Hatch the eggshells

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In the wake of her father's office, Sana's steps slowed as her ears captured the strains of her mother's voice, b with excitement. Curiosity got the better of her, prompting her to linger by the slightly ajar door to listen in on their conversation.

"You found her?" her mother's voice surged with a mixture of delight and disbelief. It was an emotion that had been withheld for a decade of searching and waiting, now finally surfacing as they located their long-lost daughter.

The anticipation in the air was palpable as her mother's voice quivered with excitement once more, asking, "When is she coming home?" The room fell into an expectant hush as the realization dawned that Sana had overheard their exchange.

Throat clearing, Sana stepped into the room, offering a subtle smile to her parents before sinking into a couch nearby. She was an observer of her family scene, her gaze catching her mother's animated expression and her father's intent focus on the documents strewn across his desk.

"Ah, Sana. What brings you here?" her father's question punctuated the room, his attention still tethered to the papers before him.

Setting her intrigue aside, Sana addressed her purpose. "I've sorted the papers you asked for. They're ready to be reviewed."

Her father's head bobbed in acknowledgment as he flipped through the documents. "Well done. You can go for now. I'll have another batch ready for you next week," he remarked, his approval tangible as he gave her a light tap on the shoulder before rising from his chair.

"Thank you, Father." Sana's reply was accompanied by a respectful bow, a display of her adherence to the proprieties even within the confines of their familial interactions. As her parents' attention shifted back to their discourse, Sana left the room, her steps heavy with a mixture of emotions.

Navigating through the corridors, she fished her phone from her pocket, her mind preoccupied with thoughts of her forthcoming challenges. Responsibilities weighed heavily on her shoulders, the company's future uncertain as her brother Seokjin and a shadowy rival vied for dominance.

With a heavy sigh, she dialed her friend Mina's number, seeking solace amidst the storm that brewed within her mind.

"Mina," Sana greeted as the call connected, her tone carrying the weight of her thoughts. The distant sounds of music and laughter in the background hinted at Mina's whereabouts.

"Just a moment," Mina's voice filtered through, momentarily muffled as she distanced herself from the bustling ambiance. Soon, her voice reemerged with clarity, "Hey, Sana. Sorry about that. I'm at a friend's party."

Sana's frustration simmered beneath the surface, her voice tinged with exasperation. "Whose party?"

"One of the elite crowds," Mina answered, a hint of shyness lacing her tone. She was well aware of Sana's distaste some elites and their superiority complex.

"Whose elite friend?" Sana's probing voice indicated her desire for details, her posture perched on the edge of her bed.

"Jeongyeon's," Mina confessed, a note of concern present in her voice as she navigated the intricate social dynamics.

Sana's response was casual, "Send me the address." Her focus remained on the meticulous organization of papers on her desk, each document a microcosm of her impending challenges.

Mina's confusion was palpable as she questioned, "Why? Sana, if you're trying to..."

Sana interjected with a dismissive tone, "I feel like getting wasted tonight. Invite Momo and Couz. I'll be there." The call ended abruptly, and Sana was left with her thoughts and the orderly stacks of paperwork.






"So, what's all this commotion about? Good heavens, if this turns out to be some sort of prank, I swear I'll give her a piece of my mind. I haven't even finished my skincare routine yet," Hirai grumbled, her annoyance evident as she settled into a seat next to Jennie. The frustration on Jennie's face mirrored Hirai's; she had been right in the middle of a date when Mina's call interrupted, summoning them to the party orchestrated by their so-called "queen."

Mina chimed in, explaining the urgency. "I'm genuinely surprised, though. I was fully expecting her to show up here and cause chaos at Jeong's party. But she claims she's here to get wasted."

Hirai and Jennie exchanged puzzled glances at Mina's revelation. "She said that?" Momo's inquiry cut through the conversation, her curiosity piqued by the unexpected turn of events.
Mina confirmed, "Indeed, she did."

Their trio had unintentionally drawn the attention of the other attendees, as whispers began to swirl around the room. The buzz grew louder as the door swung open, revealing the one they had been waiting for – Sana Kim. But this wasn't the Sana they were accustomed to; she appeared in an outfit that exuded confidence and daring, a striking departure from her usual poised and formal demeanor.

While this transformation might have been a novelty for others in the room, Hirai, Kim, and Mina were already familiar with these facets of Sana. They had witnessed her various personas and understood the complexity of her character. Sana's switch from her usual classy image to this audacious outfit ignited their curiosity about her motives for embracing this bold look while mingling with the elites.

Momo couldn't resist throwing in a playful comment as she greeted Sana, "Well, well, what do we have here? Sana, are you finally breaking out of your shell?" A sly grin accompanied her words, acknowledging the stark shift in Sana's presentation.

Rolling her eyes

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Hi! I've been thinking about the plot of this story. Several chapters have already been written, and I don't know how it might be perceived from a reader's point of view. I'm open to receiving your opinions on this, which could help me tweak certain details in the upcoming chapters as I review them.


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michelaprillisa #1
Chapter 15: Watch out dahyun! Mad sana is coming 🤣
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update author
The_Enlightened_1 #3
Chapter 15: Update please author, It's too short T_T
Saida13 #4
Chapter 15: Thank you for updating Author nim. We'll wait for your next updates. Thank you
ggwp77 #5
Chapter 15: Thank you for the update!!!!
The_Enlightened_1 #6
Chapter 14: author update plzz 🥺
1198 streak #7
Chapter 1: Oh this sounds real interesting 👀
Dorkdubu #8
Chapter 14: Moreee pleaseeee
Aiko8114 #9
Chapter 12: They got what they deserved! HA!
ichigosk #10
Chapter 12: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA, karma is the best.