
Killing our Ghosts

Minjeong’s hands trembled as she pressed the numbers on her phone dial and the call button. There was a small hope that Jimin could be busy, so she wouldn’t answer the call-


“Yoo Jimin.” Minjeong recognized her voice.

“Kim Minjeong. You found my number-“

“Yeah, starting from there, didn’t you have any other place to write it other than my body? And why the would you leave me money? I’m not that kind of person, you know?” Minjeong exploded.

There was silence over the line, and Minjeong clenched her jaw.

“Excuse me?” Jimin seemed taken aback. “Yes, I know you’re not a... someone who takes money for that, Minjeong. I left you money in case you needed to eat or come back home, since I have no idea where you live or if you have a car at all. And about the number, I was kind of in a hurry, so it was the first thing that came to my mind. It's eyeliner pencil though, it should come off easily.”

Minjeong closed her eyes and covered her face with her free hand.

“...” Minjeong breathed out. “I-I’m sorry, Jimin.”

“I’m sorry too, for making you think that. I really didn't consider you might misunderstand.”

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t want to judge you. And thank you for worrying about me, but... I can’t use that money.”

“Why not? Please use it, Minjeong.”

“It’s a lot, Jimin! I can’t accept it.”

“Minjeong, please, use it. Treat yourself to a good meal, or else I’ll feel bad. You deserve as much for having stood up for me like that last night. You really helped me.”

Minjeong eyed the money on the nightstand. “Only if you agree to my conditions.”


“Let’s forget about this silly misunderstanding and meet again, and you’ll let me repay you.”

Minjeong had no idea about Jimin’s intentions, but if she paid back, it was not like she was abusing her goodwill, right?

“That sounds amazing. When and where?”

Minjeong thought for a bit about her schedule for the next week. “Tomorrow night at S&S.”

“Perfect.” Even If Minjeong couldn’t see it, she could hear the smile on Jimin’s lips.

“And can we not get drunk this time? I wanna be with you without alcohol in the mix.”

“Oh, is that so, Kim Minjeong?” Now, Minjeong could hear the smirk.

“I-I didn’t mean it like that!”

“So, you don’t wanna be with me like that?”

“I… didn't say that either," Minjeong admitted, hiding her face in her hand once more.

Jimin chuckled, and it sounded so pure and genuine Minjeong couldn’t help but giggle along.

Her phone started vibrating in her hand and Minjeong peeked at it, gasping when she saw the name on the screen.

“Jimin, I’m sorry, I need to go. I’ll see you tomorrow!”

“Alright. Enjoy your weekend.”

“You too.” Minjeong smiled and hung up, accepting the other call. “Hi, sweetheart.”

“Mom!” Yerim’s high-pitched voice pierced Minjeong’s ear, but never failed to leave a smile on her lips as well. “Where are you?”

“Good morning, sunshine. I’m sorry, mom fell asleep, but I’ll be there shortly, okay?”

“Okay, hurry up! I’m hungry and you promised me donuts for breakfast if I finished homework fast. And I did it! You can ask grandma,” Yerim whined.

“You’re right, and I didn’t forget. Wait just a bit more, yes? I'll stop by the bakery and I'll get your favorite!”

Minjeong rushed to the bathroom so she could take a quick shower before leaving for her mother’s house, where Yerim always spent the night when Minjeong worked late.

She also had to find a way to clean Jimin’s number from her body. She didn't know what Jimin's eyeliner was made of, but judging from how hard it was to remove, probably tattoo ink.

Having Saturday off, she spent the whole day with her daughter, Yerim. Minjeong used the money Jimin left her and treated her with whatever she wanted for lunch (of course, being a nine year old kid, she would choose burgers or some other overly processed junk food).

When they reached home by the end of the afternoon, Minjeong let her tired body hit the couch with a sigh. It was a tiring day, but she was happy, and so was Yerim.

“Mom, what’s for dinner?”

Minjeong looked at her from the corner of her eyes and chuckled.

“How can you be hungry already?”

Yerim shrugged and threw her body to the couch, laying her head on her mom's shoulder.

“What do you wanna eat?”

“Fried rice.”

Yerim gave Minjeong a puppy eyed look, even though it wasn’t necessary. It didn’t matter how tired Minjeong was, she would do anything for her daughter. It had been like that since the day she was born.

After dinner, a video game session, and kissing Yerim good night, Minjeong finally hit her bed. She rolled to her side and Jimin’s face popped up in her mind. Not just her face, but everything about last night. Minjeong didn't remember the last time she felt so excited to go meet someone, and she didn't know how to feel about it.

Her work day was over at last as Minjeong did the last delivery at S&S. She walked to the bar and looked around.

“She’s not here yet.”

Minjeong sat and looked ahead at Hyunjin.

“Who’s she? Minjeong asked.

“Jimin, was it?"

Minjeong irked an eyebrow. “How do you-“

“So, yesterday.”

“What about it?”

“You tell me.”

Opening and closing , Minjeong couldn’t find a way to form words.

“You ed.”

“Will you stop being so vulgar for a second, Kim Hyunjin?” Minjeong hit her arm while Hyunjin giggled.

“Okay, sorry, let me rephrase it. You two had an amazing night of pleasure, offering each other a trip to heaven and back.”

“Hyunjin…” Minjeong shook her head, feeling her face hot, but laughing nonetheless.

“I'm right, ain't I? Don’t need to act all shy about it. I’m really happy for you! You stepped out of your comfort zone, met a girl, had , you're moving on!” Hyunjin patted her shoulder.

“I don’t even know her, Hyunjin. It was a one night thing, it didn’t mean anything.” For some reason, Minjeong’s heart clenched.

“And yet you're looking for her as we speak.” Hyunjin smiled, cleaning the glasses.

Minjeong remained silent. Her fingers tapped the counter in anticipation. Did Jimin forget? Did she give up on meeting Minjeong?

Just when invasive thoughts were about to swarm her mind, she heard the sound of heels coming closer. As if she knew it was Jimin, she looked at her right side with a smile already on her lips.

“H-Hi,” Minjeong said.

“Hello, Minjeong. It’s great to see you.” Jimin smiled and oh she was so beautiful.

A forced cough made both girls look ahead, where Hyunjin stood by the other side of the counter.

“Oh, let me introduce you-"

“Hi, Jimin, it's great knowing your name after all the drinks I served you.” Hyunjin slightly bowed her head with a smile.

“Likewise, Hyunjin. So, what were you girls doing?” Jimin asked, leaning on the counter with her forearms.

“Nothing special.” Hyunjin shrugged. “Minjeong here was talking about you, about how bea-"

“I-I bet she knows that already, just get us two whiskeys please.”

Hyunjin smirked. “Of course, just a sec.”

Jimin looked at Minjeong with a raised eyebrow.

“What do I know, Minjeong?”

“Oh, that, uhm-"

“That you’re beautiful.” Hyunjin came back with the whiskeys, winked at them, and turned around to prepare more drinks.

Minjeong felt like slapping both Hyunjin and herself.

“Thank you, Minjeong.” Jimin took a sip of her drink, her eyes never leaving hers. “Even if you think I know I’m beautiful, It’s always great to hear it. Especially from you.”

“I-I, well...” Minjeong’s mouth opened and closed. “I wasn’t actually saying that, even though I was talking about you, but of course you’re… stunning.”

“You’re gorgeous yourself, Minjeong.”

Minjeong gulped and looked down at her whisky, grabbing the glass and drinking it in one go.

“We’re not getting drunk tonight, remember?” Jimin elbowed her.

“I know, I’m just… nervous.” She ended up admitting, regretting the second Jimin laughed.

“Nervous? Why? Am I that intimidatingly pretty?”


“Why was that a question?” Jimin laughed even more, hiding with the back of her hand.


“Okay, okay, I’m sorry for laughing. Let’s start over, alright? How about we ask a question to each other in turns?” Jimin suggested, and Minjeong nodded. “I'll start. How old are you?”

“Twenty-eight. You?”


“You serious?” Minjeong’s chin dropped. “I mean, I'm sorry for not speaking politely. I could swear you were my age or younger.”

“Yes. I know I look younger.” Jimin dramatically waved her hair. "Don't worry about it. Just pretend we're the same age."

“Cocky too.”

“You could say so. And those were two questions, by the way.” Jimin smiled, taking another sip.

Minjeong frowned. “Oh, come on, the second wasn’t really a question!”

“My turn.” Jimin ignored Minjeong’s protest. “What did you do this weekend?”

“I spent the day with my daughter yesterday and worked today.”

“You have a daughter?” Jimin couldn’t hide the surprise in her voice and eyes, as they grew big in her face. “What’s her name? How old is she?”

“Yes, really. Her name’s Yerim, she's turning ten next month, and those were three questions.”

Jimin stared at Minjeong for a few seconds as if she was thinking hard about something, and then giggled.

“You're right, I'll cancel the rule of one question. You have a daughter but you’re hanging out with me this late into the night?”

“That makes me sound like an awful mother." Minjeong shook her head with a chuckle. "Whenever I work the late shift, she stays at my mother’s house. I can’t leave her alone at home, right?”

"Okay, it makes sense, I’m not judging you.” Jimin giggled. “I’m deducing you’re a single mother?"

Minjeong only nodded.

"Interesting. What about Yerim's father?"

"He's dead," Minjeong said, as she waved at Hyunjin for another whisky.

When Minjeong looked at Jimin, she seemed frozen in time.

"I am so sorry, Minjeong, I had no ide-"

"That's okay. My turn now, right?" Minjeong drank down her second whisky.

Jimin nodded, and their conversation went on.

Minjeong wasn’t surprised that even without excessive alcohol, they ended up in Jimin’s hotel room. So after all, it had meant something else other than a casual night between two women just looking to have fun.

She liked the first night she spent with Jimin, but now, it felt as if Minjeong was experiencing it for the first time ever. Something new and different.

The way Jimin touched and kissed her, and actually let her do the same to her. She wondered how could it be possible for her to feel like that with someone she had met two days ago, and especially, after everything that had happened. It pained her how the memories still lingered in the back of her mind, like a ghost hunting her for eternity. It was as if, only now, that Minjeong had been with Jimin, she realized how awful it always had been with-

“Minjeong?” Jimin whispered, bringing her back from the thoughts. “You okay?”

“Y-Yes, I just spaced out.”

“Wanna go to sleep?”

“No, not yet. Just... stay like this.”

Jimin smiled and lightly pecked her lips, resting her head back on Minjeong’s shoulder. With her arms around Jimin’s body, Minjeong squeezed her, pressing their and warm bodies against each other. Minjeong wanted to stay like that. It felt... right.

Minjeong eyed Jimin from the corner of her eyes. Jimin snuggled even closer, hiding in the crook of her neck. Minjeong had no idea what was going through Jimin’s mind, but she seemed so calm, so... at peace.

“Can I ask you a question?” Jimin broke the silence.

“You already did.” Minjeong teased, earning a glare from her.

“You’re very thin, but your arms are so toned? How?” Jimin’s hand slid up and down her bicep.

“My job,” she said, earning a curious look from Jimin. “I deliver drinks to cafes, bars, restaurants, and hotels. I work almost all the time by myself, so I need to carry those heavy pallets alone.”

Jimin nodded with her eyebrows raised and a hint of a smirk on her lips as her hand traveled down to Minjeong’s stomach.

“What about these abs?”

“Daily workout,” she said, enjoying Jimin’s soft touch.

“Just exactly how much do you need to work out for this?” Jimin asked as her fingertips traced her muscles.

“A hundred crunches, fifty push-ups, and thirty squats. I jog too when I have free time, and I also like to dance.”

“Are you a workout addict or something? And uh, you need to show me your dance moves.”

Minjeong chuckled. “I'm not great, I just... like it, I guess. And no, I'm not a workout addict. I just really enjoy it. It releases stress, keeps my mind busy, and I like my body like this. Helps reduce the effort and pain I get from my job too.”

“Oh, I like it too.” Jimin dug her nails on her stomach, as Minjeong hissed and smiled at her words, grabbing Jimin’s wrist to stop her.

“That tickles.”

“Really?” Jimin grinned, and little did Minjeong know she had just unleashed the beast.

Jimin jumped on top of her, tickling her stomach and ribs. Minjeong laughed so hard she had lost any strength to stop her now, and begging her to was useless. Gathering all her might, Minjeong grabbed both Jimin’s arms and rolled over her.

“Don’t you... do that... again...” Minjeong panted.

Looking down at Jimin’s face, at her warm, beautiful, adorable smile, made Minjeong’s heart skip a beat. Minjeong hadn’t felt like that for so long, she thought at some point there wouldn’t be anyone able to do it again.

Minjeong didn’t know Jimin. She didn’t know anything about her life, her personality, or her past. At least not yet. Did Minjeong want to know? Did she want to risk going through all of that again?

What if Jimin was like him?

“Minjeong,” Jimin called, worry replacing her smile. “What’s wrong?”

Minjeong shook her head and blinked her clouded eyes.


“Then why are you crying?” Jimin wiped the small tears on Minjeong’s cheeks with her thumbs.

Minjeong laid next to Jimin and snuggled in her neck.



“Can we... Get to know each other better?”

Even without looking at Jimin, Minjeong knew she was smiling again.

“Of course. I wanna get to know you, too. I was really happy when you said you wanted to meet me again, you know?”

Minjeong raised her head and met her stare.

“Then, let’s meet yet again. Let’s hang out, talk, do things together.”

Jimin grinned and nodded, leaning closer and kissing Minjeong’s lips.

Yes, Minjeong would risk it. Because for the first time in countless years, Jimin was the only one able to ignite a spark in Minjeong, even if she couldn’t understand why, or how.

But that had to mean something.



hope you're enjoying the mystery already heheheheh who the is HIM???

Twitter - @itzloonatic
CuriousCat -

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oofiee 1082 streak #1
Chapter 14: this is so good 😭 im happy winter found someone she could share her burdens with

thank you for writing this!
oofiee 1082 streak #2
Chapter 12: omg finallyyy, i was scared af w/ the vibe ningning was giving off initially 😩

scared irene and sooyoung will take the matters outside of court and harm them...
oofiee 1082 streak #3
Chapter 11: true... minjeong shouldnt worry too much abt jimin running away :')
oofiee 1082 streak #4
Chapter 10: 🥹
lordakm #5
Chapter 9: Chapter8: the heartwarming fluff was soooo overwhelming in the best way possible 😭🖤🖤
oofiee 1082 streak #6
Chapter 9: she was probably feeling lonely dealing with this case last time so it must be a v nice change to have jimin around :')
oofiee 1082 streak #7
Chapter 8: you are so good with words! their convo is so heartwarming 🥺
oofiee 1082 streak #8
Chapter 7: yerim almost lost both of her parents to the same thing...

didnt expect karina's reaction given all her reassurance to minjeong but understandable... she mustve never thought minjeong's past is directly related to her
Chapter 6: It’s okay!! Hope youre taking care of yourself aaand gosh not ready for a heavy one since im kinda in the slumps ;-; BUT ITS OKAY. WILL WAIT REGARDLESS
whykidleader_ #10
Chapter 3: This is so well written, I am really amazed. Glad I came upon this while I randomly searching for JMJ stories. Looking forward how the stories unfold. Author-nim, fighting ! 👍