chapter 5

my roommate, my vampire
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a/n: i couldn't sleep without doing one more productive thing and all things considered, i haven't written in awhile so i was able to use this to clear my head and now i can probably sleep well hehehe hope you all enjoy this, make sure you go to the dentist bc the sweetness will rot your teeth or maybe you'll just clench your teeth too hard bc how cute they are together - i don't make the rules, these girls just write themselves tbh hehehehahahahaha


It turns out Joohyun’s entertainment system consists of an extensive collection of CDs, vinyl records, and video games. 

Wendy only finds out by chance because she thought the panels on either side of the large television were just for decoration. When she stepped closer, she saw the dip into the panel that looked like a handle and watched in awe as the panel slides open revealing the CDs, records, and games on one side and when she quickly moves to the other side, she finds the SNES, GameCube, Wii, and Switch all neatly organized on one shelf with an old Victrola underneath.

Wendy completely forgets about watching Netflix when she finds Billie Holiday, Live at Carnegie Hall in 1956 in perfect condition sitting in the collection. And when she hears the pin against the record before hearing the beautiful, soulful voice, she gets her second wind to study. 

Wendy is in the middle of changing the record when she hears Joohyun come in. “Welcome home, Joohyun sunbae,” she cheerfully greets. 

Joohyun looks at Wendy curiously as she stands at the record player to play Ella Fitzgerald. “Wow, I haven’t heard her voice in ages,” she recalls. She steps into the living room to see Wendy’s textbooks and laptop on the coffee table amongst her snacks. 

“I hope you don’t mind,” Wendy sheepishly voices as she moves back to the couch. “I couldn’t help myself when I saw your jazz collection. The sound was just so...surreal. I felt like I was there.”

Joohyun takes off her backpack so she can shed her coat. Underneath she’s wearing a flowing blue button up that is French tucked into her jeans and she kicks off her sneakers. She makes her way to the recliner that’s nearer to the record play, sinking into the seat with a long, bone relieving moan. 

Wendy realizes when Joohyun sits down that the placement of the recliner makes so much more sense now.

Joohyun shuts her eyes, listening to Ella’s voice fill the room. 

She looks so peaceful as she listens to the record. Wendy wonders if Joohyun even registers her presence as she hums quietly along. But she doesn’t dare say anything because watching Joohyun relax to the sound of jazz is one of the most beautiful sights she’s seen. Her hair is tied into a loose ponytail that rests on her shoulder and Wendy can see Joohyun’s features fully.

Her pale skin, her supple lips, her gentle eyes. The curve of her cute ears. The top three buttons of her shirt are undone and Wendy spies the column of her neck, trailing down to her clavicle. Her chest rises and falls slowly, at a certain angle, revealing her shoulder.

“This brings back memories,” Joohyun whispers, eyes still shut. 

Wendy quickly looks away, chastising her wandering eyes. She feels her cheeks warm. “What do you mean?” she casually asks. 

Joohyun opens her eyes and turns her head to look at Wendy. “The first time I heard jazz was in New York.” 

Wendy’s eyes widen at this new fact. “You’ve been to New York?” 

“I lived there for a little while,” Joohyun explains with nostalgia. “Beautiful city. Beautiful art. Beautiful culture. Beautiful people. A lot has changed since.” 

“Do you speak English?” Wendy is so curious the question comes out in English. The syllables feel weird in because she hasn’t spoken much English over the last 10 years. 

Joohyun nods. “I’m a little rusty but it’s like riding a bicycle, right?” she responds with a tinge of accent. 

Wendy brightens. “You know the idioms like a local.” She is in awe at the woman before her. “Daebak.” 

“Where did you learn English, Wendy?” 

“Toronto. I was there through high school.”

Joohyun raises her eyebrows. “And how did you end up in Korea?”  

Wendy blushes as she looks down. “I wanted to be a singer,” she admits shyly. She hadn’t thought about that in ages. 

“A singer to medicine, huh?”

The sound comes out so naturally from Joohyun that it throws Wendy off. It’s really been awhile since she’s spoken English with someone who sounds fluent. Even small sounds like that get lost over time.

Wendy is in awe and she doesn’t realize she’s staring at Joohyun until Joohyun looks at her curiously. “Right, yes. I wanted to sing, but I couldn’t for a little while.” There’s a look on Joohyun’s face that doesn’t press and she actually looks a bit worried for even having curiosity. 

“It’s not a big deal,” Wendy tries to ameliorate. “It’s actually why I wanted to become a doctor. I had vocal nodules when I was training and the pain was so unbearable that I had to stop singing for a while. When I sat down with a doctor to go over my surgery, I was fascinated, in awe, even hopeful. I spiraled into researching all sorts of surgeries, trying to figure out how and why some techniques work and others don’t. 

“I knew that there was a chance I could sing again, but my doctor gave me that hope to keep moving forward so that I could heal. It really changed my life; I wanted to be someone who could heal just like my doctor did for me.” 

When she finishes speaking, Joohyun is still staring at her. Her eyes are soft and shimmering underneath the natural light of their condo. She looks at Wendy and Wendy feels special. 

Wendy flushes under the gaze and laughs awkwardly to herself to break the spell. “I didn’t know I still had all that vocabulary,” she diverts the attention from the massive personal story she just shared.

Joohyun chuckles at Wendy’s poor attempt to downplay her story, but lets the heavy atmosphere dissipate. A moment passes when both of their chuckles die down.

“Seungwan-ah,” Joohyun calls out. 

“Unnie,” Wendy responds playfully.

Joohyun pauses, her eyes staying on Wendy. They look brighter, warmer, lighter. Wendy feels in awe to see such a radiant look in her eyes. “That’s the first time you’ve called me unnie.” 

Wendy’s heart flutters. She shyly bites her lip. “Well, we just shared something personal. I don’t think I could do that if it were just anyone.” 

Joohyun sits up from the recliner. “If that’s the case, you want

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hori-hoe #1
Chapter 6: yooo i completely forgot that this is a vampire au 😀 i know it's written in the title and even in the synopsis

but i just glossed my eyes over those words and hit chapter 1 to start reading hahahaha i am sorryyy

the first chapters were so domestic and normal sounding hahaha. Yes, there were descriptions of Irene being drop dead gorgeous, being rich af, white as snow and all that, but that's normal too for her. Just caught on it again when she started carrying bags with one hand and eyes that shone purple

i didn't even realized the silver cans were blood packs until i thought about it again for this chapter hahahahaha

i think Wendy's pabo-ness is contagious. It got me haha

great read as usual author nim!

like huh, ohhhhh right, the premise she is a smart, hot vampire.
Chapter 22: I just love how they didn't bat an eye on what they saw and just proceeded to talk like usual as if it had happened before lol. Is Jennie a vampire as too?

I hope everything goes well on your end. It's tough juggling studies while working. Stay healthy author-nim!
WluvsBaetokki #3
Chapter 22: Of course Yeri will enter with a bang! Hahaha! I love it!
Chapter 22: i think yeri will bond with wendy very well in the future 😂
jenwanyun #5
Chapter 22: Yeri and sooyoung didn't even budge with what they saw hahahahaaha. Seems like it happened more times than one which makes it funnt. Thank you for the update and I hope u get to rest from all ur shenanigans!
bestwenrene #6
Chapter 22: Oh no, this was very hot and suddenly the plottw became just funny. I love it!! Thank you very much for the update author-nim, I missed you. I'm glad there's someone supporting you, I send you good vibes too. Stay healthy!!
Chapter 22: Gaaahhh I've missed reading this haha thank you for the update, author-nim! Your writing is amazing as ever :D
Stay safe and healthy 🫰🏻
zzzzzzz1 #8
Chapter 22: Yaaay, another update, thank you!! Thank you for finding the time to share this with us, even though you're really busy. Good luck with everything, and thank you again!
Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Okay now i want to read more about the joyrirene dynamic 😭
Chapter 22: Hahahaha! The mother and the daughters' dynamics are just so cute! And it's awesome how you wrote the Parent line communication. It's heart-warming. ❤️❤️❤️

Anyway, thank you for writing and sharing your story with us! I hope you're always happy and healthy! Do well on your exams, and I hope you'll take a breather once in awhile.