University III


It's been almost a year Seungwan and Joohyun knew each other. It was Joohyun's last year at the University while Seungwan still had a year left.




Joohyun closed her textbook and stretched out her arms with a tired yawn. It had been a long morning studying in the library for her upcoming business exam. She checked the time on her phone - 12:30 pm, right on schedule. Grabbing her bag, she headed downstairs to meet Seungwan for their regular lunch meeting.


As she exited the library doors, Joohyun spotted Seungwan across the grass, sitting under their usual tree. But she noticed someone new with them today - a tall blonde girl was engaged in conversation with Seungwan. Joohyun walked over, catching the tail end of their conversation.


"Oh hey Joohyun!" Seungwan greeted with a bright smile. "Just in time. This is Chaeyoung, a junior from my Law class. She just transferred here from Australia. Chaeyoung, this is my friend Joohyun."


"Hi, nice to meet you." Joohyun said politely, giving Chaeyoung a small bow.


"Great to meet you too." Chaeyoung replied in lightly accented English. Her tone was friendly yet confident.


They all began walking towards the dining hall as Seungwan asked Joohyun about her morning. Joohyun filled them in on her exam studying while Seungwan and Chaeyoung caught him up on their morning class. Joohyun noticed how engaged Seungwan seemed in conversation with Chaeyoung, leaning in to hear her responses closely. She couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of something unfamiliar inside.


After getting their food, they sat down at their usual spot. Chaeyoung thanked Seungwan again for showing her around campus that morning before classes started.


"It's no problem! I'm just glad to help a new student settle in." Seungwan replied warmly. "I'm sure it must be tough adjusting to a whole new country and school system.”


Joohyun nodded in agreement as she took a bite of kimchi rice. "Yeah, the culture shock alone would be overwhelming."


"It definitely was at first." Chaeyoung laughed. "But everyone's been so nice, it's making the transition much easier. Seungwan's been especially helpful." She placed a hand lightly on Seungwan's arm as she spoke, her tone soft.


Joohyun noticed Seungwan stiffen slightly at the touch, looking shyly down at his food. A strange clenching feeling arose in her stomach, though she wasn't sure why. The afternoon continued with light conversation flowing easily between the three. Chaeyoung proved herself to be clever, funny and sociable.


"That sounds so boring, studying all morning! Seungwan, you simply must show me all the best spots on campus later." Chaeyoung said.


Seungwan laughed shyly. "Of course, I'd be happy to."


Joohyun felt that twisting inside her again but tried to ignore it. They got their food and sat down. Chaeyoung launched seamlessly into a funny story about her first day of classes that had Seungwan laughing.


"Really Chaeyoung, you should consider being a comedian. You're so witty!" Seungwan commented admiringly.


Chaeyoung winked. "I'll keep that in mind. For now, entertaining you two is enough for me." She gave Seungwan a warm smile that lingered a moment too long.


Once they finished eating, Seungwan offered to walk Chaeyoung to her next class across campus. "You coming Joohyun?" he asked casually over his shoulder as they stood up.


"No, I think I'll stay and study some more before my evening tutorial." Joohyun replied, keeping her tone even.


"Alright, well see you later then!" Seungwan said with a wave, before turning to leave with Chaeyoung by his side. Joohyun watched them go, Seungwan animatedly explaining something which had Chaeyoung laughing prettily in response. That odd feeling twisted inside her even more. She couldn't figure out what was causing it, or why she suddenly had no desire to return to the library.


After the emotionally draining lunch, Joohyun hurried back to her dorm room, lost in thought. As she walked in, her roommate Sooyoung looked up from her phone with a frown.


"You okay? You seem more quiet than usual," Sooyoung observed.


Joohyun sighed and collapsed face down onto her bed. "I don't know Sooyoung, I'm just feeling...bothered?"


Sooyoung came to sit beside her friend. "Bothered how? What happened?"


Hesitating, Joohyun wondered how much to share. But Sooyoung had always given great advice in the past, so she decided to open up. "It's Seungwan and this new transfer girl, Chaeyoung. Watching them together at lunch just really irked me for some reason."


Sooyoung hummed in understanding. "I see. And has this bothered feeling happened before when you see them?"


Joohyun recalled the twists in her stomach and nausea from past weeks. "Maybe once or twice...but I thought I was just getting sick from the cafeteria food or something," she mumbled into her pillow.


Chuckling, Sooyoung nudged Joohyun's side. "Somehow I don't think it's the food that's the problem here. It kind of sounds like you're jealous."


Joohyun shot up into a seated position, staring at Sooyoung wide-eyed. "What? Jealous? No way, that's crazy. Seungwan is just my friend."


"Is he though? Or do you maybe want him to be more?" Sooyoung pushed gently.


Joohyun recalled how safe she felt confiding in Seungwan after her ex. His kind smile and supportive nature drew her in from the start. Could there be truth to Sooyoung's words?


As if reading her mind, Sooyoung continued. "It's normal to develop feelings for someone who helped you through a tough time. And there's nothing wrong with caring about Seungwan as more than a friend."


Joohyun bit her lip, overwhelmed by this new revelation. Talking it through was helping her see clearly for the first time.


"I don't know if I do care about him more than that...cause I never thought about it," Joohyun admitted softly.


Sooyoung slung an arm around her friend supportively. "Well whenever you figure it out, I'm here for you okay? No need to rush anything."


Joohyun leaned into the embrace, feeling luckier than ever to have Sooyoung by her side. "Thanks, I really needed someone to sort through this with."


Over the next few weeks, Chaeyoung joined them regularly hung out with their friend group. Seungwan never missed an opportunity to offer her help or suggestions on campus life. Joohyun tried not to dwell on that recurrent clenching sensation in her stomach whenever she saw them together. She told herself it was normal to feel protective of Seungwan, who had been her close friend since freshman year. That must be all it was.


Until that night - 


"Joohyun, wait up!" said Seungwan, jogging over with a smile. As usual after her finishing up late, he offered to walk her back to the dorms for safety. It had become their routine over the past year.


Trying to ignore her racing pulse, Joohyun fell into step beside Seungwan. "Thanks for waiting. How was class?"


Seungwan launched into an animated retelling of his Criminal Law lecture that day. Joohyun found herself relaxing in his company like always, comforted by his calming presence.



About halfway back, they heard hurried footsteps approaching behind them. "Hey guys, wait up!" a female voice called out. They turned to see Chaeyoung jogging to catch up, blonde hair peeking out from under her hat.


"Oh hi Chaeyoung!" Joohyun greeted the other girl pleasantly. "Heading back from your class?"


"Yep, lost track of time finishing a project," Chaeyoung replied. "But our dorm is in the same direction with Joohyun unnie, mind if I join you?"


"Of course, we're happy to have you walk with us," Seungwan responded politely before Joohyun could say anything. 


Joohyun pressed her lips together and nodded. What could she say, really? She tried not to let her annoyance show as Chaeyoung looped her arm through Seungwan's, resting her head cozily on his shoulder. Seungwan chuckled nervously but made no move to disentangle himself. 


Chaeyoung chattered away about her day, running her fingers absently along Seungwan's sleeve ."So then the professor said—" Chaeyoung laughed, glancing at Seungwan expectantly. He chuckled politely in response. Joohyun hated how engaged he seemed by Chaeyoung's story, hanging on her every word.


Joohyun's hands balled into fists at her sides, nails digging crescents into her palm. Joohyun recognized it as the possessive gesture when Chaeyoung began tracing her fingers along Seungwan's shoulder —a way for Chaeyoung to silently mark her territory.


She wanted to scream, to demand Chaeyoung find her own walking companion for once and leave what was surely just a friendly gesture but felt like so much more to Joohyun alone. But instead she swallowed down the surge of irrational jealousy, biting her tongue.


As they arrived at the fork, Chaeyoung announced she'd take the nearby path to her dorm first. "See you both later!" she sang, waving cheerfully before skipping off.


Joohyun breathed a subtle sigh of relief to have a moment alone with Seungwan at last. But when she turned to bid him goodnight as usual, his deep frown caught her off guard.


"Joohyun, what's wrong? You seem really upset," he said softly, eyes full of concern. She averted her gaze, unsure how to reply.


Gently, Seungwan lifted her chin with his fingers so she had to meet his probing stare. "Talk to me, please." The tenderness in his voice nearly broke her composure.


Before Joohyun could respond, Seungwan's thumb brushed her cheek in a soothing caress. The intimate contact sent an electric jolt through her, heart suddenly pounding erratically in her chest.


"You're so tense," he murmured, continuing to her skin delicately. Joohyun's breath hitched, thoughts growing foggy as all her senses narrowed to his proximity and touch. How she'd longed for his care and affection.


Seungwan leaned closer, lowering his voice. "Joohyun, I—" But a sudden rustling in the nearby bushes interrupted, jolting them apart like startled deer.


Joohyun's chest heaved, still reeling from their intimate moment. Seungwan cleared his throat awkwardly. "Get some rest, okay? I'll see you tomorrow."


Nodding dazedly, Joohyun turned to go. As she reached her door, his soft call made her pause. "Sleep well, Joohyun-aah..." His words wrapped around her like a warm hug.


Joohyun smiled to herself for the first time that night, heart soaring. She then hurried off entered her dorm building with sudden mind racing furiously. Why was the sight of Chaeyoung latching onto Seungwan affecting her so badly? She pondered it all the way back to her room lost in a daze.


"You're back. Everything fine?" Sooyoung remarked when Joohyun walked in. Taking one look, she asked knowingly, "Run into a certain someone?"


Joohyun nodded hesitantly. "I was with Seungwan and Chaeyoung walking together...with her arm looped through his. It just really bothered me Sooyoung."


Sitting down facing Joohyun carefully, Sooyoung said gently, "That sounds like more than just a friendly bothered. So what do you think really happened, Unnie?"


Joohyun took a shaky breath, finally letting her heart speak truthfully. "I think...somewhere over this past year of him looking out for me, I fell for him without realizing. But now it's too late, he clearly likes Chaeyoung."


Sooyoung shook her head firmly. "It's not too late until you talk to him. Seungwan cares about you deeply, I've seen it. Be honest about your feelings and see where it leads."


Joohyun sighed nervously. "I want to, but what if it's too late? I have made it clear before I didn't want a relationship."


She buried her face in a pillow with a groan. "The way my heart races whenever he's near though...I don't think I can pretend anymore."



Sooyoung nudged her shoulder playfully. "Joohyun Unnie, Seungwan has been smitten with you since day one. I'm sure if you explain your change of heart, he'll understand."


Joohyun peered up hopefully. "You really think so? But what if-"


"No what ifs! Just be honest about seeing him in a new light now." Sooyoung insisted firmly. "Besides, do you really want to risk losing him without trying first?" Joohyun knew she was right. She need to tell him the truth, even if it meant facing rejection.


Joohyun knew Sooyoung was right but fear still gripped her. What if confessing ruined their friendship? She wasn't ready to face possible rejection yet.





The next day afternoon during their lunch break, Seungwan excused himself to take a call from his family back in Canada. Chaeyoung turned to Joohyun with a nervous smile.


"Can I talk to you about something?" she asked hesitantly. 


"Of course, what's up?" Joohyun replied politely.


Chaeyoung drew in a breath. "I think I'm starting to develop feelings for Seungwan. He's been so kind showing me around and making me feel at home here. I was wondering what you think - do you think he may feel the same way about me?"


Joohyun felt as if the ground dropped out from under her feet. All at once, everything clicked into place - that tight, unsettled sensation in her stomach whenever Seungwan paid attention to Chaeyoung. The way her heart rate sped up hearing their laughter together.


How much she looked forward to their lunch meetings just to see him. She realized with sudden clarity - she cared deeply for Seungwan - had for longer than she dared admit, even to herself.  She was in love with him. Head over heels, irrevocably so. And now it may be too late.


Chaeyoung was watching her expectantly, awaiting a response. Joohyun struggled to gather her thoughts into a coherent reply.


"I...I'm not sure exactly how Seungwan feels. He's always been very kind." Joohyun began slowly, searching for the right words. "But from what I've seen, I think there's a good chance he may like you back. You two do seem close."


The words felt like ash in . Joohyun tried her best to keep smiling, not wanting to let on to her newly discovered feelings. This wasn't about her - she wanted Chaeyoung to feel welcomed as the new girl. Even if the confession pierced right through her heart.


"Really? You think so?" Chaeyoung beamed, hope blooming on her face. "I think I'm going to confess to Seungwan. I'm going to meet him after class tonight. I'm really hoping he feels the same way..." She trailed off, gazing wistfully in Seungwan's direction.


Seungwan returned then, slinging an arm easily around Joohyun's shoulders like he always did. But this time she flinched under his touch, caught off guard by her fresh realization. He frowned in concern.


"You okay Joohyun? You look a bit pale."


"Oh, yeah I'm fine." She reassured him with a strained smile. "Just tired I think. Midterms are kicking my ."


Her heart was pounding wildly now, hyper aware of every place their bodies connected. Seungwan's scent, his gentle warmth, the carefree way he treated her - it all suddenly meant so much more. She felt like an exposed nerve, unable to process the confusing rush of feelings churning inside.


Seungwan squeezed her shoulders comfortingly. "Don't work too hard, you need rest too. Why don't I walk you to your class?"


Seungwan then turned to Chaeyoung. "Do you mind if I walk Joohyun to her next class?" Chaeyoung smiled understandingly. "Of course not, you two go ahead. I'll head over to my class first then." She gathered her things and bid them farewell.


As they walked across campus together, Joohyun’s heart beat faster with each step. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Seungwan checking his phone. “Everything okay?” she asked tentatively.


Seungwan sighed. “Yeah, just my dad texting about family stuff again. My sister is coming to see me and they’ve been nagging me to find a girlfriend.” He chuckled lightly.


Joohyun smiled weakly. The word “girlfriend” sent a pang through her chest. She remembered how she foolishly had friend zoned him, saying Seungwan was his 'best friend' in the past, and saying she wasn't ready for a relationship. Now it may be too late.


Lost in thought, Joohyun didn’t notice a loose stone on the path. She stumbled with a small yelp, losing her balance. Swift as always, Seungwan caught her arm to steady her.


“Careful! Are you hurt?” He searched her face with concern in his eyes. Their sudden close proximity sent Joohyun’s heart racing even faster. Up close, she could see the individual lashes framing his caring brown eyes.


“I-I’m fine, thanks.” Joohyun stammered, inwardly cursing her clumsiness. She quickly straightened up and they continued walking.


A cool breeze picked up then, blowing Joohyun’s long hair into her eyes and mouth. She tried to tuck the strands behind her ears but they kept coming loose. Seungwan noticed her struggling.


“Here, let me help.” He leaned in gently and brushed the hair away tenderly with his fingers. Joohyun froze at his touch, holding her breath as his face was merely inches from hers. She could smell his fresh, woody scent and felt lost in his gaze.


Snapping back to the present, Seungwan smiled warmly. “Better?”


Joohyun barely managed a tiny nod, her mind still reeling. They walked in companionable silence the rest of the way. All too soon, they arrived at Joohyun’s classroom building. Suddenly, Seungwan's phone buzzed with a new message.


Glancing at it briefly, Seungwan's brows furrowed in confusion. "Chaeyoung wants to meet me tonight. That's weird, wonder what's up?"  Joohyun knew Chaeyoung's intentions all too well now.


An uneasy feeling settled in Joohyun's stomach as she caught a glimpse of the message herself. "I should get to class. Good luck with...everything," Joohyun choked out even if the words felt like acid on her tongue.


"Go see what she needs, I'll catch you later okay?"


Seungwan smiled and ruffled her hair playfully. "Alright, text you after my next class. Have a good day Joohyun!"


She waved goodbye but as soon as he turned the corner, Joohyun's smile dropped. 


Joohyun dragged through her classes, barely able to focus with worry gnawing at her insides. What if Seungwan returned Chaeyoung's feelings? He was so kind, he may not want to hurt her.


Joohyun spun and nearly sprinted inside, trying to outrun her thundering heartbeat. Leaning back against the cool wall in the empty hallway, Joohyun let out a shaky breath.


Joohyun’s thoughts swirled endlessly as the professor’s lecture droned on in the background, utterly unable to focus. She scrolled through their previous texts for reassurance. Back when things were simpler between them, before Joohyun's confusing feelings arose. Her thumb lingered on an old conversation from last year when they first met.


Seungwan: [Hey new friend! Would you like to grab dinner with me?😉]


Joohyun: [Sure thing. That sounds great! ] 


Joohyun sighed wistfully. Scrolling further, she noticed another familiar exchange from last semester.


Seungwan: [Good luck on your midterms Joohyun! I know you'll ace them 💪]


Joohyun: [Ahh thanks, I'm stressing so much though! I need your energy to rub off on me haha]


Seungwan: [How about we grab my notes and hit the library after class? We'll power through it together.]


Joohyun: [You're the best 🥺 I don't know what I'd do without your support!] 


Further back, another exchange made her grin:


Seungwan: [Joohyun! I found the cutest bakery downtown that just had to be investigated. This Saturday, you and me - we're going on a pastry hunt 🕵️‍♂️]


Joohyun: [Haha sounds fun, you had me at pastries! Count me in, I'm always down for food adventures 🍩]


Seungwan: [Excellent, our mouths will be very happy after this top secret mission is complete 😋]


Joohyun could still picture his dimpled smile excitedly planning little outings, always seeking new ways to include her. She closed her message thread with Seungwan and shoved her phone back in her bag. Class was dragging on endlessly and she couldn't take it anymore.


Her mind was made up - she had to find Seungwan before Chaeyoung got to him. Joohyun hastily gathered her things and bolted to the door.


"Miss Bae, where are you going?" the professor called out sternly.


Joohyun paused, feeling the weight of all eyes on her now. Taking a steadying breath, she turned and replied calmly, "I'm sorry, but this is an emergency. May I please be excused?"


A tense moment passed before he nodded reluctantly. A wave of relieved murmurs spread through the classroom as Joohyun slipped out, breaking into a sprint down the hallway.


She pulled up Seungwan's location again - still in the quad, thank goodness. Joohyun rushed across campus as fast as her legs could carry her, heart pounding wildly.


Skidding into the open area, she spun around searching desperately until spotting Seungwan's familiar form on a nearby bench. 



Without another word, Joohyun launched into a dead sprint across campus hoping she wasn't too late to stop Seungwan from slipping through her fingers forever. Her heart would simply shatter if he were taken from her now....


As she neared the quad, a glimpse of familiar dark hair came into view on a nearby bench. 


"Seungwan!" she called out eagerly, picking up her pace. But as she drew closer, Joohyun froze in her tracks.


Another figure sat beside Seungwan, facing away so only her back view were visible. Leaning in, the girl pressed a lingering kiss to Seungwan's cheek, making him smile bashfully. To her horror, Seungwan was also leaning in to press a kiss to the cheek of the pretty sitting across from him.


Clearing softly, Joohyun waited until Seungwan glanced over, expression shifting to one of confusion upon seeing her distraught face.


"Joohyun? What's wrong?" he asked, starting to stand up. But the girl placed a hand on his arm.


Forcing her crumbling composure to hold, Joohyun smiled thinly. "I'm sorry to interrupt. Seungwan, please wait! I have to tell y— Just. Please, meet me after your date."


She spun on her heel before he could reply, refusing to let the tears fall until safely out of sight. This was all her fault for hesitating too long. Joohyun should have known Chaeyoung wouldn't wait idly by. Little did she know, the pretty woman was Seungwan's big sister.


When Joohyun turned and ran from the park, Seungwan's heart sank. "Joohyun, wait!" he called, but she didn't stop.


As Joohyun fled, Seungwan turned to his sister in confusion. "Why did she think I was on a date? I have to go after her."


Taeyeon looked at her brother. "Really Son Seungwan? Then what did you do to make that pretty girl cry!" she scolded with hands on her hips.


Seungwan shot his sister a warning look. "It was just a misunderstanding. I have to explain.."


"Mmhmm, sure." She glanced at him knowingly.


"Well, you'd better go chase after her and straighten things out before she gets the wrong idea. Don't just stand there! Wouldn't want my future sister-in-law crying, now would we?" Taeyeon commanded.


"Yah!" Seungwan hissed. But his sister only winked.


As Seungwan hurried off in pursuit, Taeyeon smiled. Joohyun's cries revealed depths of feeling for her brother. "You'd better bring that girl back," she called after Seungwan playfully as she watched him ran. "I know I've just found the perfect sister-in-law for me! Take care of her!" 


"Ahh! How awesome to stumble into a blossoming love when I'm visiting him!" Taeyeon thought to herself.


Seungwan cheeks reddening as he chase after Joohyun. He called her name against the whipping wind. Joohyun gasped and wiped furiously at her eyes, not wanting Seungwan to see her cry. Seungwan stopped her track, concern etched on his face.


"Joohyun? What's wrong? Tell me what had you so upset" He laid a comforting hand on her back.


Through sniffles, Joohyun whispered, "I saw you.... She must have be your girlfriend by now. I'm sorry, I know it's none of my bussiness, I just..had." She broke down again.


Seungwan's brow furrowed in confusion. Then understanding dawned and he chuckled softly, "Joohyun-" But before Seungwan could explain, Joohyun began pouring her heart out through tears.


Joohyun cut him off. "Please. Please just hear me out, Seungwan. I realize too late that I’m in love with you, Seungwan.  That first night you walked me home, I felt so safe with you. Studying together, joking around - those moments made me fall for you slowly."


She took a shaky breath. "But I was scared to admit it, scared of losing you."


Seungwan listened intently, eyes soft with understanding and care. Joohyun continued vulnerably, "I'm being selfish, I know. You have your date now, I won't disturb that. I just wanted you to hear how I really feel before you go."


With that, she turned to leave, heart breaking. But Seungwan caught her wrist gently to stop her. When Joohyun met his gaze in surprise, she saw only affection reflected in his eyes. 


"Please don't go, there is no date with anyone." Seungwan took Joohyun's hand gently in his. "Come with me, there's a quiet place I want to show you."


She nodded, heart full, and let him lead the way. They walked in comfortable silence until arriving at a secluded spot near the university gardens. A cozy bench sat beneath a flowering tree, surrounded by blooms.


"This is my secret spot," Seungwan said shyly, gesturing for Joohyun to sit beside him. She did, breath catching at their proximity. This felt like a dream.


Seungwan turned to face her, gaze soft yet determined. "Joohyun, I I have to tell you something."


"Do you remember that day, over a year ago, when a ball almost hit you during practice? I knocked you out of the way just in time."


Joohyun nodded, recalling the incident clearly. Seungwan smiled softly at the memory. "From the moment I saw your startled face so close to mine, I was drawn to you. Helping you up, making sure you were unharmed - that's when I started falling for you."


Eyes widening, Joohyun listened intently to Seungwan's earnest confession. He continued vulnerably, "Walking you home after, getting to know you better - my feelings only grew from there. You're the one I want to be with, Joohyun."


"Oh, and by the way - the woman at the restaurant? That was my sister. We were saying goodbye for her flight back to Canada."


Joohyun gasped in shock, all her jealous assumptions crumbling away instantly. Seungwan laughed louder at her mortified reaction, easing the tension. Joohyun stared at him in disbelief and embarrassment, unable to meet his eyes.


Wrapping her securely in his arms, Seungwan held Joohyun as she sobbed tears of relief against his chest. "I'm sorry I didn't make my feelings clear sooner."


Overcome with emotion, Seungwan took Joohyun's hand and they walked in comfortable silence to the nearby park. The setting sun painted the sky in warm hues as they found their usual bench overlooking a pond.


Joohyun sighed contentedly, snuggling into Seungwan's side. He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, dropping a gentle kiss to her hair. For several moments they simply enjoyed being close at last.


Then Joohyun spoke softly. "After what happened in my relationship, I wasn't sure if I'd ever be ready for another relationship. But being with you these past months has shown me that I am ready - as long as it's by your side, Seungwan."


Joohyun continued. "You were so patient, never demanding more than I could give. That's why I feel safe loving you. I'm sorry if it takes me so long"


Seungwan brushed her hair back gently. "Oh, Joohyun. My heart has always been yours from the start. I just wanted you to heal in your own time without pressure. I'll never let anyone hurt you. You deserve only happiness, my sweet Joohyun."


She smiled, heart full. Sliding her hands around Seungwan's neck, Joohyun gazed into his caring eyes. "Thank you for helping me heal. For making me feel safe, cherished...and loved."


Seungwan grasped her waist gently. "It's easy to love someone as special as you." He searched her eyes for permission, wanting to treat Joohyun with utmost care and respect. "May I kiss you?"


Joohyun smiled and nodded, breath hitching in anticipation. Slowly, Seungwan leaned in and pressed his lips to hers in a chaste yet lingering kiss. They kissed under the rustling trees. Seungwan held her close, pouring all the affection of a year into one kiss.


Pulling apart slightly, Seungwan rested his forehead against Joohyun's, savoring her tender smile. "Was that okay? I don't want to push you too fast."


She caressed his cheek adoringly. "It was perfect, Seungwan. You've shown me what healthy love can be. I'm ready to face anything by your side."


After a few gentle kisses, Joohyun rested contentedly in Seungwan's embrace, feeling at peace in his caring arms. The events of the past came flooding back, and she knew it was time to open up fully about her past.


Joohyun began softly. "The truth is, I don't think I ever really loved Sehun. It felt rushed and I knew it was hasty."


Seungwan held her closer, rubbing comforting circles on her back.. "You don't need to justify or explain yourself to me."


A quiet fell over them as Joohyun gathered her thoughts. She smiled up at him sweetly. "Thank you, but I want - no, need you to know." Taking a steadying breath, Joohyun continued, "With him, I never felt truly seen or understood. It was a shallow relationship from the start."


"And I want you to know, Seungwan - I made sure that he never touched me intimat-." Seungwan stopped her. "You don't owe me any private details. Your worth isn't defined by such things."


As they strolled leisurely back to her dorm, Joohyun reflected on how her feelings had grown. "Looking back, I think my heart started falling for you bit by bit without me realizing."


Seungwan gazed at her lovingly, enraptured by each word. Joohyun continued, "That first night you walked me home, and all our study sessions together, I enjoyed our time so much."


A tender smile formed as memories resurfaced. "But then I began noticing little things that took my breath away - like how cute you look with your dimples when you smile."


Seungwan chuckled bashfully at the compliment. Joohyun nudged him playfully. "And when you get excited about something, your eyes light up and you look like the happiest little puppy."


Her expression turned serious yet joyful. "The moment I knew for certain was when you stood close - my heart fluttered so much. You're just too adorable like a baby boy sometimes!"


Cupping his cheek, Joohyun gazed deep into caring eyes filled with nothing but love for her. "I love you Seungwan, now and always."


Stopping to fully face her, Seungwan wrapped Joohyun in a warm embrace. "I love you too, my sweet girl. More than words can say."


As they arrived at Joohyun's dorm, she turned to Seungwan curiously. "You know, I just realized something strange."


He tilted his head, eyes twinkling. "What is it?"


Joohyun continued, "Even though I'm three years older than you, you've always treat me, as if you're the elder one."


Seungwan broke into a sheepish grin. "Ah, you caught me. I knew from the start you were my sunbaenim."


She gasped in mock outrage. "Then why have you been pretending this whole time?"


Wrapping his arms around her affectionately, Seungwan replied, "Because you're so cute when you pout like that."


Joohyun tried to maintain her stern expression but failed, giggling instead. Seungwan smiled tenderly. "Age means nothing to me when I'm with someone as wonderful as you."


Heart melting, she caressed his cheek. "You say the sweetest things, baby boy." Leaning in closer, Joohyun added playfully, "So is my little dongsaeng okay dating his noona?"


Seungwan beamed. "As long as it's you Joohyun, I wouldn't mind even if you were thirty years older." He hugged her tight, breathing in her calming scent.


Pulling back smiling, Joohyun ruffled his hair playfully. "Yaa! Now you're being silly." Joohyun playfully hit Seungwan's arm. "If I was 30 years older, that would be so weird!"


Seungwan just grinned cheekily. "I'm serious! Age doesn't matter as long as it's you, Joohyun."


She smiled at his sweet words. Then a thought came to her. "Come to think of it, even though you know I'm your noona, you've never actually called me that." Joohyun looked at him expectantly, curious for his reason.


Seungwan gazed at her tenderly, her cheek. He had hoped she wouldn't notice, but knew he owed her an honest answer.


"You remember the day we first met? In that instant when I saved you, all I wanted was to know you as Joohyun - the girl who had captured my heart so completely without even trying. I'll never forget how your filled with stars deer eyes looked up at me."


Seungwan brushed a lock of hair from Joohyun's face. "Calling you noona wouldn't have felt right, like I was keeping you at a distance. I wanted us to be closer than that and how the intimacy of just your name."


Joohyun gazed at Seungwan in wonder, deeply touched. "That's the most romantic thing anyone's ever said to me."


He embraced her tenderly. "It's how I've truly felt since that day. You transformed my world, Joohyun."


She hugged him close, heart so full. After a few moments, they reluctantly pulled apart as Joohyun's dorm came into view.


Stopping at the her entrance, Seungwan's phone buzzed. He checked the message, face falling briefly before smiling reassuringly at her. "Chaeyoung cancelled my meeting with her tonight."




She watched nervously as he checked it, unsure of what to expect. "But wants to meet us both tomorrow morning instead."


Joohyun nodded slowly, heart clenching. Chaeyoung's confession was surely still coming, she realized with dread. But this wasn't her place to interfere - Seungwan deserved truth from both sides. Chaeyoung was a dear friend - how would things change after tomorrow? 


As if sensing her turbulent thoughts, Seungwan took her hand reassuringly. "It's okay, we'll see her together." He lifted her knuckles to kiss gently, warming Joohyun from the inside out.


"Joohyun, I know we have a lot left to figure out. But please believe that my feelings for you are real."


She nodded, heart full. "I believe you, Seungwan. And my feelings are real too."


Relief washed over him as he pulled her into a tight embrace, arms secure yet gentle. Joohyun melted into the solace of his embrace, all worries melting away in the shelter of his care.


Much too soon, Seungwan reluctantly pulled back, hands still resting on her waist as he met her gaze. Joohyun's breath caught at the tender adoration shining in his eyes, leaning imperceptibly closer like a magnet drawn in.


Seungwan cupped her cheek, brushing his thumb affectionately along her skin. Something primal sparked within at his touch, coaxing Joohyun's eyes shut in anticipation.


When his lips met hers, the passion ignited a smoldering fire that consumed her senses entirely. One hand moved to grasp her waist firmly while the other caressed the back of her head, deepening the kiss further.


Joohyun grasped his shirt in return, intoxicated by the pure emotion pouring from Seungwan's fervent kiss. Only the need for air finally broke them apart, panting softly as their foreheads rested together.


"Goodnight, Joohyun. See you tomorrow," Seungwan whispered, placing one last lingering peck to her swollen lips before reluctantly letting go. She watched him leave with a goofy grin, heart soaring with newfound love.








hii, hii. woaa it has been months since i last updated this fic  >o< 

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Favebolous 14 streak #1
Chapter 7: More
Favebolous 14 streak #2
Chapter 2: Cutee
Chapter 8: I'm happy reading Irene who is jealous haha
Chapter 8: Not me thinking that Rosé saw them k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Joohyun seeing them kissing is so kdrama scene and i love it! Ijbol joohyun. I would be Hella embarrassed if i ever meet meet my sister in law. Love how supportive her sister is to him.
Chapter 2: I'm crying 😭 this is too soft oh god i love domestic wenrene so much
1703 streak #6
Chapter 8: I love this au so much~
Bltrx82 #7
Chapter 7: Can't wait for next chapter. Fighting author-nim
Chapter 4: Honestly, I really like stories with family themes like this. always feel warm when reading it and smile when imagining it 🥰
Chapter 7: ♨♨♨
Let's 🏃😤