⚪ Cutting Our Red String 🟡

Sea of Radishes
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“Have you already taken your medicine?” , Wheein asked her girlfriend Hyejin. She looked at her softly and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. 


“Of course”, Hyejin replied with a smile. She was still recovering from the surgery, but she was doing good. 


“That's good”, Wheein said. She was glad that Hyejin was out of the ICU and was well. She was gravely worried during her surgery a few days ago. 


Hyejin had to undergo surgery to repair the damage in her tricuspid valve due to endocarditis*


*Endocarditis is inflammation of the inside lining of the heart chambers and heart valves (endocardium). It is caused by a bacterial or, rarely, a fungal infection. (Source: Penn Medicine) 


She spent months in the hospital, with Wheein staying by her side. Now that the problem was resolved, she looked at her girlfriend with sleepy eyes. 


“Are you sleepy now?”


“Kind of”, Hyejin responded and yawned. 


“Maybe you should rest now. Go to sleep”, Wheein said firmly but gently. 


“But I still want to talk to you..”, Hyejin complained.


“Don't be stubborn, Hyejin” 


Hyejin could see the sincerity in her girlfriend's face and it was adorable. How could she say no? She chuckled lightly, giving in. “Fine. I'll go to sleep now. Good night, Wheein. I love you.” 


“Hmm”, Wheein only nodded, making Hyejin pout her lips and sulk. 


Seeing Hyejin's reaction made Wheein chuckle as she stood up and gave Hyejin a forehead kiss. “I love you.” 


Hyejin blushed and slowly laid down. She looked at Wheein before she closed her eyes and went to sleep. 


Wheein watched Hyejin sleep for a while before she looked at her phone. There was a text and she read it. After reading the message, she put her phone down with a sigh. She looked at Hyejin once more, and walked close to her. 


Wheein bent down and whispered, “I have to go now, Hyejin. I hope you live your best life without me. Be happy for me.” She walked out of the room and out of the hospital.


Outside, heavy rain was pouring. Wheein walked slowly and she saw a car. The owner of the car opened the door for her as she rode in the backseat.


“Have you already bid her farewell?”, the driver asked, getting inside the car. 


“What does it matter? She's going to hate me anyway.” 


“Oh well. Suit yourself.” The driver shrugged before starting the car and heading off.




Wheein got out of her car and sighed. She took a deep breathe. The air in Korea just felt so different compared to America. After all, this was the place where she was born and raised. She shook the thoughts off her head and stepped inside the restaurant which stood in front of her.


The place was quite busy, and Wheein was glad that she had made a reservation earlier. Wheein went to her table without any issue. She looked at the menu that a cheerful waiter handed to him. She quickly figured out what she wanted to eat. All that traveling made her hungry. 


Wheein glanced at her hand and played with the ring on her finger while she waited for her order. 


“Hey, hon. We're here!” 


Wheein didn't need to turn around to know who owned that voice. Centuries could pass and she still recognized that deep, raspy timbre that gave her shivers. She quickly kept her head down. She couldn't afford to get recognized. 


Hyejin sat down and placed her daughter on her lap. She soon felt an odd feeling as the customer who sat behind her stood up to go to the bathroom. Hyejin followed with her eyes, thinking that the woman was quite familiar. 


Wheein hurried to the bathroom. She washed her cold hands. She swallowed nervously as she looked at her reflection. Why was she shaking? 


She shook her head. These thoughts were completely unnecessary. She took big breathes and decided to return to her table, brushing past Hyejin who just stepped in to use the bathroom. 


Wheein sat down again and quickly ate her food. She paid for the bill and got out of the place. She turned her head and caught a glimpse of the unsuspecting Hyejin. Wheein erased the distraction, got in her car and went home. On her way, her phone rang. She picked up the call immediately, seeing that it was from someone important. 




“Hey, love.” That voice was something Wheein could never get used to. 


“Are you busy right now, love?” Wheein asked. As soon as she heard that tone, she knew what to do. 


“Kind of. I'm still at the company. I hope you're ready for tomorrow evening.” 


“Of course I am. You know how I am, love. I'm always prepared”, Wheein replied, trying her best to sound like she actually cared about public appearances. 


“You're the best, love. I'll see you home later. Love you.”


“See you”, Wheein responded before turning her phone off. 


Wheein continued driving, eventually passing the old apartment she and Hyejin used to live in. Her eyes lingered at the building for a moment, but she returned her focus on the road. She soon reached home and opened the door. She stretched out and went up the stairs to her bedroom. 


Throwing herself on the bed, Wheein groaned. That scene from earlier was quite the rude awakening. She really had to be introduced to reality like that. Wheein growled and closed her eyes. She calmed herself down. She had a plan in case things happened, and she only had to follow it. 


Wheein closed her eyes, deciding to take an afternoon nap to recover from the jet lag. 


Hours passed and Wheein woke up when somebody the lights. She stretched and yawned, looking at the person who just entered the room. “You're here..” 


“Yeah. I made dinner downstairs. Let's eat.” 


“I'll be down in a minute”, Wheein responded, hoping off her bed. She fixed her messy hair and went down. 


Wheein sat down across her consort who pulled up the chair for her. She looked at the food and then dug in. “Thank you for the food”, she said, grateful for the other's cooking skills. 


“Anything for my wife”, Wheein's spouse had a playful tone. 


Wheein smiled and replied with mild sarcasm, “Yeah, right. 'Husband'.” She glanced at him and he smiled wide before chuckling. 


“How's business going?”, Wheein asked before taking another bite. 


The smile on the face of Wheein's husband faded away and was replaced with a frown. “Dad's putting pressure on me again. We have to be careful.. He'll be watching us closely. He has the advantage because we're in Korea” , he answered with a sigh. 


“I see. Then that would mean we have to put on a good show tomorrow evening.” 


“Let's do our best. We'll be at the event after he has arrived, so let's not raise any suspicion.” 


“Understood. And if he asks any questions..” Wheein's father-in-law was a brazen-faced man, often brash with his words. 


“If he asks you about children, you know the answer to that. If he asks about me, you also know the answer. If he tries to disrespect you, find an excuse to leave.”


“Got it”, Wheein nodded, to which her husband smiled in approval. 


“Just a little longer, Wheein. Bear with me.” 


“There's no other way around it. We just have to what we've always done for the past decade. Let's make this one count.”


“Thank you”, he smiled wider and held Wheein's hand softly. 


The next evening, Wheein prepared early. She looked at the mirror and examined herself. The deep red gown hugged her curves perfectly, emitting a strong aura. She looked passionate, as opposed to how dreadful she actually felt. Her husband was a public figure, and while she would prefer to do something else, she had to do her part. 


Wheein sighed and left the room. She went out of the house and saw her husband waiting for her in the car. She got inside the backseat, and instantly noticed the way her husband was looking at his driver and bodyguard who was beside him.


“Ugh. Get a room, you two..”, Wheein rolled her eyes and scoffed. 


The driver quickly apologized to Wheein, but smiled when she realized that Wheein was being sarcastic. 


Wheein and her husband soon arrived at the place of the event, a hotel owned by her husband's family. She took a deep breath as her husband's arm wrapped around her waist. She turned to the body guard. 


“Let me just borrow your boyfriend for a while”, Wheein said jokingly. 


The guy only grinned and nodded. Wheein's husband mumbled, “Don't , love.” 


Wheein laughed. He sounded so cheesy, and Wheein couldn't help but cringe. 


“No matter how stressed you get, no smoking”, she reminded him.


“No drinking for you either”, he said with a firm tone. 


Now that the limits were established, Wheein and her husband stepped inside. 


Everyone quickly turned their heads to gaze at the couple. The two acted gracefully, walking calmly towards a man in a black tuxedo. 


“Good evening, Dad. It's great seeing you here” 


Wheein looked at her husband and then at her father-in-law. “Good evening, Mr. Kim”, she greeted him. 


“Of course I'd be here, Taehyung. I am keeping my eye on you two. How is your marriage?”, Mr. Kim asked with a suspecting look. 


“It's the same as ever, Dad. Happy” , Taehyung turned to his wife with a faked smile. 


"When exactly are you planning to have children?", Mr. Kim glanced at the couple, making the two a little nervous. 


“We've talked about this, dad. Wheein is eager, but I am busy with handling the company affairs here and in America”, Taehyung answered as a server offered him a glass of wine. 


'Eager, my foot', Wheein thought. Hell would have to freeze first. Wheein put up a shy smile at his father-in-law. 


“Will you excuse us, dad? I think I see potential partners”, Taehyung asked, trying to find a way out of this conversation with his old man. 


Mr. Kim scoffed but he nodded. 


Taehyung took the opportunity and walked away with Wheein. 


“Sorry about my father, Whee”, Taehyung apologized like he always did. He knew his father liked putting pressure on people. 


“I feel even more sorry for you. He's probably questioning your masculinity right now”, Wheein whispered. 


“Surely. I've noticed some of his men here. They stand out so much, so it won't be difficult spotting them. If things get messy, go up a floor”, Taehyung said in a lowered voice. “Why don't you go and mingle with the ladies, love?” 


“Okay”, Wheein responded, catching the signal. She put on her facade again as she approached the wives of the investors. 


Wheein joined the older women's gossip. She remembered what Taehyung said about them. He once stated that these women either married their husbands for business or for social status. Either way, they were like Wheein. They married for money. 


Wheein looked around and noticed trouble from the corner of her eyes. She excused herself and quickly made her way across the room to her husband. 


Wheein walked close to Taehyung and held his hand firmly to calm him down. 


Taehyung was talking to his mother. His parents were divorced and Wheein knew he didn't like talking to her. Right this very moment, his lips were pursed and one insulting word from his mother's mouth would probably make him snap. 


Wheein squeezed Taehyung's hand harder, signaling him to just walk away. 


Taehyung understood and turned his back on his mother. He sighed. Reasoning was useless with either one of his parents. 


Wheein was starting to get a headache from all of the dysfunctional family affair. She often ignored things like this, but tonight they were particularly poignant. 


A man approached them. He was wearing a midnight blue suit, and he looked like he was somewhere in his thirties. 


“Mr. Kim! It's great to see you here!”, he exclaimed. 


“Oh! Kwon Hyuk-woo, am I right? It's nice to finally meet you!”, Taehyung responded as he shook Hyuk-woo's hand. He recognized him, as he had been working earnestly for the company, leading to his promotion recently. “This is my wife, Jung Wheein. Wheein, meet Mr. Kwon Hyuk-woo, one of the company's regional directors”, Taehyung introduced the two. 


“Pleased to meet you, Mrs. Jung”, Hyuk-woo smiled and shook Wheein's hand. 


“Likewise”, Wheein replied. 


“By the way”, Hyuk-woo turned and revealed a woman behind him. “This is my wife, Ahn Hyejin.” 


Seeing her face and hearing her name made Wheein's world fall apart. 


Wheein stopped breathing for a second. She had no words in her mind and she looked away, unable to meet Hyejin's cold gaze. She clung to Taehyung's arm tightly and swallowed. 


Even Taehyung was shocked and shut his mouth. 


“Honey, this is Mr. Kim Taehyung. He's the COO of the company”, Hyuk-woo turned to his wife. 


“Nice to meet you, Mr. Kim”, Hyejin said, shaking Taehyung's hand as she sharply glanced at Wheein. 


“Nice to meet you too”, Taehyung replied nervously, barely managing a smile. 


Things became awkward for a moment and Wheein excused herself. 


Hyuk-woo was confused but Hyejin only smiled at him. 


Wheein went up a floor in dismay. She walked slowly with heavy steps. 


Taehyung followed after Wheein to make sure she was alright. He ran his fingers through his hair and loosened his tie. He found his wife standing in a corner. He joined her and rested his head, leaning against the wall. He took out a cigarette and lighter after seeing a sign that says, 'Smoking Area'. 


“I said no smoking earlier”, Wheein turned to her husband. 


“And I said no drinking”, Taehyung replied. 


Wheein looked down on her glass of white wine and took a sip. Taehyung exhaled smoke. 


The two sighed deeply. 


“I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't know..” Taehyung turned his head and apologized. 


“I won't go near her, so it won't be a problem”, Wheein muttered. 


“How sure are you about that, Whee?” 


“Sure of what?”, Wheein asked, taking another sip of alcohol. 


“Life has ty ways to bring people together. You might find yourself face to face with her again.. You know how I've tried to fight against myself, Wheein. You can teach your mind, but never your heart.” 


Wheein stayed silent. She glanced at her glass which was almost empty. 


“I think it's about time you freed yourself, Wheein”, Taehyung said with concern in his voice. 


“No. Not yet. Not until you get what you want. Besides, she hates me. No matter what I say, it won't make much of a difference”, Wheein finished her glass. 


“Oh well. Suit yourself”, Taehyung found himself retracing his words that night ten years ago. 


Wheein became lost in thought for a while. 


The next morning, Wheein found herself in front of her and Hyejin's old apartment. She shook her head. What the hell was she doing here? She growled at herself and decided to just get it over with. 


Wheein went inside the building. She asked the receptionist for the key to their old room. She went upstairs with the key in hand. 


Wheein opened the door and what greeted her was an empty room with old white paint. She inhaled. The room was a little dusty, but it felt like the home it was once to Wheein. She walked towards a corner and remembered this was where she once placed a house plant she named Moo (which died because she didn't water it often). 


Wheein smiled at the memory. She walked into their old bedroom and for a second, saw the place like how it was before. 


Blue walls, a wooden double bed with white sheets and yellow pillows. A nightstand was next to the bed. On top of the nightstand was a lamp. 


Wheein often wrote songs on the bed. In fact, aside from the kitchen, most of her and Hyejin's affairs went on in the bedroom. They quarreled and they made up here. Wheein shook her head and blinked. The im

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I just beat my own record 😅. Thank you for the support though, folks. I truly appreciate it. I'll be back after New Year's. See you 😃.


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Wheesunlv #1
Chapter 13: I'd love the wilder version of this author nim hahah. please do upload it if you can
TUPaPa #2
Chapter 13: I love this fanfic, so cute, thank you for writing it, I like how you write. and my god I want the wild version too, please author nim hahaha
catalaya #3
Chapter 10: Hi! I just want to say you are awesome author-nim. I’ve been a big fan of this story for a long time. My only request is can you make a moonsun ship chapter where Byul is a bottom and Yong is top (and a bit of a violent top too)? I love this chapter so so much, if only the part where Byul turn into a man was replacing by Yong got mad because of the kiss, topped Byul violently (Byul is in her female form and 100% copporative since she love Yong). But your ending was beyond perfect.
Frozen_J #4
THANK U THANK U! and i dont mind a sequel ahahaha
Ginetta #5
Chapter 10: Stupendo
Chapter 10: woww i rlly loved this recent chapter with supernatural elements and moonsun! looking forward to more! happy new yrs!
Chapter 8: Finally, a wheebyul 😍 thank you authornim 🫶🏻 this is so much fun to read and spicy too hahaha. Byul’s parents are so unserious hahaha
Ichig02101 #8
Chapter 7: Eric w byul?? 🙅 Not in million years 😂
This is a sweet chapter. Tq authornim. Waiting for next😉
Chapter 7: I was seriously shocked that eric wanted byul to be his girlfriend 🤣 I was not used to that kind of twist hahahha
Knightlym #10
Chapter 6: The first POV was good & interesting, I didn’t except this chapter to be like this 🤣 It was funny, cute and refreshing ! I think the next ship would be MoonSun ? 😏