[Chapter 6] - Ripple

In Your Eyes
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“Baek, I thought you called me out to have a meeting.”

“Indeed I did.”

“So what are we doing here?”

Jieun is certain grilling meat at a traditional themed barbeque restaurant isn’t part of the itinerary. She and Baekhyun were well ahead of their classmates to the point there wasn’t much to discuss in the meantime. Yet somehow that hasn’t stopped him from dragging her out in the name of group work.

“I saw online this restaurant’s super popular right now, wouldn’t hurt to see if it’s worth the hype.” Baekhyun disregards her confusion and continues maneuvering his set of tongs.

What does that have to do with me? Jieun holds her tongue and sighs without much of a fight. It’s simpler to just go along with the flow when it comes to him. 

It’s only because their status quo as neighbors was no longer a secret to their friends that the two of them started hanging out more in public. Baekhyun was right; if they don’t make a deal of it, no one will. The mild reaction was followed by a day that resumed just like any other, the only exception being Chanyeol demanding Seungwan (now affectionately dubbed as ‘swag rapper Wendy’) for a rematch to reclaim his title. The wildcard that was Seulgi was more preoccupied with talking about Joohyun. Jieun’s interactions with Sehun proceed as normal, the incident being nothing more than a blip in the galaxy. 

That’s not to say there wasn't some layer of genuine curiosity bubbling underneath the surface. Jieun could tell the girls were dying to ask. It’s written on their faces every time they witness her and Baekhyun within proximity of each other. Even if they were to corner her, sit her down and interrogate her, she still wouldn’t know how to explain the story. 

Baekhyun tells her not to heed to it. His argument was blunt as it was sensible: “There’s nothing weird about a healthy friendship between men and women. If anyone thinks otherwise it’s their own problem.” 

Maybe Jieun is the one with a problem. She still thinks of their friendship as an oddity, but she doesn’t dislike his company either. If anything, it’s starting to become much the opposite.

“The taste is alright, above average but not mind blowing as advertised. Meh, I’ll give it a solid six out of ten.” Baekhyun states his whelmed verdict after finishing his last piece of galbi. 

“Isn’t the interior the selling point? I’ll give it a bonus point for ambiance.” Jieun remarks though she’s inclined to agree with Baekhyun’s opinion. It was surprisingly fun seeing him out and about trying new things when he’s usually more of a homebody. Why the person who accompanies him has to be her, she’s not quite sure.

“You know, there was this underrated hole in the wall on the same block.” Baekhyun points a finger towards the direction of the booth window. “Yeol and I used to frequent it back in junior high, huge shame ‘cause it closed down three years ago.”

“No way! I know which one you’re talking about.” The way Jieun’s palm suddenly slams the dining table as she leans in with shock inevitably startles him. “Their meat quality was the real deal, what cruel soul forced them out of business?”

Baekhyun’s dissonant stare is one of perplexity, as though Jieun’s reaction didn't add up in his head. A devious smirk then crosses his lips; what might easily be brushed off by others doesn’t fly past his memory.

“So you have lived in Seoul before, Miss newcomer Yoon Jieun.” 

His deduction nearly gives Jieun a heart attack. She wants to curse. She’s getting too comfortable around him that uncanny details carelessly escape from her control. 

“Bold of you to assume, h-have you considered maybe I’ve traveled before?”

“You must have been a real dedicated sleuth to find a local establishment as hidden as this one, as a teenager no less.”

Jieun scrunches her cheeks as her lips draw a thin line, taking an exasperated inhale. She got too passionate and now she doesn’t have a convincing reason to cover her slip up. 

Fortunately for her, Baekhyun takes the hint and lets her off the hook. “Relax, I’m not holding it against you. We can keep it between us.” He understands there exists clear cut boundaries to their relationship - he’d been the one who reinforced them, after all.

The TV monitor situated above their heads takes a commercial break from the generic melodrama playing throughout their dinner. One particular segment catches Jieun’s eye - a highlight teaser for ‘Mozart!’, the musical Sehun had mentioned with a delayed premiere date. The theatrical extravagance of flashy costumes and emotive acting fascinates her; she hadn’t actually thought about what an authentic production would entail.

Baekhyun follows her gaze, curious as to what absorbed her attention. “Ah, isn’t that the same production they’re doing next semester?”

“Yeah. I know Sehun really wanted to go see it with Junmyeon.” Jieun mentally reminds herself to ask if he managed to secure tickets. 

“Right.” He hums, twisting two fingers around a drawstring of his green hoodie. “What about you, did you want to go?”

“I haven’t thought about it. I’ve never watched a real musical before, only a few school plays.” Jieun admits despite the palpable interest in her voice. “Looking at it now, it certainly is fantastical.”

They fall into momentary silence, though she’s aware of Baekhyun’s contemplative expression, as though having an internal debate with himself. She tilts her head with an inquisitive glance, did she utter something strange again?

“Then why don’t we go together?” 

When he speaks up, it’s Jieun who gives him a wide-eyed, astounded stare.


Baekhyun’s already pulling out his phone, searching for dates and swiping through ticketing. “There's still a few seats left for opening night. If we don’t book now they’ll be gone for good.” 

“A-a-are you serious?” Jieun’s not opposed to the idea. Inexplicable anticipation bubbles in her chest, a different kind than if any of her other friends were to ask her. “You haven’t even said if you like musicals.”

His thumb halts over the screen. There’s another distinct shift in his eyes, a rare occurrence for Baekhyun to second guess his own decision.

“Yes.” He responds, dragging the syllable slowly, though he neither confirms nor denies the latter. “I’m down to go if you are.”

A tempting offer from a boy who continues fiddling with the drawstrings of his hoodie. A boy who primarily relies on excuses so Jieun would spend time with him, begrudgingly or not. This was the first time he’d invited her in such a straightforward manner. He’s never this nervous, this…shy. 

It gently stirs an emotion Jieun doesn’t recognize. But what she does recognize is the regret she’d feel if she refused.

She nods once, firmly. “Okay. Let’s do it.”

“Great. You can pay me back later.” Baekhyun purchases the tickets on the spot, his lips lifting into a grin that radiates enough excitement to make Jieun’s chest flutter. “I can’t wait.”


University is to blame for Jieun’s heightened sense of superstition; if the chaos theory that is the butterfly effect exists, there’s been a tiny shift in the pendulum that makes her hyper-aware of details she’d normally skim over with nonchalance.

The next morning starts a little off-track: with Baekhyun already seated in the lecture hall as Jieun hurried up the flights of stairs, squeezing past classmates with their pushed out chairs and a vastly surprised Seulgi to her designated spot between them. 

She and Baekhyun seldom leave their apartments around the same time. He wasn’t much of an early riser and her coffee runs remained a strict part of her morning routine. Their reversed roles prove to be an amusing sight, even to Chanyeol who appears sleep deprived as ever. 

“Rough night?” Baekhyun asks, one eyebrow playfully raised.

“Hardly. I forgot to charge my phone last night.” Jieun’s too stubborn to reveal she slept past her alarm after staying up too late binging a show he’d recommended.

“I had a feeling you’d be late. Your blinds were still closed as I was about to head out.” 

Jieun gulps. She hadn’t realized Baekhyun memorized her habit of letting in sunlight when she wasn’t home. 

“Thought you might miss your morning caffeine, so…” The comical smile on his face turns into something slightly bashful. “I got you coffee. Wasn’t sure which one you liked best but I guessed you’d prefer something sweet.”

Baekhyun pushes a beverage towards her, a Strawberry Sunday logo printed on its cup sleeve. The act of kindness catches Jieun completely off guard. Granted, there was never a day she came to class without a caffeinated drink in hand. How did Baekhyun predict a chain of events from one assumption alone?

“O-oh! Um..thank you, I appreciate it.” She picks up the cup with unwonted shakiness and takes a sip - caramel latte, her favorite. 

Her seatmate breathes a relieved chuckle when her eyes light up with satiation. “You’re very welcome.”

Jieun never stops to think about how attentive Baekhyun actually is. 

He sometimes texts her to bring an umbrella if they receive an early rainfall warning, because Jieun mentioned she has a bad tendency to forget items she leaves by the door.

When they walk side by side, he usually stays on her left because she prefers carrying her bag on the right shoulder. 

And that time she told him Sehun canceled their dinner plans due to a last-minute meeting with Professor Lim, he casually stepped in as substitute so she wouldn’t have to waste the reservation. 

As pushy as he seems on the outside, Baekhyun’s considerate in subtle ways without explicitly expressing his intentions.  

Yet in comparison, she hasn’t figured out a thing about him.

It was a particular day as she was tagging along with Chanyeol and Seungwan after classes that she springs up the topic. “What was Baekhyun like in high school?"

The question was specifically directed at Chanyeol, though she needed Seungwan’s presence as moral support. Her friends give each other those fleeting eye signals, as they often do when Baekhyun gets brought up by Jieun in any passing form.

“Loud.” Chanyeol deadpans along with Seungwan’s choked giggle. They’re sharing an inside joke that causes them both to burst into laughter. “He was pretty wild. Literally the whole student body knew of his reputation, that kind of a guy.”

“Reputation? Was he infamous for playing around with girls-” Seungwan stares at Jieun like she just committed slander.

“No not like that. Baekhyun’s not the type to sleep around.” Chanyeol shakes his head to Baekhyun’s defense. “He’s dated before, none of them lasted. He’s sorta no nonsense when it comes to that stuff.”

“Don’t forget he’s extremely picky! Probably why he’s been painfully single for so long.” Seungwan quips. “Use your words better Yeol, you’re giving Jieun the wrong impression.”

Oh. But they had no idea. The Baekhyun from this summer might like to have a word with them. Or maybe not, so as to not tarnish his image.

“Sorry, sorry. What I’m trying to say is-” Chanyeol puts his hands up as the shorter redhead gives him a pointed jab. “Baek was kinda everywhere, I wouldn’t call him a social butterfly but he was never afraid to put himself out of his comfort zone.”

“Don’t you think he’s changed a lot though, Yeol? I don’t remember him being this…mellow?” They’re going down a memory lane Jieun can’t see, though she wishes she could take a peek. 

Chanyeol ponders to himself, as though he too made a similar revelation. “I dunno if he decided to turn down a few notches for university, he’s not as outgoing as before either.” 

“People mature, maybe he just matured faster than others.” Jieun finds herself

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rachanne #1
Chapter 13: The way I got sooo excited to see this story updated!! Probably one of my favorite stories rn!

Hopefully life gets a little less stressful for you soon! I always look forward to your updates, but I don’t mind waiting at all!
SummerLuv #2
Chapter 13: Oh no, he's gonna fall again I guess 😬 take your time! Some of us are still here 😃
Chapter 13: Patiently waiting on these two to realize they’re perfect for each other :)
I have such respect for anyone who writes and shares anything; I hope you overcome the block, I can only imagine how frustrating that is.
Have you listened to Dean’s new song? He featured on a song with Tabber called Chik-ka that I really liked
Chapter 13: I'm still here!!! I would be very happy if you continue writing this story <333
Chapter 13: I love their banter,pliz continue.........
Chapter 13: Oooh i love their sweet everyday day convo but somehow deep. Ah am torn sorry sehun. I guess am rooting for baek but i hope he really means it with her and forget his past. Thank you for the update authornim
SummerLuv #7
Chapter 12: I can totally forget about sehun's existent in this chapter 😂 THEY ARE SO CUTE!!!
SummerLuv #8
Chapter 11: Oooooh that shirt and its scent!!! Hahaha, the dynamic between baekhyun and jieun is different, more sparkly than jieun and sehun I guess? Also, she is kinda able to be more of herself when she's with baekhyun than trying to live up to a certain image with sehun.
SummerLuv #9
Chapter 8: Noooooo that's some messed up right there 🥲
SummerLuv #10
Chapter 6: Kinda unfair for Baekhyun that Jieun has been treating him so differently from the beginning as tho he's some bad lol. Poor him always trying to be better around her while she still has her own prejudice against him 🥲