Dada rode the "Bu*tt"

Dada rode the "Bu*tt"
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When we have an additional member of the family, we always want to be with them right? Even when we are miles apart. That's what happened today. Winter's grandparents called Tiffany's phone one evening because Taeyeon is not answering. Tiffany said that Taeyeon probably immersed in her painting that's why she couldn't answer her phone.

Winter's grandparents wanted to borrow their grandchild for the weekend considering that it is a long weekend. Tiffany said that she will let Taeyeon know first and it's okay for her. It is better for the child to know her family more and to bond and for also to explore.

After the phone call, Tiffany went to Taeyeon's studio and told her that Winter's grandparents called. Taeyeon said that it is okay but they need to commute because her car needs to change the oil. Tiffany offered hers but Taeyeon said it's okay and she wants Winter to experience how to commute.


”Say bye to Mommy. " Taeyeon said to the overly excited Winter

"Mommy bye~ take care and I wuv you~" Winter hugged her mother and kissed her cheeks.

"Bye baby~ be a good girl okay? Don't talk to strangers and always listen to your grandma and grandpa and your auntie okay? Call us if you miss us. I love you too baby." Tiffany kissed and hugged her daughter tightly.

"It looks like you're sending our daughter to the airport." Taeyeon jokes.

" Shut up."

" Just kidding baby~ it's just only for 3 days. "

" I'll miss our daughter."

" I'll miss her too. But look on the bright side, we're alone for 3 days." Taeyeon moved her eyebrows up and down and her lips. "You can be as loud as you can." She whispered.

Tiffany flirty looks at her and said "That sounds so tempting but I'm on my period." And then she laughed.

" Go now so you can go home early." The ride is approximately around 2 hours.

"Okay we'll go now."

"Bye Mommy~"




In order to go to Winter's grandparents you need to ride for 10 minutes taxi, 1 hour train ride and then 20 minutes taxi and you will reach the grandparents house. But if there's traffic, you will reach approximately 2 hours.

The father and daughter are inside the train, Winter sitting beside the window because she wants to look at the scenery, her father explaining to her what this and that. When Winter got tired, she leaned into her father's arms and sleeps.

A few minutes later, they got off the train Winter needs to go to the bathroom, Taeyeon accompanied her. After that they sit for a little while on the bench and Taeyeon texted Tiffany that they got off the train. Winter asked for her milk bottle, she still sometimes drink from her milk bottle but not as often as before.

After Winter finished they hailed a taxi. Winter is so excited that every stop she will ask her Dada if they have arrived which always answered 'Not yet. '

A few minutes later, they finally arrived. The two grandparents are waiting outside their house. As the taxi stops, Taeyeon opens the door and Winter immediately jumps to her grandparents arms. She paid the taxi driver and greets the grandparents with a tight hug.

"Auntie, uncle I missed you both."

"Aish~ I told you just call us Mom and Dad. Come let's go inside."



Once inside, they sat inside the living room and eating some snacks. Winter ask her Dada's permission if she can eat the chips and the latter nods.

"She ask you permission? Wow what a good kid." Said the grandpa.

" Yeah we want her to be healthy but at the same time, she still can taste different food but not too much. Fany would say, too much is bad. "

" Yeah mothers are like that. But we fathers? Spoiled them. " They both laugh. Winter's grandma is in the kitchen cooking lunch.

" Uh oh~ Dada, diwty~." Winter showed her fingers full of cheese, her mom always said don't put your hand in your mouth because it's dirty and full of germs. Her grandpa chuckled and put out his handkerchief.

"Let grandpa wipe that honey." Winter's grandpa said and wiped her fingers.

"Thank you gwanpa!"


The grandma walks out of the kitchen, wiping her hands.

"You can put Winter's bag upstairs Taeyeon. You know the room."

" Sure thank-" Taeyeon is about to stand up but she realizes something.

"Oh shoot! I forgot Winter's bag!" Taeyeon knows where she put it and Tiffany arranges Winter's needs. She put it inside Winter's room, beside the door so they wouldn't forget it. But in the end, they forgot it or more likely she forgot it because Winter has her small bag pack consisting of her milk and a few toys. That's why she's feeling light

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Chapter 1: 😭
Chapter 1: hmmm should have next chapter on this hahaha
TaeNysmith22 #3
Chapter 1: Why last two's? 😭😭😭 make it three 😭😭😭
TaeNysmith22 #4
Chapter 1: Choose the last one taeng! Make another troublemaker I meant another beautiful daughter hahahaha
Chapter 1: Almost there Taeyeon-ah!
Maybe if you didn't forget the bag, you won't have to choose! 😁
I imagine how Winter looks here as I've been seeing baby/toddler pictures of her on Twitter. She's so cute! 🥹
I'll be waiting for your drabbles and hope you'll be able to write more! This family is too cute! ❤️
Dada, you’re dead 😅🤣🤣 aigooo wintotie 😂😂 can’t wait!
575 streak #7