✧*・゚ cheatsheet

✧*・゚ VEGA ・゚*✧⠀⠀⠀between spotlights and scandals⠀⠀⠀open!
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vega debuted in 2023 to great fame and success, owing to the brilliance of their predebut track, back to the city, and a refreshing youthful concept. they attempted to debut in japan, but didn't achieve enough success to try again. surprisingly, however, they found moderately decent success in china and continued to promote there.

during future activities, the group's image of a 'perfect' idol group began to suffer as it became clear that, due to the clashing personalities of the members, they were not cohesive as a group. later on, individual members began to have scandals associated with their name, though their music remained popular and they still had a dedicated fanbase.

in the end, however, the scandals became too much, and the company pushed out lyra's solo debut to try to alleviate the rumors. her album was met with disappointment, and the gossip continued. the period between lyra's solo debut and the group's eridanus album were torturous for the members, as their public perception decreased drastically. eridanus saved them, but not for long.

the group's monoceros album was praised for being fresh and true to the members' youth, but public perception agreed that the songs weren't unique enough. this, coupled with yet another major scandal(s), led the company to debut hydra solo, to turn attention away.

needless to say, it didn't work, and vega quietly went on hiatus. sometime later, the company decided that vega wasn't worth the risk anymore and disbanded them with a final goodbye album.

your faceclaim's age range must be from 1995-2004. you can age your characters up/down by a max of three years, making the effective character age range 16-31. note that delphinius must be the youngest member.

* DO NOT * use newjeans as faceclaims. if you do, your application will be rejected immediately. if you need some ideas, i suggest using idols who've had youthful/fantastical concepts before.

taken faceclaim: lovelyz's kei

i will not allow racebending. some plotlines, however, must be a foreign national. some plotlines must be korean, and other plotlines are open to any ethnicity. it's also cool if you want to use non-asian idols for the foreign members.

in the appearance section, tell me if your character has piercings/tattoos or if they will get them in the future. also let me know if your character refuses to dye their hair or gets plastic surgery or anything like that. preferably, your faceclaim should have pictures of having everything you say they'll have, including a certain color hair or plastic surgery or whatever.

personality + background. 
i require at least 3 positive traits and 3 negative traits, and a detailed elaboration. you can add neutral traits, mbti types, hogwarts houses etc, but those are optional. each plotline has a different required personality, so try to match those as best as you can.

certain plotlines have certain required backgrounds, notably delphinius. try to keep it realistic, but other than that, there's no restrictions.

trivia + training. 
try to give me 3 likes, 3 dislikes, 3 fears, 3 hobbies, 3 habits, and 3 miscellaneous trivia. there's no upper limit for the trivia, so

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✧*・゚ VEGA // i want to add some chinese singles to vega's discography, so look forward to that!


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philosocrates #1
Chapter 4: hiya, for love interests, is it okay if we have 2 kinda like a love triangle or is that too much?
Chapter 5: Thanks for the review. I already added the character used for her name.
Yes. Manipulative is a suitable traits for her. And you can play around with it to makes her do anything to makes the group end. Lol.
For sure she will be thriving living her life. And never step back in industry.
Yes. Matchmake her with anyone for her scandal. But none of them would be her real love interest. And she actually in relationships to destroy her image. So that why it didn't last long.
If Chinese paladin for her debut it would be interesting. Since ju jingyi future projects one of it is Chinese paladin 4.
Yeah. Pull any drama from the past. Or maybe can just wait for new drama out there.
Hopefully you will get more app.
how many times can we apply?
mello_marshmallow #4
I'm so happy you like my character, Mira. I've made changes to Mira based on your recommendations. The changes I've made are in green so it's easier. Thanks for your helpful review, hopefully, she is now to your liking. I'm looking forward to when the story starts.
Chapter 5: thank you so much for the review! glad that you like hieora! done fixing the form based on your review!
14 streak #6
Chapter 4: Does the fc for the carina plotline have to be promoted as the visual of their group?
Chapter 1: 👀👀👀 on the hydra plot
hehehehehe 😏
y e s s s
14 streak #9
Chapter 3: The entire discography is AHMAZING
14 streak #10
Chapter 1: I have ideas for some of the plotlines already!