≛ the third chapter

‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ≛ HOLIDAY HIJINKS ˢᵗᵒʳʸ ˢᵗᵃʳᵗᶦⁿᵍ


What was once Sebin's childhood room had become Wondae's refuge for the day. After grabbing breakfast, he'd retreated back to the room to keep the rest of the family from seeing him once they'd arrived. Since being freed from jail, the last thing he wanted to do was detain himself in one space. However, this was all part of his plan, and he wanted to make a big reveal to the entire family, with the exception of the few stragglers that would arrive the next day. It didn't matter because the most important people for this reveal was his mother and siblings, especially his twin brother.

He couldn't help but look through a crack in the door out to the courtyard when the first half of his family arrived. Seeing Jihye first caused such a confusion of emotions within him. He wanted nothing more than to just go out there and hold onto her, have her wrap her comforting arms around him like she used to do when he was a child and his father had just yelled at him. Pain filled his chest, and he almost opened the door. That was until he saw a face identical to his own. The only difference was that Wonjae was slimmer than he was, with less of a muscular build.

There was no more confusion, and now Wondae only felt anger. Gripping the handle of the door tight, he slid the door closed and stepped back into the bedroom. Closing that door as well, he leaned forward to rest his head on the wood, listening to the sounds of family members greeting each other, the sounds of nephews and a niece he'd never gotten the chance to know.

An hour or two later is when Sebin finally arrived and came into his old bedroom to drop off his belongings. Youngjae must have warned him about Wondae's presence because he didn't seem surprised. He dropped his bags and closed the door before holding his arms out for his cousin. It was a warm embrace between two cousins who hadn't seen each other in years.

"You don't mind sharing your room?" Wondae asked with a low voice, unsure of who could be walking the hallways of the home.

The two men pulled away from each other, and Sebin shook his head. "Not at all. I can cuddle up to you when it gets too cold," he joked, grin growing on his lips. "When are you coming out there?"

Wondae sat down in the chair closest to the wall, leaning his head back against the wall. "During dinner. Sneak me some food from Auntie in the meantime?"

"Sure, Dae."

Other than being brought different samples of food from all three of Jaejoon's sons, Wondae was alone again, left listening to his family spread throughout the village. Once it was nearing night, he began getting dressed for dinner. He only stopped when he heard two female voices going back and forth. He couldn't quite make out everything that was said, but he realized that it had to be Jaebeom's children. Knowing his aunt Youngae very well, he knew she wouldn't let it go on for much longer, and his thoughts were confirmed when she announced that dinner was ready.

His fingers twitched in anticipation before he opened the door, and it didn't help that he hadn't smoked all day. He wouldn't allow himself to go outside and get caught, so he stifled the urge. Finally, he walked out of the room and down the hall into the family room, where everyone was seated.

As soon as he'd walked in, all the different smells from the food hit him, and his mouth started watering. The only people to notice his appearance, at first, were those who were already aware of his presence. The next person to see him was his older sister, Dabin, who gasped aloud. "Daedae?"

The nickname prompted everyone else to look up from their plates or their conversations. While everyone was shocked, the Moons were very clearly the most taken aback. Dasol stared at her younger brother. "Has it been...?"

"Five years," Wondae answered. "It's been five years."

Jihye set her utensils down and stood to her feet, tears filling her eyes until she had to blink and they fell onto her cheeks. She walked across the room to her son and reached up to caress his face. "Wondae, Wondae, my Wondae." Every part of her that was used to keep herself prim and poised fell apart in seconds. "Wondae, you've returned to us."

Wondae wanted so much to hug his mother, and he had to blink away his own tears. However, he remembered how she went from visiting every chance she got and insisting on him calling her multiple times a day to never visiting or writing or picking up his calls. He recalled her saying how it was 'too much' for her, with him constantly talking badly about his father, who had just died after he was sent to jail.

He shook his head to rid himself of her touch, walking into the kitchen to retrieve a bottle of vodka and a glass. He returned, walking slowly as he poured himself a triple shot and set the bottle down on the table closest to Jaejoon and Youngae.

Wonjae, who was sitting next to his fiancée, was staring at his twin brother with widened eyes and a fully paled face. His hands were shaking so much that Chorong had to place her hands on top of his.

Nobody really knew what to say as Wondae took a seat next to his aunt and uncle, leaving his mother to stand in the middle of the floor in tears by herself. Dabin stood to her mother back to her seat. Dongkyu was the first to break the silence, trying to relieve the tension with an awkward chuckle. "Hyung, why didn't you have one of us pick you up?"

Half the glass of vodka was gone in a gulp, and Wondae laughed loudly at the question as he set the glass back onto the table. "Hyung? When is the last time we've spoken to each other, Dongkyu-yah?" He tilted his head with a grin, waiting for the answer. Dongkyu opened his mouth to respond, but Wondae proceeded to cut him off. "Don't remember? I'll tell you. 23rd of May, 2020. You came and visited me, with Youngjae, on my birthday." He shrugged his shoulders and took another sip from his glass. "Maybe you got too busy to come and see your hyung. Now, the rest of our family may not know the reason, but I definitely do."

"Dae-yah, maybe you shouldn't do this like this," Jaejoon told him, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Jihye's eyes were like daggers, piercing into her brother. "You knew he was back, and you didn't tell me." It was less of a question and more of an accusation.

"Of course, Mother. Because the last time I spoke to you was in 2019, also my birthday. We got into an argument over your husband, whose side you took over mine, your own son, who was in jail."

"He had just died, Wondae. I couldn't hear you say those things about him anymore." She was crying again, desperately trying to wipe at her wet face with her handkerchief.

Dabin slammed her hands onto the table. "That's enough! Mom was there for you when you first went away, but don't act like this is anybody's fault but your own. You were the one who decided to drink and drive. You were the one to hit a single mother, leaving her child an orphan. Because you're careless, just like you always have been."

Wondae had been drinking the remainder of his drink while she spoke, unphased by her words. "Are you without sin, noona?" The question was meaningful, and he couldn't help but smile. It was bitter, without an ounce of remorse for his next choice of words. He filled the glass to the very brim with vodka and held it out towards Dabin. "Would you like some?"

"Stop it!" Jihye yelled.

"Did you miss me, Dasol noona? What about you, Seol-ah? I believe I haven't heard from either of you since 2019, as well. The same goes for Dabin." Some had spilled from the glass, but it didn't stop him from drinking until the glass was empty once more. "The perfect family, right?" His eyes finally moved to his last target.

Wonjae had to force himself to meet his brother's eyes, hands still shaking underneath Chorong's. His face was now red, and his heart was beating so hard in his chest he could have sworn everyone heard it. "Wondae, I'm sorry."

"Save it. I believe the last time I heard from my own twin brother was the day I went to jail. 21st of September, 2018." Wondae got up from his seat, bottle in hand as he made his way out of the family room. "Enjoy your dinner. Happy Chuseok, family."



"Well, I'm pretty sure our mother cried herself to sleep. I haven't seen her cry like that since Dad died." Dabin settled beside Seol, who was curled up against Dasol on the couch.

Four out of six Moon siblings were relaxing in the family room of the right hanok, taking advantage of the space before Hanjae arrived. Once the kitchen and family room of the main house was cleaned, everyone agreed to retreat to their own spaces until the following day. The children and babies were put to sleep, and the village was quiet again.

"Where's Wonjae oppa?" Seol asked, spreading her legs on Dabin's lap.

"With Chorong, in their room." 

Dongkyu was stretched out on the other side of Dasol, on the long part of the sectional. "Did you see how much he was shaking?" He put his hands up and reenacted his older brother's small fit at dinner. Seol snickered quietly, but Dasol pushed Dongkyu's hands down. His smile faded as his arms dropped back down to the couch. "But I didn't know none of you guys weren't visiting him either. I thought it was just me."

Dasol stifled a sigh, keeping her voice even. "I had an engagement I knew nothing about, Dad died, I got married, and I had Eunho. We couldn't have been expected to drop everything for him when, like Bina said, he did it to himself." As she spoke, it seemed she was steadily believing in her own words, or at least trying to. "Bina was already married and a mother at the time. Seol was only 15 years old, so she couldn't have gone without one of us or Mom taking her. Dongie had moved down to Daejeon to work his dream job." Her siblings nodded their heads, thankful to their eldest for her excuses for them.

Though it didn't help with the guilt each of them felt tearing away at them, Seol spoke up to ease some of their shame. "But at least we all went. Wonjae oppa never went."

"So if Wondae hyung should feel upset towards anybody..."

"...it should only be Wonjae," Dasol and Dabin agreed.

After a while, they all agreed that they should get some sleep. Dasol and Dabin joined their husbands in their respective rooms, and Dongkyu quietly went back to his room where Yerim was soundly sleeping. Seol was the only one who had to leave the house and cross the village to get to her own room that she was sharing with Juda. She'd thought about taking one of the vacant rooms near her siblings for the night, but all of her belongings were already in the left hanok. She waved a goodnight to her cousins in the family room before walking down the hallway to her destination.

In this family room, Charlotte was the only one laying across the couch. Yejun and Chris both took the floor, which was comfortable enough with the several blankets and pillows that Youngae had laid out for them.

Waiting until Seol was out of sight, Yejun looked over at Charlotte. "And I thought we were the ed up ones."

"Oh, we still are," Charlotte hummed out quietly as her finger idly scrolled through the comments of her latest YouTube video on her phone. "But at least we get some entertainment while we're here."

Seol paused at the bedroom door, shaking off her cousins' words before walking in. Juda was already laying down on the bed closest to the window, so she settled into the one near the door. Laying back on the bed, her leg bounced as her restlessness kicked in. Juda was staring at her phone, and Seol didn't necessarily want to interrupt her. Yet the words came out anyway.

"Remember when Grandma would sit all of us down and have us watch your ballet routines?" Seol and Juda weren't very close at all, and Seol honestly couldn't remember the last time the two of them even had a conversation. However, there were certain aspects about her older cousin that felt nostalgic.

Juda set her phone down on the nightstand and looked across the room to her cousin. She knew very little about Seol, and this was the first time she was even seeing her as an adult. The last time Juda was in South Korea, Seol was still just one of her very energetic, teenage cousins. "You remember that? That was so long ago."

Seol sat up and crossed her long legs, slouching as she hugged her pillow to her chest. "One of the first things I can remember is you doing one of the dances from The Nutcracker. It was Christmas, and everyone was here, of course. Grandma was sitting on the side with her little radio, playing the music for you. All of my brothers, sisters, and cousins were bunched up together, cheering for our ballerina. I remember the smell of cookies and all kinds of sweets coming from Auntie's kitchen."

Seol's recalling of the past was so vivid for Juda that she might have shed a tear if she were the only one in the room. Instead, she simply smiled wistfully. "I loved those holidays." Letting out a quiet chuckle, she also sat up on her bed. Her back was straight, legs extending over the side of the bed and her hands perched beside her. "Though, I do hate The Nutcracker now."

"But you're a ballerina! Don't all ballet dancers love The Nutcracker?"

"Not when you've done it a million times since you were a child." They both laughed, and Seol nodded in understanding. Juda sighed, but it was so soft it was almost inaudible. "It feels weird being here without Grandma... Everything is changed, and everyone's distant and older now. There's no way in hell she would have let Chaerin go off on Charlotte or let Wondae go off on his family like that."

"No," Seol agreed. The discomfort of not really knowing what to say returned for a few seconds between the two before Seol finally asked, "Do you think our family is ed up?"

Juda couldn't help but laugh, covering with the back of her hand. "Pretty much. If it makes you feel better, you can at least say you know your brothers and sisters well. You were able to grow up with them."

It was Seol's turn to laugh, but she shrugged her shoulders. "You heard Wondae oppa. None of us made the effort to even see him after a while." The same guilt she'd tried to ease earlier had seeped back in without Dasol's reassurance. "We could have, but we didn't. I think it was just easier to forget."

Juda pulled her legs up to her chest, lightly holding her arms around them to keep them propped up on the bed. "Since they were born, Charlotte and Christopher have lived about 30 minutes away from me. I see them about once or twice a year. And my other siblings I see maybe once a year, if that. We all got busy with life, and that's okay. We can't all be Uncle Jaebeom...or Youngjae."

Seol laughed again, bouncing on the bed slightly in excitement. "Oh my God! I was just thinking that earlier? He's close with practically everyone, even Wondae oppa! How the hell does he have the time?"

"I assume he works, but what does he do—" Juda was interrupted by a thud against the wall, coming from outside. "What was that?"

The two of them got up from their beds and peeked out of the window, expecting to find some sort of animal or something. Instead they got a full glimpse of Chulsoo being held up against the house by another man, someone neither of them recognized. They were laughing and attempting to whisper in between shared kisses.

Juda and Seol gawked before pulling away from the window and staring at each other. "Is Chul gay?" Seol asked.

"He must be," Juda responded, gesturing towards the window. "But that guy looked like he was in his thirties. Chul's only 19."

"I guess that's...technically legal." The two of them both shuddered at the thought, and they looked outside again to see Chulsoo and the man becoming even more intimate than before. Seol gasped and pulled Juda away again. "You know who might know about this already?"

"Youngjae!" They both exclaimed, grabbing their sweaters and making their way out of the house.


The reveal of Wondae is here! We also have some cousin bonding, some Moon sibling bonding, and the start of another scandal! I hope you guys enjoy! Happy New Year! ♡ Bubba

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very long time, no see! I'm so sorry for being mia guys! the beginning of this year was rough, but summer is my time to shine :)


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Chapter 11: I love that like, half of them immediately bonded over playing Genshin Impact xD hahaha And I was contabilizing how many gamers per branch of the family, and the half-siblings are the ones with more gamers between them lol
Also love how this ties in with tha last chapter, with Seol and Juda looking for Youngjae.
(Btw, with Sebin and Hanjae we have the two types of older brothers: the "don't-even-tell-me-I-don't want-to-know" and the "tell-me-absolutely-everything-it's-my-right-as-the-elder" LOL)

I'm really happy to see you back! I hope summer can also bring you rest!
Chapter 11: welcome back!!
the group chat's as chaotic as i thought it would be, it was so entertaining to read through. i didn't expect so many of the characters to be gamers lol

i also like how it also linked back to what juda and seol witnessed in the previous chapter. i can't wait to see how that will end up being formally addressed. absolutely excited for the next chapter <3
Chapter 11: Ahh, I’m so happy you're back I missed seeing you around ^^
I’m sorry you’ve had a rough time, my DM’s are always open if you ever want to talk. I hope summer brings some good things for you <3

I always love the usage of group chats in stories!
Chapter 11: Omg welcome back!

The way I laughed so hard at the shenanigans in this group chat! Charlotte wanting to leave immediately, you basically nailed her personality. The good thing is that I think these Hwan siblings and cousins will be able to bond over Genshin. On that note, I think it’ll be quite fun to see them co-op in Genshin (and the possible chaos it’ll bring)

Looking forward to what’s coming next!
14 streak #6
Chapter 10: Been curious about this story for a while (mainly because one of the characters has Han Sohee as a FC I'm sorry I'm a simp) and so glad I subbed! Your writing got me hooked immediately and I can't wait to make my app for manslaughter
Chapter 10: omg wondae went off!! I love how you expressed their guilt too and trying to mask it with excuses. I am beyond satisfied with how that went down and I know it's just the beginning for those two so I'm looking forward to what else you have in store. but chulsoo??? I did not expect that? right at the family home is so risky too afnajg. and lastly happy new year even though its two weeks in!
Chapter 10: the confrontation!! the amount of gasps i probably made as wondae kept speaking was something else! i expected wondae to have fully blown out on his twin so, i was surprised when he didn't... i guess such a moment will be left for a later time. chuseok barely even started for the family and everything has already become so awkward.

the moment between juda and seol's so sweet especially after the drama that occurred with the moons' side. i adored how you were able to incorporate juda's dislike of the nutcracker. this chapter also made me realise how out of the half-siblings juda has, she probably would be most familiar nowadays with charlotte and christopher since they pretty much live in the same state! i also agree with how if their grandmother had still been alive, she would've not approved of chaerin or wondae's behaviour. the transition from drama to something light-hearted to more drama again was so smooth. i shuddered at the 'technically legal' comment, and wonder what chulsoo is doing with a man much older than him... i wonder if it's something youngjae's aware of, or it would be news completely unfamiliar to him once juda and seol shares such information with what they witnessed. things are getting more and more juicy, i love it <3

happy new year to you too! hope 2024 will be kind to us all <3
Chapter 10: And the first bomb was dropped!! Honestly I don't blame Wondae very much for his outburst. Even if he was in the wrong and went to jail for it, it must have to feel like your family abandoned you. So yeah. :') Making everyone feel guilty was probably some part of Wondae wanted? Because he for sure got that. I can only hope that facing that guilt is the start of a family reconciliation.

Agreeing with Charlotte and Juda that the family is ed up. It's just that Jaebeom's side of the family is ed up in an expected way, while the Moons had the facade of a perfect family, probably, so when thing get ugly, it looks like the fall is uglier. But everyone is human and falible! :p

Also, Chulsoo????? Right under the window???? The girls are way too polite, for going to ask about the situation from Youngjae xD If it was MY brother/cousin getting frisky under my window, I would have opened it and hollered for them to get a room xD But I guess that lack of familiarity make people less thick faced to embarrass family members (the Jaejoon's Hwan siblings probably are the only ones with no qualms about embarrassing a sibling lol)
Chapter 9: I finally caught up with the chapters, it's interesting to see that all of Jaejoon's older kids live far away from home. I wonder if that has to do with his parenting skills, especially since both Sebin and Saemna didn't come back. They're are all a year apart but the difference in treatment is crazy. But overall the family seems more tight knit than I thought, especially the half siblings. This is only the beginning and we got tears and a fight almost broke out. I can't wait for Wondae to make his grand entrance lol.
I was so excited to read this so thank you for not leaving us in the dust with this one. Also the way you write is so easy to follow, even with such a big cast. Looking forward to the next one.