
In Their Natural Habitat
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The Day


The underground cafeteria of Yonsei University buzzed with activity. Students filled the air with chatter and hearty laughter, creating a lively atmosphere. Along the walls, a variety of fast-food stalls offered tempting treats for the hungry college students. In different sections of the cafeteria, square metal tables that could accommodate four people each were scattered, some of them even pushed together to make room for more.

Seated at one of these tables were four friends: Kazuha, Ryujin, Minjeong, and Yujin.

"So, where have you guys been?" Kazuha inquired, her gaze shifting between her three friends. Ryujin wore a pout, Minjeong looked somewhat pissed, and Yujin seemed entirely absorbed in playing with her food.


As it turned out, the moment the two friends, Ryujin and Minjeong, returned from the "comfort room" adventure with Ms. Jung, the university's welcoming program had already concluded.

Feeling puzzled and somewhat isolated after waking up from her peaceful nap, Kazuha had roamed into the university hall in search of her companions. When she didn't find them there, she decided to head to her organization's dedicated room to reconnect with her fellow members and chat with someone before reaching out to Ryujin, Yujin, and Minjeong through their group chat.


"Ms. Jung," Ryujin grumbled, taking bites of her food. "Stupid Yujin suddenly left me out of nowhere!" She glared at Yujin, who responded with a pout.

"Right, but that doesn't change the fact that you almost blew our excuse," Minjeong said through gritted teeth, directing a stern gaze at the frustrated Ryujin.

"Wait, what? Why were you with Ms. Jung?" Kazuha, who sat beside Minjeong, inquired, her eyes widening in surprise as she processed this unexpected revelation.

"Because w—"

"Because you were so slow!" Minjeong said, turning her attention to the still-motionless Yujin. She snapped her thumb and ring fingers together in front of her.

"Hey, hey, Ahn Yujinnie. Wake up," Minjeong said, continuing to snap her fingers impatiently.

"I need to find that girl," Yujin whispered, her eyes still distant, as if oblivious to the cute fingers snapping in front of her.

"Huh?" Ryujin turned her head, her expression a mix of confusion and food-induced contentment. "What?"

"I said I need to find that girl," Yujin repeated more firmly, her brows knitted with determination.

"Huh? Girl... who?"

"The girl. I saw her name tag. I need to find her!" Yujin declared, ignoring the question, and turned to look at Kazuha.

"Dude, calm down. What's her name?" Kazuha asked, her own brow furrowing in confusion. Yujin focused her gaze on Kazuha, her expression shifting from determination to deep thought.


Yujin had a special gift, or so she liked to think. It wasn't quite magic, more like an eidetic memory or photographic memory. She could recall an image with exceptional precision, even after seeing it just once. Yujin often referred to it as her "special dark magic," partly due to her fondness for shows like Umbrella Academy.


"Did that girl erase my memories of her?" Yujin wondered, gasping with a bewildered expression before returning her attention to Kazuha. "Actually, bro, I kind of forgot. It was something like Wanyung? Wonhyun? Something like that."

She furrowed her brow again, looking up as if seeking answers from the ceiling.


As if the ceiling could help her remember.


A minute passed, and Yujin reluctantly gave up. She glanced down at her plate, crossed her arms, and entered deep thought.

"Whatever, whatever. I still need to find her. Zuha-yah, you should help me," she insisted, her brows furrowing even more as her lips pursed. "I need to talk to her," she added with determination.

"Eh? And why's that?" Minjeong asked, her curiosity piqued.

With hesitation in her voice, Yujin leaned in closer to her friends and answered as quietly as possible, aware of her growing reputation in college.

Yujin had become a bit of a campus celebrity, attracting admirers. She was worried her new admirers might overhear the reason.


"Because... Because she slapped me. Not once, but twice! Imagine slapping Ahn Yujin's face twice?! My precious face!" Yujin clutched her face, caressing it as though it were a priceless gem (which, in her eyes, it was). Her hushed complaints grew louder.

"EH?!" Ryujin immediately enveloped the melodramatic Yujin in a comforting hug, gently patting her head. "Aigoo, my poor baby cuz cuz. Who did this, huh? Who?! Tell me, and unnie will handle it!" She exclaimed, peppering the distressed pup's head with comforting pecks.

Amidst their laughter and snickers, Kazuha and Minjeong joined in. Instead of showing sympathy for their youngest friend, they simply chuckled at the whole spectacle, particularly at Ryujin's dramatic display. The two friends adored both of them, even though they often bickered.

"She did what? What on earth did you do to deserve that?" Minjeong inquired with a chuckle. But before Yujin could respond, the bell chimed, signaling the end of their lunch break.


Ding dong ding dong~

Ding dong ding dong~


"Let's pick up this conversation later at home, alright?" Kazuha suggested upon hearing the bell's chime. "And don't hold back. Tell us everything!" She added with a playful stern look directed at Yujin. With that, she rose from her seat, slung her bag over her shoulder, and proceeded to her next class without waiting for the others.


Don't be fooled; Kazuha may have appeared aloof and strict for leaving the three, but she was, in fact, the most caring of the bunch. Her prim-and-proper reputation meant she didn't want to tarnish her image, even though she cherished her housemates deeply.


The trio followed suit, with Yujin still keeping her head low, and Ryujin providing her support. Minjeong shook her head, fully aware that the two would likely squabble again later.

"When does your class end, Ryujin-ah?" Minjeong inquired, shifting the conversation.

"Hmm," Ryujin unlinked her arm from Yujin's and retrieved her phone from her pocket. She glanced at her lock screen schedule. "Night class, so 8:30."

Minjeong beamed, delighted that she wouldn't be heading home alone. "Great, I have one at the same time. Shall we go back together?"

"Sure thing. And what about you, pup?" Ryujin playfully nudged the lively youngster, who had seemingly rebounded with a cheerful grin.

"Mine's at 15:45."

Phew... that explains the sudden mood shift, Minjeong thought to herself as she nodded in understanding.

Perplexed by the numbers, Ryujin turned her attention to Minjeong. "What's that?"

"3:45 PM. 15:45 is military time," Minjeong clarified.

Ryujin nodded, pretending she understood the distinction when, in fact, she didn't.

"Oh..." The jock playfully punched the youngest's arm. "Lucky you. Enjoy it before you get night classes next semester."

"Yeah, yeah~"

As they walked, the trio continued their lighthearted banter and nonsense chatter.


Before Yujin entered college, it was typically Ryujin and Minjeong strolling toward their respective classrooms. Occasionally, Kazuha would accompany them, but more often than not, it was just the two of them.

Ryujin was always the chatterbox, and Minjeong was the patient listener, although there were instances when the former would resort to various antics to coax a response from her friend.

Their conversations often followed a similar pattern:


"Minjeong-ah, do you ever wonder if turtles secretly hold karate tournaments in their shells?"

Nudge, nudge.

"Hey, why aren't you answering me?"

"Ryujin-ah, seriously, I think—"

"Look at that squirrel over there. It's so cute! Let's take a picture."


"Come on, Minjeongie, smile for the camera!"

"Ugh... fine."


Minjeong initially believed that when Yujin would join their walks, it might be a disturbance. Just more noise, to put it simply.

And Minjeong absolutely despised noise.

But she firmly held onto the idea that everything happens for a reason, so she thought that adding the puppy to their walks might have its advantages.

So she reasoned with herself, 'Well, having another puppy on our walks might not be so bad after all,' because perhaps, just maybe, this new addition could bridge the gap between their friends and help prevent their usual interrupted conversations.

She hoped they could finally communicate properly for once.

But she was mistaken. The way things unfolded, it seemed like she was the third wheel instead.

Observing them converse was, however, quite amusing for her.

Their playful arguments, that is.

Sure, it was a bit louder.

Actually, it was really LOUD.

But Minjeong didn't mind it.


Because this time, the noise was pleasant to her ears.


They continued chatting until they reached their separate classes. Afterward, they said their goodbyes, with Minjeong directing Yujin to her Art History class.

And Ryujin, with a touch of dramatic flair as if she wouldn't see Yujin again, hollered, "Take care, my baby!!" "Don't forget snacks, okay, child?!"

Minjeong just chuckled at her antics, and Yujin, feeling a tad embarrassed, hurried off to her final class, trying to ignore her friends' teasing.




Ding dong ding dong~

Ding ding dong dong~


"Alright. Homework for the next meeting: research about Romanesque Architecture. Dismissed."

"Yes, sir," the students responded in unison. Following that, they swiftly stowed their belongings in their bags and streamed out of the classroom.

"Homework on the very first day? Ugh," Yujin grumbled under her breath as she exited the room. Feeling her stomach growling in protest, she made her way to the central lounge area on the floor, heading straight for a stationary vending machine.


The Engineering and Architecture building featured a spacious lounge area, like an open patio, outfitted with plastic chairs and tables scattered throughout. These lounging spaces on each floor were usually bustling with students, either waiting for their next classes or simply craving a snack, much like Yujin.


Approaching the vending machine, the tall girl reached into her pocket for her wallet, only to discover it wasn't there. The situation was nothing short of baffling. Her wallet was always a constant presence, securely nestled in her back right pocket. Yet now, it seemed to have mysteriously disappeared.

On her very first day of college, no less. Talk about tough luck.

Attempting to regain her composure, Yujin stood before the vending machine, patting her empty pockets while she wracked her memory, trying to recall where she might have misplaced her wallet. Frustrated, she delved into her backpack, frantically searching for the missing item. To her dismay, it was nowhere to be found.

Could I have left it at home? I don't remem— right!

A revelation struck her like a bolt of lightning. She remembered leaving her wallet on her bedside table. She had even reminded herself to take it along with her phone, which she'd left beneath her pillow. However, in the morning rush, she had unfortunately forgotten to grab it before hurrying to catch up with her friends.

Ugh, right!

Letting out a disappointed sigh, she slung her backpack over her shoulder once more. Yujin scanned the lounge and couldn't help but notice how crowded it had become.

It was just the first day, for goodness' sake!

She rolled her eyes in annoyance as she observed people chatting and munching on their snacks. However, the moment she caught sight of someone enjoying their meal, involuntarily watered.

Her eyes fixated on

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Chapter 6: 😍😍😍💙❄
J1nj00 #2
Chapter 6: Where are u author-nim 🥲
future_mrs_liu #3
Chapter 6: Thank you author! I can’t wait to read the rest!
Chapter 6: please do continue writing this hhhhhh you got one reader in me XD
i liked the way tell the story btw and the way you slowly introduce each character has a nice pacing! tho i’m kinda curious on who yuj met from prev chap and this chapter. see you next chap! :D
Chapter 5: Yes please continue this 😭 The story is really nice and I’m jinjoo deprived 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
future_mrs_liu #6
Chapter 5: Ooh. I can’t wait to read more!
575 streak #7
Kannakobayashi09 #8
Woah interesting!!!