THE REMNANTS (Short Stories)
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"I was falling... I was falling from the sky. Oddly though, everything was silence. I couldn't hear any of the loud gushing winds that hit against my body but I can feel it pushing me down into darkness. I was screaming… I screamed really loud but I couldn't hear my own voice. I had my eyes opened for a second and then I closed them because I was scared of what was going to happen next. They said when you are about to die, your entire life flashes in front of you. But it didn't happen for me. I saw nothing. Not even my mother's face nor did the happiest memory flashed in my head. It was blank... Empty... Cold... All I thought about was the young man staring back down to me as I was falling from that bridge."


"Who was he and why me?"


A tall mysterious man slowly pokes his head out from the railing of the bridge and stares down to her as she falls into the water that late evening. She sequenced her eyes open, just enough to see his pitch black silhouette hovering over the edge, and then the echoing splash of water was heard from below.


The young man softly grins and the ends of his lips carved upwards.


“This moment felt like the time when I had tried to end my life at 15... This cold darken place seemed all too familiar.”


It looked like a dark blue velvet cloak had wrapped itself around her entire body, making her unable to move. Her skin froze, her eyes shut, her lips turned purple, her limbs became stiff and her hair free flowed with the motions of the water. Gently it weaved along.


She looked dead, floating there in the water. 


“I can smell a sweet scent of fresh air through my nostrils, almost like cotton candy and honey, and although my eyes were shut, I knew that it was daylight from the warmth of the sun that was beaming onto my eyelids. I was floating pleasurably, just drifting along with the motions of the wind. There was no worries, no stress and no strain on me… It felt so peaceful.”


She has been floating for a while, that is until she noticed the sky slowly turning dark and shadow befall onto her skin. As soon as she releases her eyes open, the images of her falling off the bridge hit her like lightning strikes.


Her face was floating above the surface and she couldn't move her body. She roamed her eyes side to side to see if she can check her surroundings and nothing could be seen but water, with the limit of movements she made. She saw the sky turned grim and rain was rolling in.


Suddenly, she was dragged underwater by something that wrapped itself around her left ankle. The moment came to her so fast, she didn't even have time to panic. Fully absorbed in the water by now, she was able to move her limbs and tried to swim back to the surface, but whatever that tugged onto her ankle wouldn't let her go.


“I could feel the raging water swirling around me like an invisible whirlpool and the sound of thunder echoing reached my ears in no time. So I did the only thing I could do in this situation and that was clinching myself into a ball to protect myself and prayed until this moment was over with.”



She struggled for a while until everything became still again. She slowly perched her eyes open and looked around to only see herself floating in the middle of a dark blue ocean with shadows lingering in the far distance. Although there was only water surrounding her, the moment felt so ethereal and daunting.


"Water, water, water everywhere. I am doomed!"


She hated the ocean! She hated deep water! She looked down to her feet, feeling something metal hitting against her skin, and spotted a large silver chain that was clasped around her left ankle with an ancient lock. She reached down to try and set herself free while holding her breath in, but she failed miserably.


She was panicking now, knowing deep down in her gut that something dark was lurking in this ocean barrier and it was coming for her. She tried over and over again to break the chain with her bare hands, but it didn't work. It was at this moment that she wished she had some kind of super power to help free herself from this horror situation.


She cried but the ocean swallowed every tear she shed. She proceeds to look back and forth a few times with the feeling of danger enclosing in on her like four walls pushing in. The ocean was starting to crush her internal organs as she begins to loose air in her lungs. One of her worst fears was happening: being drowned to death. 



She panics again, then she saw it, in front of her, a dark silhouette creature was swimming towards her way.


“It looked small at first, because it was coming from the distance, then it grew bigger and bigger and bigger until I realized what it was, a dragon! Impossible!?”


She watched as this large creature swam around her with its long and massive white snake like body, covered in shiny scales, blindsided her. She carefully tried not to touch it and kept herself calm for a second, even though her brain was in shock. She watched it circle her many times until it finally stopped, roared like thunder, and came directly face to face with her through its crimson red eyes.


Compared to this dragon, she was like a tiny floating rock next to it. Not even the ocean was big enough to hold this creature.


It had two strands of long white whiskers, one on each check, and terrifying sharp teeth. It had horns that looked like wood and no hands or feet. Its body stretched for miles behind, looking like it was never ending, but its most memorable thing was his blood-curling crimson eyes that looked like two red diamonds if you sequenced your eyes.


“We stared at one another for a long time until it dawned on me that the thundering sound in the echoes were coming from this creature every time it roared.”


“What do you want from me?” I asked, but without opening my mouth.


The dragon didn’t reply.


“Please, let me go!”


The dragon fiercely glared her down and roared again with strikes of lightning sparking above the water in flames of light to show more of his true face to her. It wouldn't let her go.


“Release me or I will bring wrath to the ocean!” She threatened it, trying not to show fear.


"Oh, but the ocean is the wrath." It finally answered her in a deep, grovel and sinister voice.



It was a male dragon, judging from its voice and aura. She was definitely scared of him, not because he was a dragon, but because the distinguished aura he carried. But even so, she wasn't going to show him her fear, so she watched as he swam around her again, almost like he was sniffing her this time.


Suddenly, she felt a bright warm light behind her, like fire burning on her back, and the dragon comes to her front again. For some odd reason, she swore he smiled at her.


“What do you want from me??”


She asked him again, but he gently nods his head down and the silver chain

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