that you’re not the only one who has “Friends” within the board members?”


“Like I said, majority.”


“Is that why you’re here? To discourage me? To tell me you’re after my position?”


Baekhyun clicks his tongue and sits properly. “Didn’t I say earlier that I have a proposal that will benefit you?”


Taeyeon raises her eyebrows and urges him to continue.


“When I said proposal, I mean it literally and figuratively.”


“EXCUSE ME?” Both Taeyeon and Tiffany exclaims.


He slightly turns in Tiffany’s direction with a smug look. “Told you she won’t be happy about it.” He faces Taeyeon again.


“Don’t worry, it’s only for show again. Marry me and I guarantee an automatic win for you as an official Chairwoman. You know how influencial my family name is and think about it, we’d be a power couple running this company plus mine. I’m more than okay for you to have the title of President because as your husband, I’d just be as important, if not same level. It’s up to you whether you want our marriage to be on paper only or we can still be married and you can keep your little girlfriend as your mistress."


“ENOUGH!” Taeyeon gets up and slams both of her hands on her desk. “I will not tolerate this disrespect you’re presenting not just to me but also to Tiffany. How dare you think I’ll even entertain this idiotic idea of yours? You think you know everything about my own company? You treat this whole thing as a chess game with your little pawns on this board and make moves but guess what? I’m more than

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Hello! I rewatched Reborn Rich last week after suffering a mental block for writing and thought of this story. Hope you guys like it! You know the drill, subscribe/comments/upvotes are appreciated!


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maemae08 #1
Chapter 1: I need moreeee
Airwaste #2
Chapter 1: Ceritanya bagus saya suka
1132 streak #3
Chapter 1: i havent watch Reborn Rich yet and im planning to watch it tomorrow
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: It's Girls' Generation! 👭
Who could resist Kim Taeyeon? 😁
There's a lot of stuff that needs to be 'official' here, and the last one's my favorite!❤️
They're both so cute and cheesy! I love them! 😭

Reborn Rich was quite a ride. Good thing you got inspiration from this. 😉