
A Blind Date Gone Wrong

"Hyung!! I beg of you! Please go to a blind date in place of me!"


Jongwoon looked up from a coffee maker and glanced at his younger brother who was crying crocodile tears. Seeing that he had paid full attention, Ryeowook walked around the counter to hug him and beamed like a little child, knowing that he never said no when the younger acted like this. Jongwoon sighed and patted his brother's head while smiling in resignation.


"Alright, but why did you have to go to one in the first place?"

"It's a really long story! Please, hyung!"

"Why don't you be honest and tell your date partner that you're not interested? Why roping me in?"

"I don't want to humiliate him, obviously! Hyuuung! Just go and tell him that I got sick or whatever."

"Wookie, you know that I hate—"

"Thank you, hyung! You're the best!"


Ryeowook squeezed him once and ran away, leaving him confused. Jongwoon sighed again. Stubbornness ran in their family so he knew that his brother would definitely ditch this blind date with or without his help. Although he had nothing to do with this and he didn't even know who the dating partner was, he couldn't let that person think that his younger brother was rude or inconsiderate.



In the end, Jongwoon agreed to go on this mysterious blind date.




The day of the blind date...



"Excuse me, are you Kim Ryeowook-ssi?"

"Oh, no, I'm his brother—"


Jongwoon's introduction was interrupted by his own quickened heartbeat. The blind date partner turned out to be a very good-looking middle-aged man with round and adorable eyes that reminded him of a baby penguin. The man smiled and sat down opposite him, brushing his bang aside to reveal his forehead. The brown-haired handsome guy dressed nicely in a crisp black suit and tie, causing him to feel conscious of his own casual outfit; just a simple t-shirt and jeans.


"Did I keep you waiting for too long? I'm sorry."

"Oh-no! It's on me for arriving earlier..."

"I see," The man smiled charmingly. "I'm glad that I didn't upset you."

"Of course not! Um, in fact, I have to apologize to you too. Actually, I'm not Kim Ryeowook. That's my younger brother and he asked me to come here because, well, he suddenly had an urgent business to attend so he sent me instead..."

"Is that so? That's a shame but understandable. Thank you for taking your time to meet me today, Mister...?"

"Kim Jongwoon, Ryeowook's older brother."

"Oh, then you're my senior! Do you mind if I call you Jongwoon hyung?"

"Feel free, um, you are?"

"Cho Kyuhyun. It's my greatest pleasure to meet you, Jongwoon hyung."


Kyuhyun smiled and shook his hand. For some reason, Jongwoon suddenly felt like experiencing a Deja Vu, especially the name Cho Kyuhyun.


"Kyuhyun-ssi, have we—"

"Just Kyuhyun, please."

"If you said so. Kyuhyun, have we met before? Why does your name sound so familiar...?"

"I think you probably saw my face on some news."


Kyuhyun gave him a business card and Jongwoon's brows immediately jumped to his hairline. The CEO of the Cho Industry Group!!? That's the biggest and richest conglomerate family in Seoul! What in the hell did his little brother do to be put on a blind date with the sole heir of that giant!? He had better not get himself tangled with a man totally out of his league. As if knowing what he was thinking, however, Kyuhyun held his hand and threw a puppy smile at him.


"Hyung, can I ask you to treat me equally? I'm tired of people treating me as if I'm out of reach... I just want to feel connected to someone for once in my life..."



How could he say no to that cute pout? To begin with, he had no immunity to younger brothers thanks to Ryeowook. He sighed and nodded.


"Sure. But can I ask why did you and my brother have to go on a blind date?"

"It's a long story so let's not bore ourselves with that."

"That's what Wookie said too. How long is the story? I happen to have a lot of free time so—"

"Jongwoon hyung, have you tried this dish? It tastes amazing!"


It couldn't be any more obvious that the younger man purposefully changed the topic. Anyway, they wouldn't meet again after this date so he had no reason to care about what happened behind the scene. Jongwoon shrugged off the curiosity and just enjoyed the meal. He also stopped mulling over it and chatted with the famous CEO about other things. He was surprised and impressed by the younger man who listened to his ramble attentively. Usually, not many people made it through a conversation with him, solely because he never ran out of topics. Even his beloved younger brother sometimes avoided his calls if Ryeowook sensed that he was about to talk for hours. Finally meeting someone who was willing to listen to him, Jongwoon passionately chatted about literally everything he could think of, all the while Kyuhyun nodding along or giving a thoughtful comment at the right time. In the end, they spent time together until the restaurant almost closed at midnight. Both of them were a bit tipsy when they left to go on separate ways. The gentlemanly CEO offered to send him home but Jongwoon declined the goodwill. No need to get involved more than necessary.


"I guess it's time to say goodbye then. Thank you a lot, Kyuhyun. I have a great time today."

"Likewise, Jongwoon hyung. Thank you for not leaving me hanging even though you're not obligated to it."

"No worries. Well, my cab arrived so go home safely."

"Hyung, wait!"


Kyuhyun suddenly grasped his wrist and stopped him from getting into the car. Jongwoon didn't pull his arm back but he did raise a brow to show his confusion. The brown-haired tall man smiled and let him go while taking out his phone.


"Hyung, let's exchange numbers."

"Eh? But..."

"Have you heard that every encounter is a fateful encounter? Out of millions of people in Seoul, we found each other and got along quite well. I didn't want to lose a good friend like you."

"Are you sure? I might bother you with my endless calls lasting for hours?"

"I'm totally fine with that."


The younger man beamed so earnestly that Jongwoon's heart melted and he couldn't find it in him to turn down. So, they exchanged phone numbers and bid farewell. On the way home, Jongwoon chuckled at a cute penguin emoji that Kyuhyun sent to wish him goodnight and replied happily. Nothing could possibly go wrong just from making a new friend with your blind date partner, right?



Famous last words.




A few days later...



Jongwoon hyung, I need your help.



"Eomma, this is Kim Jongwoon hyung. He's my beloved fiance whom I often talk about."

"Omo! Hello, dear, I'm Kyuhyun's mother. I'm so glad to see my little boy finally settled down!"


Jongwoon could only blink at the enthusiastic old woman who looked fondly at them. At the same time, his hand on the table that Kyuhyun was holding started to feel hot. He tried to subtly pull it out but the younger noticed it first. Then, Kyuhyun entwined their fingers and tightened the hold as if he didn't want to let him go. So, Jongwoon had no choice but to play along.


"Hello, Ma'am, I'm Kim Jongwoon. ... Kyuhyun's fiance."

"Deary, just call me Eomma! You're Kyuhyun-ah's significant other so that makes you my son too. Say, Jongwoon-ah, how did you meet my boy and what do you like about him?"

"Um, I, we met for the first time a few days ago at a blind date. What I like about him... uh, well, his attentiveness? Kyuhyun is very considerate and pays attention to what I said..."


Jongwoon thinned his lips. At least he didn't lie...


"Aww, that's so sweet of you. What about you, Kyuhyun-ah? What do you like about Jongwoon-ah?"

"Everything. But I love his kind heart and thoughtfulness the most."


At first, he thought that the CEO would just come up with a simple lie like he did but Kyuhyun looked deadly serious about his answer. The heat radiated from their connected hands seemed to spread to his cheeks and Jongwoon wondered if the air conditioner broke. Why did he feel warm? He snuck a glance at the man beside him but quickly looked away when he realized that Kyuhyun already looked at him. He only looked up again when he heard a light giggle opposite them. Madam Cho smiled kindly while looking at them back and forth.


"This old lady has nothing to worry about anymore, knowing that my son has found someone he loves. Jongwoon-ah, if you don't mind me asking, how's your family? Can I meet your parents?"

"That..." Jongwoon looked down, feeling self-conscious. "They left me and my little brother at an orphanage and we've never met them again. It's just me and Wookie— Ryeowook, my little brother."

"Oh, dear... So, you raise your little brother by yourself?"

"As soon as I turned eighteen, I took my brother out of the orphanage and we lived in a small, one-room apartment. I didn't go to college and worked full-time at a convenience store to support my brother's study. It was hard but we were happy regardless because we had each other."


Speaking of his past job, Jongwoon smiled when he suddenly remembered a little nerdy boy who always visited him to complain about his strict father. The brat later confessed to him and took his first kiss after making a promise to marry him. Obviously, he would never develop romantic feelings for a middle school kid. He just played along because the boy reminded him of his own little brother. He couldn't help but wonder where the brat would be now, probably already forgetting the promise. Shaking his head subtly, Jongwoon stopped thinking about the past and turned his attention to the present. He just realized that the Cho mother and son had been quiet for a while after listening to his story. He turned to Kyuhyun and his heart skipped when he saw the brown-haired CEO look at him tenderly. He hurriedly looked away and met the elder woman's warm gaze instead.


"Jongwoon-ah, can you come closer for a second?"

"Of course, Ma'am—"


"Cough, of course, eomma."


After getting a nod from the son, Jongwoon got up and sat down beside the old lady instead. Then, a surprised gasp escaped from his lips when she suddenly hugged him. Madam Cho patted his back and rubbed his head while speaking up proudly.


"You're really strong and reliable, my dear. But you have Kyuhyun-ah and me to lean on now on top of your brother if you ever want to."



Jongwoon was beyond stunned. Ryeowook was really young when their parents abandoned them so he always acted tough to be his baby brother's pillar, never allowing himself to be weak. However, this kind madam just told him that it was okay to rely on somebody. But... She is Kyuhyun's mother, not his. Is it really okay? He glanced at the tall man opposite the table and felt the corner of his eyes getting warmer at the sight of a firm nod by the younger man.


'You're one of our family now, hyung' 


Kyuhyun mouthed the soothing sentence and Jongwoon let go of the last restraint in his heart. He put his head on the older woman's small shoulder and gingerly hugged her back.


"Yes, eomma."




"Now, Kyuhyun, can you tell me what exactly just happened? Why did I become your fiance?"

"Jongwoon hyung... My sincerest apologies but please help me!"


After Madam Cho left, Jongwoon immediately interrogated the son who roped him into this mess. He didn't expect Kyuhyun to apologize so seriously and even bowed down until his forehead almost touched the table. Seeing that, he just sighed and told the younger to explain first. The well-known CEO who looked more like a puppy now beamed and nodded obediently.


"Well, I'm in my mid-thirties now, the same age as your brother, and my mother thought it's a perfect time to settle down and get married. She tried to play a matchmaker and paired me with some president's heir. However, I didn't want to marry someone I didn't love. So, I told her that I already got engaged..."

"What!!? And you want me to pretend to be your fiance!? Are you crazy!?"

"I know it sounds ridiculous but please help me. Just one month. We'll pretend to be in love and break up after one month. Then, I'll use heartbreak as an excuse to not get married."

"But that means I have to lie to your mother too... You might not know yet but I hate lying the most."

"Then, we just have to make it become the truth."

"What do you mean?"


Kyuhyun reached across the table to his hand and held it when he didn't protest. The younger man looked into his eyes and uttered the craziest thing he had ever heard in his life.



"Jongwoon hyung, will you be my fiance for a month?"




Three weeks later...



"Hyung~ Is it just me or do you have a boyfriend now? Your eyes are on your phone all the time, grinning like a fool!"

"Who do you think get me into this mess?"


Jongwoon rolled his eyes and ignored a teasing remark from his younger brother. In the end, he agreed to play along with Kyuhyun's game and pretended to be the CEO's fiance. He was worried that he might get himself involved in something bothersome but the experience was better than expected. Kyuhyun took the fiance role very seriously. Every morning, his fake lover sent a good morning message and wished him a great day. Sometimes the younger dropped by his cafe to have lunch together. At night, they talked for an hour or two on a phone (though it was mostly a one-sided conversation) before bidding each other goodnight and sweet dreams. It was three weeks when he had someone care about him and listen to his thoughts. He was so happy that he forgot their relationship was only a fake one. Well, he hoped that they could still be friends after this fake engagement was over... Shaking his head to get rid of a saddened thought, Jongwoon smiled when he got a call from a man he was thinking of.


"Kyuhyun, what's the matter?"

"Hyung, are you free this weekend?" 

"Weekend? Sure but why are you asking?"

"Eomma said she missed you and wondered why we didn't spend more time together despite being engaged. That's why I'd like to take you to my house."

"A sleepover? I don't mind it but I can just go home after dinner so that I won't bother you."

"Jongwoon hyung," he could hear a smile in the mellow voice. "You're never a bother to me." 


For a split second, Jongwoon felt the irregularity of his heartbeat at the younger man's words. It quickened out of the sudden and strange warmth spread over his chest. He hurriedly nodded and then remembered that he was on a call. So, he agreed to stay with the Cho Family during the weekend and ended the call before Kyuhyun noticed that his voice sounded strangely squeaky. Putting away the phone, Jongwoon placed his palm on his chest and tried to take a few breaths to calm his racing heart.



What's wrong with him?




"Hyung, how's the taste?"

"Mm, maybe add a bit of sugar?"


Jongwoon looked at the great CEO who had become a cook wearing an apron with a cute penguin pattern and couldn't help chuckling. He didn't expect an heir to a rich family to know how to cook and even offered to make dinner for him. As he watched Kyuhyun skillfully move around the vast and fully-equipped kitchen, he admitted to himself that the younger man was exactly his type— looks-wise and personality-wise. At some point, he even thought to himself that he wouldn't mind if this fake engagement kept going for longer than a month. Still, he reminded himself that Kyuhyun only saw him as a good friend. He shouldn't hope for what didn't belong to him...


"Jongwoon-ah, is everything alright?"

"Hyung, do you not like the dishes I cook? I can make something else. Just tell me."

"Huh...? Oh, no, I'm fine! I was just thinking about something."


Jongwoon hurriedly stopped the younger man before he got up and actually made another menu on top of many dishes on the dining table. Kyuhyun nodded and eagerly put more food in his rice bowl. The attentive brown-haired man even fed him if his hands were occupied. At first, he was about to turn down the kind gesture but then recalled that they had to pretend to be in love in front of Madam Cho. So, he smiled and fed his fake fiance in return, although he felt a bit shy afterward when he saw Kyuhyun's beam that almost blinded his eyes. That's not fair! Using that handsome face, mellow voice, and radiant smile made his heart misbehave!


"Hyung, there's a grain of rice on your lips."

"Oh, thank—"


A word he was about to say got swallowed back instantly when Kyuhyun used his thumb to gently rub his lips. The warm and slightly-rough digit against his skin sent an electric shock to his heart and it pumped blood to his face. Jongwoon quickly looked away and murmured a quiet thank you, only for his heart to quicken again when a honey-liked voice in mirth.


"I don't think my cooking is that spicy so, hyung, why is your face so red?"

"You're just seeing things..."


He mumbled while lightly swatted a hand that tried to pinch his cheek, pretending to drink water to keep cool (literally and figuratively).


"Omo~ Aren't you two a perfect couple? Say, dear, you're already engaged so when is the wedding?"


Jongwoon choked on the water at the unexpected question. While Kyuhyun helpfully rubbed his back as he coughed, he looked at the old lady opposite him in surprise and disbelief, but Madam Cho didn't seem to find her question odd at all. She looked at them fondly and giggled at the sight of her son hovering around the young man like a distressed puppy worrying about its owner. When he realized that the old lady meant business with her question, Jongwoon glanced at his (fake) fiance beside him but the CEO only gave him helpless-penguin looks. So, he had no choice but to come up with an excuse himself.


"...I did think about it, the wedding, but I'd like us to spend more time together first."


That wasn't a lie. He did consider a marriage life with Kyuhyun but he also knew that it was impossible. Their relationship was fake and they were only great friends at most. Once the one-month period ended, they would end this non-existent love and just be friends, although the thought that he wouldn't get to experience the same affection and kind gestures again made him a bit lonely, being friends was still good enough. Jongwoon snuck a glance at the person next to him, thinking of giving the man a reassuring smile. However, he didn't expect Kyuhyun to look so dejected and he didn't know why. He was about to reach out to the younger but Kyuhyun got up and excused himself first, saying that he had an important call to make. It would be impolite to leave the madam of the house alone so Jongwoon stayed and chatted with the old lady more. Then, after dinner, he headed to the garden where a housekeeper told him that she saw the young master disappear. He found out that the CEO was still on a call and intended to come back later. That is, until he happened to catch a very familiar name in the conversation.


"Ryeowook, will it really work? Maybe I should just come clean and tell the truth..."

"Then this is the perfect chance to do so, don't you think?"


Jongwoon stepped out to the garden and revealed himself. Kyuhyun was so shocked that the younger almost dropped his phone as he hurriedly put it away. He stood tall in front of his fake fiance with his arms crossed over his chest, waiting for an explanation with one raised brow. He hated liars but, from what he had seen of this person so far, he doubted the CEO would have ill intent so he decided to be straightforward.


"So? Wasn't that day supposed to be a blind date? How come you seem to know my brother? And how come neither of you ever think of telling me?"

"Hyung... would you please listen to me first?"

"I'm listening. Go ahead."

"...It's as you suspected. The blind date was set up by me and Ryeowook so that we would meet. Then, I lied that eomma wanted to force me into an engagement so that I could gain your sympathy and made you become my fiance. After that... I would seduce you so that you would agree to marry me for real... I-I swear that I did all of this because I love you! Always have been..."

"Always? Wait, that day wasn't the first time we met each other? And You have yet to tell me your connection with my little brother."

"I was hoping that you might recall even a little bit but you totally forgot me, did you not, hyung?"


Agrreived Kyuhyun pouted and it did remind him of someone he knew. Eyes squinting, Jongwoon tried to recall where he had seen that expression before but failed. It was only when the younger man ruffled his hair into a bang and used his hands to create fake glasses that it rang a bell to him. He grabbed the taller man's face and brought it closer to look carefully: a bang that covered round eyes, thick glasses that hid almost half of the face, and if you were to add a few dots of acne... Jongwoon gasped when the answer finally stopped eluding him.


"You... You're that kid who proposed to me!!?"






"Hyung, father scolded me again. Coax me, please~"

"Kid, you keep sneaking out at night to come here. Of course, your parents would scold you out of worry."


Despite his words, Jongwoon still ruffled the teen boy's hair and let him hang on his body like a baby koala. He had known the kid, Cho Kyuhyun for a year now. They first met when Jongwoon took out trash at the back alley and found the boy being threatened by a robber. He saved Kyuhyun and the teen began to visit him at the convenience store. He let the younger hug and cling to him because Kyuhyun reminded him of his little brother. The boy was very cute through and through. Even if the brat liked to and acted spoiled, Jongwoon was still fond of him and felt like he had another younger brother to dote on.


The problem was, Kyuhyun didn't want to be just a little brother.


One day, the middle schooler cornered and caged him. Obviously, Jongwoon could easily swat the boy's arms at both of his sides and get out of this silly situation. However, Kyuhyun's serious looks that didn't match his adorable features greatly amused him. So, he decided to play along.


"Kyuhyun, are you imitating a scene from rom-com series? Trapping me against a wall?"

"Well, does hyung's heart skip a beat? Do you think I'm cool?"

"No. I have never felt perfectly normal like this before."


Jongwoon snorted when the teenage boy pouted and glared at him.


"Hyung! I'm confessing my love to you so take it seriously!"

"Yeah, yeah, I love you too, Cho Kkuru~"

"Not a brotherly love! Kim Jongwoon, I love you and I want to marry you, and I mean every word of it."


Jongwoon paused after realizing that the boy didn't just want to . Of course, he had no intention of returning the feelings. After all, he didn't have a hobby of going after a love interest who was still a minor. On the other hand, he genuinely adored Kyuhyun and didn't want to hurt the boy's feelings. After thinking deeply, he finally came up with an excuse to make Kyuhyun stop pursuing him romantically.


"Hmm, Kyuhyun, I'm flattered that you like me that much and I like you a lot too. However, this isn't how I imagined my dream confession would be..."

"What is your dream scenario then?"

"Well, you see, I actually love reading trashy romance novels. So, it's always been my dream to get swept off my feet by a rich, tall, and handsome domineering CEO who's gentle and loving only to me. I wanted him to trick me into a relationship with him and made me fall for his little lamb side while hiding his true wolf-ish self that planned to trap me by his side forever through a forced marriage.

Then, when the truth came out to light, I would confront him for lying to me but he would suppress me under his strong body and had me at his mercy for the entire night until I could only think of him and his presence that fulfilled me and my heart. Finally, he would reveal his black-hearted nature and possessive side and make me become his forever. Happy end!"


Jongwoon pinched his thigh to stop himself from laughing at the cute and funny shocked expression of the boy. It worked! Now, Kyuhyun should stop thinking about courting him and eventually forget him when the younger had to move to the USA during high school.


"What...? But it's going to take me more than a decade just to become a CEO! Hyuuung, can't you make me an exception...?"

"I didn't tell you to follow it, though. Kyuhyun, I understand that you're too young to follow through with my weird fantasies and it's okay to confess to me normally. I'll love you either way, just, a bit sad that my dream will never come true..."


Jongwoon sighed softly and looked down to hide a triumphant smile on his lips. There is no way Kyuhyun could fulfill those ridiculous fantasies, at least not now. However, it would still be impossible even after Kyuhyun became an adult. By then, the younger would realize that he was a nut and lost interest in him, or perhaps he would completely forget about everything. He did it! He discouraged Kyuhyun's love for him without hurting the boy's feelings. Jongwoon gave himself a mental head pat as praise while the young man finally stepped back.


"Let's go. I'll send you home."

"Wait! Jongwoon hyung, you must promise me first! Say that you'll wait for me to fulfill your fantasy."

"Yeah, yeah, I promised. Now, it's getting quite—"


Kyuhyun suddenly tip-toed and pecked him on the lips. Stunned, Jongwoon touched his lips, still felt warm from the touch, and looked at the brown-haired boy whose eyes were fixed on him. Seeing that he managed to catch the older man off guard, Kyuhyun smirked gleefully.


"I'll kiss you so you'd better not forget our promise, Kim Jongwoon."

"What the— Yah! Cho Kyuhyun! Show me some respect! I'm your senior—"


Kyuhyun tip-toed and pecked his lips again.






"—I, I remembered everything now! K— Mmhm... Kyu... Stop— Mmm.. Pant, pant, Ah...! Yah! Stop kissing me already!"

"I told you, didn't I? That I'll kiss you if you forget our promise..."



The adorable puppy who grew up into a big bad wolf kept cornering him until his back touched a tree. Then, his lips were captured and savored by the impatient man until his heart almost exploded from too much stimulation. If it was the brat he used to know, he would never react like this. However, Kyuhyun had grown into a fine gentleman whose mere smile made his heart race. Yes, he admitted that he truly fell in love with the current Cho Kyuhyun. Sighing against the plump lips during a short break between the kiss, Jongwoon gave in and wrapped his arms around the taller man's neck to reciprocate the kiss full of longing; only stopping when he felt a wandering hand near his waist. He lightly pushed the other man and glared at the younger who had the nerve to beam at him. Kyuhyun threw himself at him and hugged him tightly. The man's soft hair tickled his neck as Kyuhyun kept rubbing his head on his shoulder.


"Kyuhyun, you haven't told me yet how Wookie is involved in all of this?"

"Mm, we're actually close friends since middle school and kept in touch even after I moved to the USA. He was the one who kept me up to date about your affairs."

"So, you could contact me via my brother if you wanted to but you never did."

"That's because I want you to stop seeing me as a kid! I swore that I wouldn't approach you again until I become a proper man of your dream who sweeps you off your feet."


Kyuhyun gave him a charming smirk that the little boy in the past would never pull off, causing his heart to jump faster.


"Hyung, now that you know everything was your idea all along, you'll forgive me and proceed with our wedding, right?"

"Not so fast, brat. A marriage is no joke so we must consider it carefully. At least let's get to know each other a bit more as two adults, not a kid and a teen."

"But I've been waiting for so long... Oh, could it be that you won't marry me unless I fulfill all of hyung's fantasies?"

"What fantasy—?"



"Then, when the truth came out to light, I would confront him for lying to me but he would suppress me under his strong body and had me at his mercy for the entire night until I could only think of him and his presence that fulfilled me and my heart. Finally, he would reveal his black-hearted nature and possessive side and make me become his forever. Happy end!" 



"—Cough, Kyuhyun, now that you're an adult and all, you must know that I was just joking back then, right?"

"But I'm the type to take every word seriously, especially if it's from you, Jongwoon hyung~"

"Hey! What are you doing!!? Put me down!"

"Just once, pretty please? Think of it as my reward for keeping our promise?"


Kyuhyun's expression suddenly returned to his youth days and Jongwoon instantly realized that he was doomed. He could never say no to that adorable look. This scheming brat!


"Ugh, that's not fair but fine. It's not a bad idea to check our compatibility in bed too... But just once! Okay!?"

"Once, yes, I promise~"





Later on, Jongwoon would learn an important lesson that he shouldn't overlook the wolf underneath the puppy facade and this mistake cost him a sleepless night...



He should have specified how long the "Just once" is!!!




Author's note:

Hi! My bad for no update last week. Actually, I was done writing but I caught a cold so I didn't have energy to edit it. Am not even in my thirties yet but... 🥲

I've been wanting to write blind date and fake marriage au for kyusung and I love how it turned out! (Fake marriage one will be posted soon 😌) Jongwoon who went with flow and got caught in Kyuhyun's scheme is really fun to write hahaha

Next Sunday... There'll be a big surprise to celebrate our beloved Yesung birthday so plz look forward to it!


Take care and love you!   <3

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Chapter 1: Damn get a partner that'll make your fantasy into a reality 😆🤭

and of course Wookie being the best wing man as ever 😌
_MyName_ #2
Chapter 1: My suspicions about Kyuhyun were correct, haha xD I do have to admire his commitment to his wish :D
Oooh, can't wait for next Sunday!
401 streak #3
Chapter 1: As always, love your story! (⁠ ⁠˘⁠ ⁠³⁠˘⁠)⁠♥

Beyond cute~ can't wait for the fake marriage ಡ⁠ ͜⁠ ⁠ʖ⁠ ⁠ಡ
idiyanalexx #4
Chapter 1: This is cute 💙
Honeymoon89 #5
Chapter 1: Hahah this is the best authornim👏👏👏👏im giggling from the start till the end🤭🤭so sweet & so fluffy🥰 haha poor our Jongwoonie..kyu really the real scammer😂😂
bluesky0125 #6
Chapter 1: Awww this is so cute!!! Kyu returning to fulfill his promise to Jongwoon hyung. Thanks for sharing this story! 💙
enpress_ellen #7
Chapter 1: Happy ending 💕 hope you feel better and the cold goes away soon