
Walkin' out the door with your bags (JMJ)


Jimin and Minjeong return to their studies diligently and Jimin rarely comes out of her apartment unless it’s important or work-related. She goes to her company and sits at her desk, typing away aimlessly at reports and staring at artwork emptily.


It’s different—not having Minjeong blow up her phone or bother her outside of her time. 


One day, she gets an offer from her boss and mentor from her art class. It’s a scholarship for a year in Paris and Jimin finds no reason not to take it.


“What! You’re going to Paris?!” Aeri barges into her apartment unannounced, catching Jimin ungracefully in the middle of slurping up her noodles.


The noodle goes down the wrong pipe and she begins to hack it up.


“Thank god I didn’t catch you macking it up with someone.” Aeri snorts with relief.

“I’m not like that anymore; I don’t get why you won’t believe me.” Jimin coughs.

“Well, when I see a girlfriend, then I’ll believe it.” Aeri pats her head.


Aeri turns back to her door and Jimin blinks.


“Are you waiting for someone?” Jimin asks.

“Yeah, Ning and Minjeongie, where are their asses?” Aeri pouts and soon Ningning’s loud chatter comes through.

“Just do it!” Ningning smacks Minjeong and pushes her through the door.

“I can’t!” Minjeong’s voice dies when she meets eye to eye with Jimin for the first time in a while.

“Do what?” Aeri asks.

“Uh… unnie! Congratulations!” Minjeong chuckles nervously and Ningning facepalms.


Jimin’s ears grow red and she smiles.


“Thanks, Minjeongie.” Jimin smiles and it puts Minjeong’s heart at ease. 


“Let’s go celebrate!” Aeri smacks Jimin’s shoulder.

“Wait, how do you guys even know?” Jimin blinks. “I was going to tell you when it was confirmed.”

“It was confirmed like this morning. We just went past admin and they told us to tell you.” Aeri explains. “They probably emailed you.”

“Well, thanks for telling me, I guess.” Jimin blinks, her eyes straying to Minjeong, who still looks so lovely even if she hasn’t seen her for a while.

“Anyways, get dressed! We’re going to celebrate!” Aeri grabs Jimin’s bowl and dumps it into the sink.

“I didn’t finish!” Jimin whines.



“You’re painfully useless.” Ningning sighs as she watches Minjeong stare off at Aeri and Jimin, who are walking together in front of them.


Aeri decided to head to a bar restaurant and Jimin couldn't help but follow. It’s best to never refuse your best friend’s ways. 


“It’s difficult.” Minjeong huffs. “We grew up together.”

“And? We practically grew up together too.” Ningning tells Minjeong.

“What? I met you when you were four?” Minjeong deadpans.

“Fifteen, same thing.” Ningning rolls her eyes.


Jimin takes a look behind her and sees Ningning and Minjeong talking in hushed tones, and Ningning notices.


“Look, I told you about my feelings for Jimin because you’re my best friend and I can’t keep it to myself anymore.” Minjeong sighs. “I didn’t tell you so you could make me go confess to her.”

“But it’ll make you feel so much better if you confess.” Ningning says. “It’s better to get rejected and move on than pine for the rest of your life.”

“I’m not pining,” Minjeong pouts.

“But you’re not moving on, are you?” Ningning raises a brow and Minjeong grumbles petulantly.


Minjeong looks up and sees Jimin looking back at her. The older woman smiles and Minjeong looks away shyly.


“Have you ever thought she might like you as well?” Ningning asks quietly. “I’ve seen her around you; she takes care of you more than Aeri-unnie takes care of you and that’s saying something because Aeri-unnie’s insane when she’s babying you.” 

“She... she practically dongsaeng-zoned me that night at Jaehyun’s party,” Minjeong frowns. “I slept over at hers.”

“You didn’t tell me that part.” Ningning blinks.

“I was too embarrassed. I just kept egging her on and waiting for her to tell me she likes me, but nothing.” Minjeong shrugs. “I’m not risking anything anyway; it’s better like this than nothing.”

“Okay… at least tell her before she goes to Paris.” Ningning hugs Minjeong’s side briefly and says, “You guys owe each other that much.”


Minjeong nods solemnly as she watches Jimin laugh heartily with Aeri.


What if I ruin that?


The girls share laughs over drinks in celebration of Jimin’s acceptance of the exchange programme, and they grow full from the love and food.


They take the bus home and it’s busy as Aeri and Ningning get separated and find themselves sitting beside old ladies in the middle of the bus. Jimin takes Minjeong’s hand and leads her into a vacant seat for the both of them near the back.


Jimin looks at Minjeong and sees her eyelids growing heavy, and she smiles.


“You can lean on me, y’know.” Jimin grins and Minjeong blushes.


Minjeong doesn’t make a move to lean on her, so Jimin takes matters into her own hands and pushes Minjeong’s head down on her shoulder.


“Better?” Jimin chuckles and her laugh rattles Minjeong’s body.

“Thanks, unnie.” Minjeong hides her face in Jimin’s shoulder bashfully.


Minjeong doesn’t really know what possesses her on that quaint night going home from the city—sitting beside her Jimin-unnie—but she reaches slowly and intertwines her hand with Jimin’s.


“Unnie?” Minjeong calls softly.

“Hm?” Jimin hums, resting her head on top of Minjeong’s.

“I think I have something to tell you,” Minjeong says.


This is it, Minjeong thinks— this is where the beginning ends.


Jimin’s heart stutters but she dares not scare Minjeong away. She squeezes their hands together firmly, encouraging her.


“I don't want us to end up like we did that night,” Minjeong says. “It’s not better to be left alone, and I don’t think I can live like that.”


Minjeong moves away but doesn’t let go of Jimin’s hand. She looks at her, leaving herself bare in Jimin’s see-through eyes.


“Our stop is next; don’t fall asleep, Minjeong!” Aeri calls from the front.

“I—I’m not!” Minjeong whines and Jimin grins.


Minjeong gets up and Jimin tugs her back slightly for her to look back.


“Come over tomorrow and tell me.” Jimin tells her. “I want to spend the day with you before I go.”

“Okay.” Minjeong beams.



“Ice skating?” Minjeong chuckles as she sees where Jimin has parked the car.

“We haven’t been in a long time.” Jimin shrugs.

Yeah, because the last time we went, I was nine, and you sprained your ankle from pushing Aeri-unnie over.” Minjeong snorts.

“Semantics.” Jimin shrugs, her ears warming at the embarrassing memory.


They head in and Jimin orders their skates.


“Can we get a pair of sizes six and seven, please?” Jimin tells the boy manning the counter.


Minjeong blinks, oddly surprised that Jimin knows her shoe size.


“You know my shoe size?” Minjeong questions as Jimin leads them to a bench to sit down.

“Of course.” Jimin nods. “I know everything about you.”


Minjeong blushes.


They put their shoes away safely before securing their skates. Jimin gets up first and reaches out a hand for Minjeong, who takes it immediately.


“Good?” Jimin asks and Minjeong nods.


For the duration of their time at the ice skating rink, Minjeong never lets go of Jimin’s hand and neither does Jimin. Holding on firmly and skating closely, they barely part from each other.


That is, until Jimin eats and falls on her .


“Unnie!” Minjeong barks a laugh as Jimin slides across the ice on her bottom like Bambi.

“Ow...” Jimin winces as she feels the ice seep through her pants.

“Here, I’ll help.” Minjeong giggles as she reaches a hand out for Jimin.


Jimin takes the opportunity—smiling cheekily as she pulls Minjeong down with her.


“Unnie!” Minjeong whines. “How are we meant to get up now?”


Jimin wraps her arms around Minjeong’s waist and places her chin on her shoulder.


“No clue.” Jimin grins and Minjeong warms in Jimin’s embrace. 


She thinks this— right here— is where she’s safest and belongs.


Jimin and Minjeong spent time at the nearest grocery store after Minjeong begged Jimin to make the kimchi stew she ate when she was eighteen.


“Again?” Jimin blinks. “Do you like it that much?”

“Yes! I love your cooking and the recipe so much, Unnie.” Minjeong beams. “I crave it every day.”


So when they’re back at Jimin’s place, Minjeong leans her upper body on the kitchen counter adjacent to the kitchen as she watches Jimin prepare her kimchi stew and rice.


“I would’ve thought you would want to eat something more fancy.” Jimin chuckles as she serves two portions for her and Minjeong.

“Fancy? I don’t need that.” Minjeong shrugs. “I just need this for the rest of my life and I’ll be good.”

“Cute…” Jimin mumbles with a fond smile.


They talk about their plans for the rest of the year and what Jimin is going to do in Paris, but as they continue to talk about Jimin’s departure, Minjeong grows weary and saddened by the distance—so adjusted to seeing Jimin almost every day of her life, she wonders what it will be like with her in a different country.


When Jimin turns away at the sink to wash the dishes after pushing Minjeong down to sit and stay still to let her do the washing—Minjeong grows reminiscent and melancholic. 


“Unnie.” Minjeong calls her from the dinner table.

“Hm?” Jimin hums, filling up the dishes in the sink with water.

“Do you like me?” Minjeong asks and Jimin freezes.


When Minjeong imagines confessing to Jimin, she thinks about writing it in a letter and leaving it for her to find because doing it in person is too nerve-wracking for her. But with Jimin’s back to her and the atmosphere of this day, Minjeong finds herself telling her truth.


“Do you like me like I like you? Because I like you, unnie.” Minjeong’s throat closes up and her voice trembles. “I’ve liked you for a long time and my feelings keep getting in the way of how I treat you, and I don’t think you deserve my indifference.” 


Jimin dries her hands and turns around.


Jimin’s face is hardened and for a moment, Minjeong startles—afraid of her reaction, forgetting that Jimin wanted to tell her something too.


“U—unnie?” Minjeong blinks when Jimin’s arms are over her.

“I haven’t been fair either.” Jimin hugs Minjeong and the younger girl melts into her arms. “But I can’t—”


Jimin thinks about it again— do not linger.


To linger is dangerous, and Jimin wants to choose the safe way out, but her desire for Minjeong grows stronger every day and beats against her heart, threatening to burst at her seams.


“I’m sorry.” She decides and Minjeong shuts her eyes tightly, accepting defeat.

“It’s okay.” Minjeong pulls away.

“Let’s get to bed, yeah?” Jimin feels closing up.

“Okay.” Minjeong nods, standing up from the table.

“I’ll just finish washing the dishes.” Jimin smiles and when Minjeong leaves, her smile drops.


She bites down hard on her bottom lip as tears pool in her eyes and her chest burns.


Minjeong heads to the bathroom and closes the door as she covers when a sob passes through.


When Jimin enters her room, she finds Minjeong laying under the covers, shuffling around to get comfortable. She scoots over to one side and Jimin switches off the light before navigating to the space beside Minjeong.


“Good night,” Jimin says, pulling the blanket over them properly.

“Unnie?” Minjeong whispers. “Can you hug me like before?”


Jimin doesn’t verbally answer, but she’s opening her arms and pulling Minjeong in by the waist. 


When Minjeong enters Jimin’s embrace, she fits in like a missing puzzle piece and Jimin relaxes against Minjeong’s body.


Jimin thinks, If this is so wrong, why does it feel so right?


“Thank you for telling me”, Jimin says, swallowing thickly. “And-”

“Don’t.” Minjeong stops her. “Don’t be sorry again, please.”

“Okay,” Jimin answers softly. “Okay.”



The morning is slow and quiet when Jimn drives Minjeong back home.


“Thanks for yesterday, unnie.” Minjeong smiles softly.

“Always,” Jimin answers softly.


Minjeong exits the car as Jimin unlocks it and watching Minjeong walk away halts something in Jimin’s soul.


I can’t let this go.

I can’t let go you—


Jimin exits the car as well.


“Minjeong!” Jimin calls out and Minjeong turns back around. “Will you—will you, uh, come send me off tomorrow?” 


Minjeong’s eyes widen at the sudden request but she smiles softly at Jimin’s endearing nature.


“Of course,” she nods. “I wouldn’t dare to miss it.”

“Okay.” Jimin swallows, nodding her head with a big smile. “Uh, bye now!”


She retreats back into her car and sags into the driver's seat as her body is released from her anxiety.


Jimin chooses not to linger, yet her desire plagues her and roots her in Minjeong’s mind. 


It’s unexpected when Aeri bursts into tears and soon follows Jimin and Mrs. Kim as well.


“You’re sure you packed all the right things?” Mrs. Kim asks.

“I did. Thanks again for driving me.” Jimin smiles.

“Of course. You’re one of our own at this point.” She chuckles. 

Jimin hugs her briefly and turns to Mr. Kim, shaking his hand firmly.


“Come back to us in one piece. The girls will miss you a lot.” He says it warmly and Jimin nods.

“I will.” She smiles.


She turns to Aeri.


“I’m so glad you’re getting this scholarship, but I totally hate that you’re leaving me.” Aeri pouts.

“I’ll miss you.” Jimin chuckles, pulling Aeri into her arms.

“You better not find a French best friend; I’ll kill you.” Aeri grumbles.

“I won’t.” Jimin snorts.


She lets go of Aeri and finds Minjeong standing there, hand at the hem of her jacket, fidgeting.


“Come here.” Jimin gestures quietly and Minjeong throws her arms over Jimin’s shoulders, hugging her tightly and desperately.


Jimin holds Minjeong just as close, breathing in Minjeong’s gentle scent.


“Make sure to take care of yourself,” Jimin tells her.

“I should be telling you that.” Minjeong chuckles. 

“You know I will,” Jimin says.

“I will too.” Minjeong nods against Jimin’s shoulder.


Minjeong pulls away and Jimin grasps her hand, squeezing gently.

“I’ll come back,” Jimin says softly.

“I know,” Minjeong answers, just as softly.


They bid goodbye, and Jimin’s on a plane to Paris.


Minjeong thinks that this could be worse, like if Jimin were to walk out of her life with her bags with no return.


I’ll come back.


She hopes Jimin does and that nothing will change. 


Jimin is twenty-two and Minjeong is nineteen when Jimin leaves the country.






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In the meantime, please check out my other fics on my page that I recently posted !! Depollute me/Gentle angel, and In my dreams you love me back !! <333


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mywinrina #1
Chapter 4: Read this after a long day at work and omg this is amazing! Never been disappointed with any of your works!
154 streak #2
Chapter 4: PURE MASTERPIECE, honestly people need to bless their eyes with such masterpiece of story. You author-nim are extremely talented and I won’t ever get tired of telling yah! This is beyond amazing tbh you’re mad underrated this deserves everything. Okay now that I’ve let that out all I can I say is I absolutely loved it. Their story is simply beautiful
Chapter 4: Acccckkk! Just the right pace. 😍 Thanks for this, authornim! ❤️

and thanks to feb for recommending this to me! 🤗
279 streak #4
Chapter 4: Worthy reading this 🥹🫶
Chapter 4: I love audiz friendship and them being older sisters to Minjeong 😭 Great story!!!
Genniee #6
Chapter 4: this got me kicking my feet! love how their story and feelings progressed beautifully
Chapter 4: Aww so happy 💙🤍🫶
Chapter 1: Ah another great story again 😭😍
syahirah309 #9
Chapter 4: So cuteee
Chapter 4: 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺