The Legend of the Dark Angels


Author: Star_Sarang

Rating: PG-13

Length: 1/1

Genre: Thriller

Warning(s): character death

A/N: I actually wrote this for my English class~ ^^ <3


The legend of the Dark Angels, he knew, was real. He never believed it before. He only thought it was superstition, until the night that his mother locked him out of their house past the hour he should've been home. Chased around the forests, trying to seek shelter or make it to the next town, the boy could only run from the monsters that he now knew were real. Horrid tales of the beasts' destructions had resounded in his mind as he ran. The only question he had left was "could he make it through one night without being caught by these Dark Angels?"


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I found this story thrilling and awesome!!! I loved it, but I wish there was more but still WoW!
Wew... Creepy, but beautifully written.
(º̩̩́Дº̩̩̀) The ending's full of...
Good one! ƪ(˚▽°)ʃ
is this just a oneshot (it says it is complete up top so if it isnt my bad)? I hope not! I am really into this!
Update soon! ^^